Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2014-15 (1. samling)
BEU Alm.del Bilag 69
Calendar of events to be held within the parliamentary dimension of
the Latvian Presidency of the Council of the European Union
1 January – 30 June 2015
1–2 February
4 February 2015
Meeting of the Chairpersons of
Interparliamentary Conference under
Article 13 of the Treaty on Stability,
Coordination and Governance in the
Economic and Monetary Union
Meeting of the Chairpersons of the
Committees on Employment and
Social Affairs
Interparliamentary Conference for the
Common Foreign and Security Policy
(CFSP) and the Common Security
and Defence Policy (CSDP)
Meeting of the Chairpersons of the
Committees on the Economic and
Digital Affairs
Plenary meeting of the LIII COSAC
Saeima of the Republic of Latvia,
Plenary Chamber
European Parliament, Brussels
22–23 February
4 – 6 March 2015
Saeima of the Republic of Latvia,
Plenary Chamber
Ķīpsala International Exhibition
Centre, Riga
19–20 April 2015
Saeima of the Republic of Latvia,
Plenary Chamber
Ķīpsala International Exhibition
Centre, Riga
31 May – 2 June