Uddannelses- og Forskningsudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
FIV Alm.del Bilag 36
Session II – Digital opportunities
Concept note
According to an assessment made by the European Commission, full
implementation of the Digital Agenda – launched in March 2010 with the goal of
dragging Europe out of the crisis and preparing the EU economy for the
challenges to be faced over the next decade –
will increase Europe’s GDP by
In order to take advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital economy,
it will be necessary to strengthen investment in communication infrastructures
and networks that ensure fast, reliable and comprehensive connectivity. The
European Commission estimates that the construction of digital infrastructure
could create 1.2 million jobs.
The average speed of data transmission on mobile devices in Europe is half of
that in the United States. The US, South Korea and Japan together account for
88% of worldwide 4G mobile network subscribers, compared with just 6% for
Europe. Similarly, in Europe the amount of fibre-optic cable laid for fixed-line
networks and average broadband speeds are much lower than those of our
international competitors. In South Korea, 58% of households have fibre-optic
connections, while in Japan the figure is 43%. It is just 5% in Europe.
The Digital Agenda sets the following goals for broadband coverage:
basic broadband for all by 2013 (objective achieved);
access to new-generation networks (speeds of at least 30 Mbps) for all
European citizens by 2020. At present, 62% of European citizens are
also by 2020, at least 50% of households should have Internet
subscriptions at connection speeds higher than 100 Mbps. At present, 3%
have such subscriptions.
Therefore, enormous investment is needed to complete the infrastructure. The
European Commission estimates that between €60 billion (total coverage at 30
Mbps) and €270 billion (50% of European households with access at 100 Mbps)
will be required.