Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 76
Newsletter 2014 - 6
Magnetic-train Scandinavia
In 1989 the facility was upgraded
with a new train the TR07, but the
track remains virtually unchanged,
the speed record was increased to
450km/h. Again in 1999 a new train
was introduced the TR08 , this time
the first series of production trains.
brilliant long time solution.
A new segregated high speed
transport system is needed.
Generally high speed rail-system is
considered to expensive to install
even in the more prosperous east
European states. This is partly true
due to high installation cost, but the
biggest problem is high per
passenger running cost.
Welcome to the only inter-Nordic
newsletter about magnetic-trains.
An increased number of train
operations from Oslo to Göteborg is
expected in the future. That will
probably increase the pressure on
the current infrastructure in the are.
DSB got an official report from SBB
CFF FFS about the problems
involving the IC4 trains.
“Norges Bank” have investigated
how successful of different
investments have been with further
interests in rail based transports.
Image source – Transrapid: TR08 first
production model at the test facility
EU and TEN-T is looking on a big
trans European rail network
Link Link
ThyssenKrupp have presented a
new elevator concept with maglev
based elevators that utilize there
experience with Transrapid in
creating the next generation
After a tragic high speed crash in
2006, the highest speed train crash
yet today, a large part of the system
was redesigned.
New cheaper Guidway-segments,
new more efficient power
components, a new train, non
contact power transfer, and a new
train. New Guidway-switches was
also developed but never installed.
Approximately 1.2 million km have
been traveled on the ETF and the old
switches have made about 80 000
switch overs each with out a single
Emsland Test Facility
Series – Magnetic trains around the globe
North to South EU
express line
Part 6: Local maglev systems
Most of EU have an aging rail
network that is mostly in good
condition although rather old. The
capacity is also low in large part of
EU, and freight is competing with
passenger staggering economic
This is specially true in center-east
part of Europa Eastern-German,
Poland, Austria, Czechia, Slovakia
and countries there about. The
economy is improving but is more
and more blocked by transportation
issues. Most of the issues is solved
by air traffic, but its not really a
Map of a potential center-east EU maglev
After a lot of low and high speed
testing on short tracks in the
seventies (west) German industry
and government realized that they
needed a longer testtrack so they
could test trains under high speed
and realistic conditions.
Construction started 1980 and the
first part opened 1983.In 1984 for
the first prototype of the new test
facility. The speed record was sett to
302 km/h.
In 1987 the track was lengthened
with two switched-loops that allow
train to go continuously in one
direction. The record was increased
to 413km/h.
It doesn´t matter how many travelers
do ride a HSR system the ticket price
can never be under the per seat
running cost.
With almost half the per seat running
cost the maglev train-systems
combined with high population
density in central-east Europe the
transport cost can probably be
lowered quite a lot under what is
possible with translational transport
system. Combine high density inter-
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urban travel, with high speed freight
and long distance air-travel
replacement, and there is a good
possibility of covering the expenses
of building the infrastructure.
The central and eastern Europe
have in this studdy been divided into
4 parts. North-eastern, North-
central, South-central and South-
(orange) starts
in Helsinki and ends up in Vienna
with approximately ground distance
of 1100km is by far the longest leg.
Total traveling time is between 2:10
and 3:10 depending on number of
stops. The cost is hard to
approximate in an international
environment, but with a standard
rule of thumb approximation that is
possible. The initial tunnel from
Helsinki will probably cost around
€4B, taking the shortest path over.
From Tallinn to Southern Poland its
mostly rural areas and the last leg is
mostly hilly and some part
mountainous we estimate a total
cost of just under €30B. Under
ground station will cost additional
(purple) is
suppose to connect to a yet to be
planed Danish maglev network.
Total ground distance is about
600km including 26km of under
water tunnel. Total traveling time is
1:20 to 1:50 depending on number
of stops. The German part is
surprisingly rural but the Czech part
is quite mountaineously. Tunnel cost
is probably around €3B and rail-cost
of about €17B.
(green) is about
700km ground distance. Traveling
time is 1:30 to 2:20 depending on
number of stops. No under sea
tunnels is needed but some
mountains tunnels may be needed
in the mountainous part of the alps.
Build cost is probably just over €20B
plus possible need of tunnels.
(Yellow) is about
1000km long and the traveling time
is probably 2:20 to 3:30 depending
on the number of stops. There is no
under sea tunnels needed, and
probably no mountain tunnels. Total
build cost is probably around €25B.
The total rail and tunnel cost is
probably around €100B. Trains and
stations is excluded. The cost of
local stations may be subsidized by
local government and the train
owned by the transporting
With 15% EU covering and 30%
loan a country as Lithuania may
have to pay about €1.5B up front.
For Poland the up front cost will be
about €5B, but will interconnect 5
large cities with a solid international
The investment may be payed back
with interest over a 40 year time
period. Black dashed lines represent
possible national additions.
Helsinki – Vienna: 1100km/h, 180
min with 12 stops
Copenhagen – Vienna: 600km, 92
min with 6 stops
Vienna – Napoli: 700km, 115min
with 8 stops
Bratislava – Athens: 1000km,
150min with 8 stops
A Transrapid ready to use rail segment.
heating system reduces the on board
power use to a small fraction of the
previews system. This in turn allows
for non contact inductive power
transfer,cutting down maintainers
cost to a small fraction.
The new high efficiency electronic
power converters reduces the all over
power consumption by 5-10%, this in
addition to regenerative breaking also
reducing power consumption 5-10%.
Technology explained
How does Transrapid TR09 work
Transrapid TR09 is the newest
iteration of high speed maglev
transport system from Europe. Its a
great upgrade from the trains used
at Shanghai airport with a lot of cost
and maintaining saving features. Its
also more efficient and faster.
The new system features a
integrated prefabricated rail
segment system where all the
functions are preproduced in
modules ready to place and easy to
transport. This reduces both cost
and erection time significantly.
The train have been equipped with
highly efficient optimized lifting
magnets that is not super
conducting still almost as efficient
This in combination with efficient
LED-lighting and an all new AC and
The new TR09 may not look that
difference, but there is hundreds of
aerodynamic tweaks
The new train shell is a lot more
aerodynamic and the new
undercarriage can lift an additional 10
tons per section. Everything adds
efficiency and push down cost. The
new system uses less power, is about
30% cheaper to build and cutting
down track maintenance cost to just
over one quarter relative to medium
speed train systems.
TR09 is a huge upgrade over the
system that is available in Shanghai.
Contact Denmark and Norway:
Ole Rasmussen
Contact Sweden:
Mattias Svederberg