Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del
Travel Policy for Members ofthe Governance Organs of the GGGI
VERSION CONTROLFirst Approved:Current Version:Past Revisions:Review Cycle:Effective Date:01N/AAnnualDate of Approval____________________________Howard BamseyDirector-GeneralAuthorization:(Director-General)
Terms and Conditions for Travel of the Governance Organs of the GGGI
To ensure transparency in budget allocation and disbursement, and to apply efficient use offunds, the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) Secretariat (the “Secretariat”) will applythe following terms and conditions for travel of the governance organs of the GGGI (the“Terms and Conditions”).These Terms and Conditions will be the basis for provision of the support that the Secretariatshall provide to the Assembly, Council, Advisory Committee, Sub-Committees andsubsidiary organs of the GGGI (the “Governance Organ”). The relevant GovernanceOrgans are those as stated in the Agreement of the Establishment of the Global Green GrowthInstitute, the Privileges and Immunities Committee of the Assembly, as well as othercommittees, sub-committees or subsidiary organs that may be created by the Assembly or theCouncil in the future.This Terms and Conditions shall apply to all sessions of the Assembly and Council andmeetings of the Advisory Committee, Sub-Committees and subsidiary organs, except forinformal gatherings.Definitions of the President of the Assembly, Chair of the Council, Contributing Members,Participating Members, Non-State Actors, Experts, Advisory Committees, Sub-Committeesand subsidiary organs are as presented to the Agreement on the Establishment of the GlobalGreen Growth Institute.For the purposes of this policy, the Director-General is considered an employee of the GGGIand not a Member of the Council, and is therefore subject to the GGGI Human ResourcesStaff Regulations.I. Coverage1. The Secretariat shall support travel and accommodation to sessions and meetings of theGovernance Organs to the bureau of the Council and the Assembly as follows:a. ThePresident of the Assembly (President)andChair of the Council (Chair)andone accompanying person, as indicated in c. below.b. The Vice-President of the Assembly or the Vice-Chair of the Council if he or she isacting on behalf of the President or the Chair, at the same level.c. One (1) accompanying person (e.g., advisor or aide to the President) at the same levelas the entourage from Participating Members, unless they are a GGGI staff member,or have a separate contract or written agreement with the Secretariat, whereas theywill follow the GGGI Staff Regulations or contract. As indicated below, GGGI willnot provide travel support for representatives of OECD countries.2. The Secretariat shall support travel and accommodation forParticipating Members andExpert/Non-state Actorsto sessions and meetings of their respective organs, includingSub-Committees, as follows:a. One (1) head of delegation from each Participating Country and Expert/Non-stateActor.2
b. One (1) accompanying person from each Participating Member.c. Notwithstanding the above, the Secretariat shallnotprovide support for travel andaccommodation to representatives from countries that are members of the OECD.d. Experts/Non-state actors serve in their personal capacity. The GGGI will providesupport for the Expert/Non-state actor but not for accompanying persons, except inthe case where an Expert/Non-state actor is serving as chair of the GGGI Council.3. The Secretariat shall support members of theAdvisory Committee,and other SubsidiaryOrgans as follows:a. The Secretariat shall provide support to cover travel and accommodation for up to one(1) head of delegation from each Participating Member, and for Non-StateActors/Experts.b. The Secretariat shall provide financial support for up to one (1) accompanying personfrom each Participating Member.c. Other entourage(s) or accompanying family member(s) shallnotbe covered by theSecretariat.II. Fares1. Departure and arrival country shall be based on the resident country, unlessotherwise agreed between the Member and Secretariat.2. Wherever possible, the air ticket issued shall be at a price less than the fulleconomy/business class fare for the customary direct route.3. Fees incurred due to cancellation of or changes in issued tickets shall be covered bythe Secretariat. Written documentation stating the reasons for the cancellation orchange shall be provided to the Secretariat by the respective party.4. The classification for support by the Secretariat shall be as follows:a.b.c.d.President and Chair: Up to business class, round tripHead of delegation from Participating Members: Up to business class, round tripNon-state/Experts: Up to business class, round tripEntourage for the President, Chair and Participating Members: Up to economyclass, round trip
III. Accommodation1. The Secretariat shall select the nearest hotel(s) from the venue of the event. In thecase that the Member chooses to stay in a different hotel(s), the Secretariat shall onlyprovide up to the rate of the hotel(s) chosen by the Secretariat. Unless otherwiseagreed, breakfast and internet charges will be included in the rate.2. Unless otherwise agreed, the Secretariat shall provide financial support for up to one(1) night prior and one (1) night after the date of the Governance Organ venue.3. Unless otherwise agreed, the Secretariat shallnotprovide financial support for:3
a. Additional charges for early check-in and late check-out;b. Charges including, but not limited to, dry cleaning, room service, mini-bar, othermeals or drinks, etc.c. Expenses for accommodation and other charges during layovers on travel to orfrom the Governance Organ venue.d. Fees incurred due to cancellation of or changes in booked accommodation shallbe covered by the Secretariat. Written documentation stating the reasons for thecancellation or change shall be provided to the Secretariat by the respective party.4. The classification for support by the Secretariat shall be as follows:a.b.c.d.President and Chair: up to 1 Deluxe levelHead of delegation from Participating Members: up to 1 Deluxe levelNon-State Actors/Experts: up to 1 Deluxe levelEntourage for the President, Chair and Participating Members: 1 Standard(single) Room
IV. Ground Transportation1. Ground transportation shallnotbe provided to or from a Governance venue, unlessthere is a written or explicit request and upon agreement by the Secretariat.2. Ground transportation, when provided, shall be based upon the following:a. President and Chair: Upon request, up to one (1) sedan shall be provided betweenairport – hotel – Governance Organ venuesb. Head of delegation from Participating Members: Upon request, up to one (1)sedan shall be provided between airport – hotel – venue(s)c. Non-State Actors/Experts: Upon request, up to one (1) sedan shall be providedbetween airport – hotel – venue(s)For avoidance of misunderstanding, the Secretariat shallnotprovide ground transportationfor representatives of Contributing Members or the Host Country.V. Informal GatheringsIn view of the informal character of these gatherings, which are generally held on occasion ofother international conferences, the Secretariat shallnotcover air fares, accommodation andground transportation, unless otherwise decided by the Director-General.VI. Visa Issuance FeesThe Secretariat shall reimburse fees incurred related to visa issuance by ParticipatingMembers to participate in Governance Organ sessions upon request.VII.Travel Insurance
The Secretariat shall not provide travel insurance to the Governance Organs of the GGGI,unless otherwise agreed by the Director-General.
VIII. Daily Allowance and HonorariaThe Secretariat shall not provide daily allowance or honoraria or other similar forms ofcompensation in relation to the specific Governance event to any Member of the GovernanceOrgan, unless otherwise specified.IX.Exceptions
Exceptions to the above conditions may be made by the Director-General as needed.