Erhvervs-, Vækst- og Eksportudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
ERU Alm.del Bilag 100
Newsletter 2014 - 7
Magnetic-train Scandinavia
Rio de Janeiro
University maglev
demonstration track
Series – Magnetic trains around the globe
Welcome to the only inter-Nordic
newsletter about magnetic-trains.
Change of plans and increasing
uncertainty surrounding the
“västlänken”. Also increasing
questioning how Copenhagen to
Oslo train will traverse the tunnel.
IC4 assessments by Prose the
report is very important in the
Danish press. More and more
aspects shows weaknesses and
errors that were not expected of a
so new train is identified
The DK IC4 report given several
politicians and DK industry
significant worries (link
1 and 2)
“Togfonden” (the train foundation) in
DK which would update large parts
of the rail network – suffering due to
that financing predicted oil price of
$131. A new railway bridge “Velje
fjord” is also meting significant
public resistance.
The track was demonstrated on the
world maglev conformance earlier
this year to great success
trains consist of very short module,
only about 2 meters a piece. Several
modules have been made and tested
in different configurations
This track is very similar to the
ambitious Chinese long tearm
demonstrator for very high speed
maglev, around 3000km/h. But the
Cobra system is a lot more mature
and its almost ready for real life use.
When Brazil started the preparation
for the
Olympic Games 2016
it was
obvious that more public transport
was needed, one concept that was
put forward was a maglev link linking
the southern large cities.
A permanent magnet test-track was
developed in 2012 named the cobra.
To the maglev conference in Rio
2014 was expanded to a full scale
demonstration track.
New technology could make new
opportunity for industry producing
components. There is a lot of heavy
industry in Scandinavia that produces
component that might be suitable for
maglev train system, hightech as well
as lowtech components.
What secondary advantages can we
expect from a maglev network.
New DC power-grid
With a advance high voltage cable
channel a DC grid can be added for
low extra cost. With no extra digging
or corridor cost DC power can be
added for basicly just the cost of the
The availability of high power DC/DC
and DC/AC converter may be the
install boast to make a DC grid more
available and affordable. Once built it
will be almost maintenance free. This
give the region a future huge
advantages in grid stability and
Nano-tubes and Grafen
Carbon Nano-tubes is currently being
developed for industrial use, Grafen
is flowing right behind. With either or
both technology’s weight can be
reduces, carry capacity can be
increase and power consumption can
be reduced.
Maglev railway is a very high value
customer and will probably stimulate
development in the area as well as
act as a high volume high payoff first
large and medium scale customer.
Initially high value components on
board the train, i.e. induction
receivers may be implemented,
secondly high value and larger
volume lifting-magnets, and finally
medium value and high volume long-
stator driving magnets may be the
first high volume product.
The EU has made a major new
growth plan. The schedule listed
A large first initial list of potential EU
support projects have been
prepared, and magnetic train group
has initiated dialogue with the
parties involved in this process.
The list contains many railway and
highway projects are now focusing
on getting supplied with analysis and
feasibility study projects on,
including maglev-train system.
Initially supplying with a list of
possible project and technologies to
The initial work is characterized by
that not many in the sector knows
about maglev-technology and the
benefits it can provide for the Nordic
countries and the EU.
Image source: magnetbahnforum. The
demonstration-track in Rio de Janeiro
The track is only a few 100meter
long, but fully functional complete
with a selection of short trains. Top
speed is limited by the short
distance, but the system designed
for 70-100km/h top speed. A larger
system with intercity top speeds is
under development.
Link Link2
Maglev in the future
2015-2035 development
We are rapidly approaching a new
year. With a new year there is
expectations and anticipation of
new technology.
Imagesource: Wikimedia.
Carbon nano tubes
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Newsletter 2014 - 7
Magnetic-train Scandinavia
Similar to the SC-maglev the
superconductor is onbord the train
reducing the amount of cooling
The superconductor is embedded in
efficient thermal isolation reducing
the amount of cooling needed.
New factory in Scandinavia
With a future network expansion
and aging of the system the trains
will need to be replaced and the
performance may be increased.
Maglev trains is considered very
high value but relatively low
volume. A maglev-car is about 3-4
time the value of a high speed
one, but does 3-4 the amount of
work. This makes it harder for
Asian high volume producers to
compete with high quality and
value Scandinavian producers,
giving local companies a future
possible edge.
Expanding job market
With shorter travel time and lower
traveling cost expand the job
market. This not only makes it
easier to find job and housing, but
also makes it easier for medium
and small city companies to find
high skill-level employers that
have a possibility to commute.
Business traveler that use to take
half a week may only take half a
day, decreasing allowance for
business travelers and increasing
productivity. Low cost per square
meter may also make it possible
for traveler to work in first class to
do classified work securely and
safely with low risk of espionage.
New, green, frequent and high
speed travel
With low cost and high speed
there may be a large scale switch
from air travel to rail travel leisure
travelers This may decrease the
amount of energy needed quite
significantly. The energy need is
slashed by a order of magnitude
compared to best case air travel.
Inner city environment may also
be significantly improved due to
direct intercity connection making
connecting by taxi obsolete
High strength concrete
Future maglev building will push
the envelope of whats possible,
spawning new building
technologies due to high value
infrastructure. This is only possible
due to maglev because small
maintenance cost makes more
funds available to new projects.
This combined with ultra-quite
community traffic allows for a
complete rethink of intercity urban
areas with dens planing and fast
accessible travel.
New power electronics
Maglev technology will further
boost innovation the development
of high voltage high amperage
power electronics. Even a small
saving in power consumption frees
up large amount of funds for new
and better components.
Every new generation will free up
further amount of funds to develop
the next one. The main loss in a
maglev system is located in the
power electronics
The upside to this inefficiency is
that there is a huge margin for
improvement in the power
electronics. Making the system
even more power efficient than
today and in the process
supporting our local industries.
Image source: Rio de Janero Federal
University. Cross section of the Cobra
Technology explained
How does maglev Cobra works
Maglev Cobra is the system
developed in Brazil. The system is
technically a permanent magnet
super conducting static suspension
In contrast to Japanese SC-maglev,
the Cobra just uses the
superconducting material as a block
taking advantages of the Meissner
Meisner effect in action. A permanent
magnet floating over a superconductor
The track uses several rows of
permanent magnets. The magnets is
organized in a pattern called Halbach
array focusing the magnetic field, in
turn nearly half the need of
expensive permanent magnets,
reducing the cost significantly.
Because the track uses permanent
magnets and the train uses
superconductors no power is needed
for the track or the train, they are
both totally passive, making the
levitation system very efficient, using
not power what so ever.
The down side is that there is no
propulsion system. So a secondary
system, a normal LIM-system, is
installed to propel the train. Because
of the train uses only passive
technology its really light, reducing
the need for high power to propel the
train. Square meter by square meter
a fully functioning Cobra train is
calculated to be about 1/3 of the
weight of a high speed maglev train
and about 1/5 of a conventional high
speed train. The payload can be as
high as 50% of the total mass of the
The cobra could be a efficient fast
ultra-quite and relatively cost efficient
alternative to trams in most of
Contact Denmark and Norway:
Ole Rasmussen
Contact Sweden:
Mattias Svederberg