7. november 2014 15:12
Mads Kirkegaard
EUK; Udenrigsministeriet; Jens Godtfredsen; Sofie Linde; Anne Dorte Riggelsen; Paris, Poløk
Paris: Svar på annmodning om indberetning vedrørende tilsyn med sundhedspersoner
Paris: Svar på anmodning om indberetning vedrørende tilsyn med sundhedspersoner
EUK Instruktion af 9. oktober 2014 82.Fra.1.PAR
I Frankrig er tilsynsrådene inden for sundhedssektoren finansieret af de respektive faglige foreninger, som ikke
modtager tilskud fra hverken staten, regionerne eller departementerne. Ved budgetlægningen fastsættes
medlemsbidraget, som er obligatorisk for det enkelte medlem i relation til at kunne udøve den pågældende
Ambassaden har talt med Guy Boudet, kontorchef for udøvelse, deontologi og faglig udvikling inden for
sundhedssektoren i Ministeriet for sociale anliggender, sundhed og ligestilling, som desuden har sendt følgende
supplerende informationer om de faglige foreninger i den franske sundhedssektor:
→ In the health field, France has 7 professional Chambers which include pharmacists, doctors, midwives, dentists,
physiotherapists, nurses and podiatrists.
Chambers are required by law to fulfill public service missions. They have to ensure respect of professional duties and to
provide protection of the integrity and independence of the profession. These authorities ensure that the practice
conditions laid down by the legislator are implemented by professionals. They are also qualified to represent their health
professionals with the public authorities.
In order to work in their profession, health professionals mentioned above must be registered on the register of their
Chamber or they can be condemned by the disciplinary chambers independently of civil or penal actions which can be
conducted in this situation.
Each chamber has disciplinary chambers whose the job is to regulate compliance with the professional and ethical duties
set out in the French public health code for each health professional. Disciplinary action is initiated by lodging a complaint,
most of the time by patients, but it could be by the minister for health or by another authority. The disciplinary chambers
can declare penalties (as prohibition of practicing or warning) or acquit the professional.
These authorities are funded essentially by the subscriptions of their health professionals.
Here is an overview of the number of health professionals by profession in 2014 (sources DREES 2014):
- Chambers of pharmacists include 71.930 pharmacists
- Chambers of doctors include 276.354 doctors
- Chambers of midwives include 19.764 midwives
- Chambers of dentists include 40.335dentists
- Chambers of physiotherapists include 78.061 physiotherapists
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