Udvalget for Fødevarer, Landbrug og Fiskeri 2013-14
FLF Alm.del
Commissioner Joaquín AlmuniaEuropean Commission1049 Bruxelles/BrusselBELGIQUE/BELGIË
Dear Commissioner,I have recently replaced Mr. Martin Lidegaard as the Danish Minister forClimate, Energy and Building. In his place, I wish to thank you for theconstructive meeting on 22 January at the World Economic Forum in Davos,where Mr. Lidegaard and you discussed the Commission’s Draft Guidelines onEnvironmental and Energy Aid for the period 2014-2020.To follow up on the discussion about the reservations we have in Denmark ofapplying carbon leakage as the sole criterion in order to compensate someenterprises for the additional costs incurred by the funding support for electricityfrom renewable sources, I attach a memo that adresses this specific issue. Thememo also outlines a policy proposal for suitable amendments to theCommission’s draft guidelines.It is not only a problem for Denmark. Other Member States also finance theexpansion of renewable energy sources by a fee, putting enterprises at arelative disadvantage compared to their European counterparts, where thetransition is funded by the fiscal budget.I believe it is the objective of the European common market to provide theframework for competition on equal terms, and Member States shouldaccordingly have the opportunity to partially compensate industries that areparticularly affected by the funding of renewable energy support for some ofthese additional costs in order to restore competition.I hope that you will carefully consider the proposed amendments to the DraftGuidelines on Environmental and Energy Aid. This will also be included in theDanish consultation response later this month.In Davos, it was agreed to have a follow-up meeting in response to the issuesraised in the attached memo. I will be looking forward to this meeting and I willin the meantime be at your disposal for any inquiry or question you may have.Yours sincerely,


Rasmus Helveg PetersenAttached: Memo on the problems of applying the carbon leakage criteria in theguidelines on environmental and energy aid for 2014-2020 and policy proposals forsuitable amendments to the Commission’s draft guidelines