Miljøudvalget 2013-14
MIU Alm.del
Danish Ministryof the EnvironmentMr. Hendrick KerlenWestermarkelsdorf 12aD-23769 FehmarnGermanyMinisterfor the environment
1 7FEB. 2014
Dear Hendrick Kerlen,Thank you for your letter of 14 February 2014 in which you ask for the currentstatus on the German responses to the public hearing of the Femarn Belt Project.The Danish Ministry of Transport is responsible for the dossier and they haveinformed me the following:"The Danish Ministry of Transport and Femern A/S are in the process ofcarefully assessing all of the comments submitted in the Danish Espooconsultation process.The results and conclusions will be described in a report. The report can beexpected later this year but at the moment it is not possible to give an exactdate."
loursKirsten Brosbøl
Ministry of the Environment • Børsgade 4 • DK-1215 Københav-n K Denmark
Tel +45 72 54 60 00 • Fax +45 33 32 22 27 • CVR12854358 • EAN 5798000862005 • [email protected] •