Europaudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
EUU Alm.del Bilag 448
OP 34 - CP 56, Bucureşti, România
Tel./Fax: + 40 (21) 252 56 20, 252 16 37, 252 90 00
E-mail: [email protected],
Bucharest Pride 2015
Your Excellency,
ACCEPT Association, represented by Florin Buhuceanu, Director, is honored to announce that
Bucharest Pride 2015 will be held during the May 17
- May 23
week. Bucharest Pride, now at its 11
edition, is the only festival in Romania promoting LGBTI rights. The main goal of the festival is
to raise
awareness on issues such as solidarity, societal diversity and personal involvement as key
aspects in achieving equality and true respect for human rights.
The Romanian LGBT community,
as well as other groups facing discrimination and exclusion, need visibility in order to reach the hearts
and minds of the general public. Societal acceptance and public recognition lead to empowerment, to
the feeling that this country can be a place where members of the LGBT community, as well as other
individuals facing discrimination, can be actors of change. Together, we can create a place where we can
enjoy our rights and live our lives without fear of rejection, violence and discrimination.
Bucharest Pride represents the expression of the movement for civil rights of the LGBT people in
Romania, an event which brings together
political and cultural activism.
During a week of events we
will tackle the most important issues for the LGBT community through a variety of events, such as
community building activities, film projections, art exhibits, discussions and debates.
This year in particular we would like to request your aid in promoting human rights values and
LGBT rights among the Romanian political elite. Traditionally, Romanian politicians avoid discussing LGBT
topics and lack awareness on the issues the community faces. To this end, we kindly request you extend
an invitation to political figures representing your county for joining us for Pride. During Bucharest Pride,
ACCEPT can organized a number of high level meetings between pro-LGBT rights politicians representing
your country and members of the Romanian Parliament, as well as meetings with the leadership of the
National Council for Combating Discrimination. Political socialization, we believe, is of paramount
importance in our attempt to advocate LGBT rights and reach out to the Romanian political elite. Only
with your support we can achieve true societal and political change.
Please find attached a draft schedule for your delegation. We are available for further information
at your convenience.
Kind regards,
Florin Buhuceanu, Director
ACCEPT Association
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OP 34 - CP 56, Bucureşti, România
Tel./Fax: + 40 (21) 252 56 20, 252 16 37, 252 90 00
E-mail: [email protected],
Draft Schedule May 21
– May 24
Thursday, May 21
16:00 – 20:00
Friday, May 22
09:00 – 13:00
Meeting at the Parliament with representatives of the Legal
Committee and Human Rights Committee
Meeting with National Council for Combating Discrimination
Meeting with civil society representatives and human rights
activists, members of the Anti-Discrimination Coalitions (human
rights organizations, including Roma NGOs)
13:00 – 14:00
Public panel discussions on successful ways of combating
homophobia and transphobia in area such as politics, education,
healthcare, law enforcement.
Other participants include other political figures and activists.
Meetings with several pre-selected media
Saturday, May 23
16:00 – 18:00
Sunday, May 24
Pride Parade
Meeting with ACCEPT representatives and LGBT rights activists