Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 86
16. december 2014
Response from the Danish Government to the public consultation on
the revision of the Small Business Act
The Danish Government supports a full implementation of the current
Small Business Act for Europe and finds that this should be the main fo-
cus for the Commission. Denmark however appreciates the opportunity
to set forth our views on the revision of the Small Business Act for Eu-
rope (SBA).
Denmark recognises the SBA as an important part of European SME pol-
icy and is supportive of ensuring a high level of implementation of the ten
principles in the Member States.
It is important that the SBA is updated and geared towards creating better
opportunities for growth in European SMEs. We find that several of the
Commission’s proposals for a revised SBA will contribute to this goal.
In order to strengthen the SBA’s potential for creating growth opportuni-
ties for SMEs it is necessary to make it focused, ambitious and reflecting
needs of SMEs in Europe. On these grounds, Denmark finds that the pro-
posed actions for the SBA 2015-2020 should strive for a focus on the fol-
1. Smart regulation
Denmark believes that it is of vital importance to remove unnecessary
bureaucracy through smart regulation efforts. But the efforts should not
stop here. There is also a substantial potential for reducing unnecessary
red tape through digital solutions. It should be ensured that all EU legisla-
tion is digital by default to enable digital interaction between businesses
and between businesses and the public sector. As an example, smart gov-
ernment solutions, entails a substantial potential for relieving SMEs from
their reporting and accounting obligations.
Regarding the “SME Test”, Denmark finds it important that a certain
amount of flexibility is left to the Member States regarding its implemen-
tation. The legislation processes in the Member States vary, and already