Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 81
Response from the Danish Government to the public consultation on
cross-border mergers and divisions
Denmark appreciates the opportunity to provide input to a possible
amendment of the cross-border merger directive (CBMD) and a possible
new directive on cross-border divisions.
Denmark recognises the CBMD as important for companies in the EU
when organising and restructuring companies.
From a Danish point of view it is important that the CBMD – and possi-
ble new rules on cross-border divisions – are updated and geared towards
creating better opportunities for growth in European companies. This can
be achieved by making the rules easy and cost effective to use in cross
border operations. On the other hand it is still important that creditors and
employees are adequately protected. In particular the rights of employees
to participate in the management of the company should be continued to
be safeguarded. We find that several of the possibilities mentioned by the
Commission in the consultation can help to contribute to these goals.
In order to achieve these goals Denmark finds that the future work should
focus on the following measures:
Creditor protection rules are essential, but they should be flexible,
proportionate and take into account the costs for companies. Hence,
specific rights for creditors should only be required if for example
an independent expert’s report does not verify that the interests of
the creditors of each of the merging entities are adequately protect-
Cross-border mergers between public and private limited liability
companies should be allowed. On the other hand, it can be difficult
or sometimes even impossible to merge two very different types of
organizational set ups, for example a limited liability company and
an association or a foundation. Thus, the directive should focus on
making it possible to cross-border merge different types of EU-
regulated entities.
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