Beskæftigelsesudvalget 2013-14
BEU Alm.del
Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
Unemployment benefit (Arbeitslosengeld):
The unemployed person must
* be unemployed, capable of work and willing
to work,
* be at the disposal of the job office,
* may not have exhausted the duration of
Unemployment assistance (Notstandshilfe):
Additionally, the unemployed person must
have exhausted the right to unemployment
benefit and be in a state of need.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment:
Where a job offer or reintegration measure is
turned down, the entitlement is suspended
during six weeks, loss of entitlement for
repeated refusals.
Partial/temporary unemployment: No sanction
In case of providing false information,
concealing material facts or if undue receipt of
benefits was identified the unemployment
benefit (Arbeitslosengeld) is to be refunded.
Compliance with all reporting requirements is
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* To be involuntarily unemployed;
* to be without work;
* to be registered as jobseeker;
* to be fit for work;
* to be available for the labour market;
* to be aged between 18 and 65;
* to be actively seeking work;
* to reside in Belgium;
* to be without remuneration.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
* Obligation to pay back any undue amount;
* exclusion during the whole period of
unavailability for the labour market;
* exclusion in case of non cooperation during
a specific procedure of active search of a job
or during an outplacement;
* administrative sanctions are pronounced by
the Unemployment Office: in case of slight
mistake from 1 to 26 weeks of suspension; if
repeated, the penalty is doubled. Otherwise,
possibility of warning or of total or partial
suspension. In case of heavy mistake, from 4
to 52 weeks of suspension; if repeated,
possibility to loose rights with the obligation of
satisfying again the conditions for eligibility
(see above, "Total unemployment, 1.
Conditions, Qualifying period");
* penal sanctions.
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* to be unemployed either voluntarily or
* not working, i.e. not performing any labour
activity that requires compulsory insurance;
* to be registered as unemployed with their
territorial branch of the Employment Agency
(Аге�½ция по заетостта) and to be at the
disposal of the employment office;
* to be available and actively searching for
work, i.e. to behave in a way which will not
cause the termination of the registration at the
employment office (see “Sanctions”);
* no entitlement to a pension for old-age, an
early occupational pension or an old-age
pension granted in another country.
There are no conditions relating to age,
enrolment in education, ability to work and –
for EU/EEA citizens – residence or citizenship.
Payment of the benefit is terminated upon
termination of the registration with the
Employment Agency (Аге�½ция по заетостта).
The Employment Agency terminates the
registration if the person:
* does not follow the recommendations of the
employment intermediary or the actions,
terms and visit schedule included in the Action
* does not report to Employment Agency
when invited or within 3 days thereafter;
* changes address without notification to the
Employment Agency;
* declines a proposed job offer which is
deemed appropriate for the person;
* refuses to take part in employment and/or
training programmes;
* decides to terminate his/her participation in
a training programme.
Any person who makes/confirms a falsehood
or hides the truth in a written declaration or
message sent through electronic channels
which is to be submitted to an authority in
order to certify the truth shall be sentenced to
imprisonment up to 3 years or fined from
BGN 100 (€51) to BGN 300 (€153) (criminal
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
Claimants must be:
* involuntarily unemployed, i.e. they should
not have lost their job by their own fault or by
agreement with the employer,
* capable of work,
* active job seekers and available for
* aged between 15 and 65 years, and
* registered with the Croatian Employment
Service (Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje)
within the legal deadline.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Administrative measures: suspension or
termination of the benefit payments and
obligation to refund but no criminal penalties.
Payments of benefits to the beneficiary shall
be discontinued or shall be terminated in cases
prescribed by law (e.g. if the beneficiary fails
to report to the Croatian Employment Service
(Hrvatski zavod za zapošljavanje) once a
month; if he or she is found to work without
an attestation, a contract or a decision on
which his or her work is based; if he or she
refuses to accept jobs offered; if he or she
does not fulfil conditions concerning active job
seeking and availability for work).
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* To be voluntarily or involuntarily
* not working;
* not engaged in work that earns more than
1/12 of the amount of the basic insurable
earnings (Βασικές Ασφαλιστέες Αποδοχές)
(€14.53 per day for 2013);
* to be registered as job seeker and to be at
the disposal of the employment office;
* to be registered as unemployed at the
District Social Insurance Office and to report
on a regular basis;
* to be capable for work;
Administrative penalties such as:
* Suspension or disqualification of benefit (if
the employee is dismissed due to his/her fault
or refuses to take on a specified job),
* suspension of benefit (when investigation of
the applicant’s claim is being processed),
* refund of benefit (when the applicant was
not entitled to the whole or part of the
Criminal penalties after a court’s decision such
* Imprisonment up to 3 years,
* penalty up to €8,500, or
* both of the above.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
Czech Republic
* No working activity,
* not studying,
* registered as a jobseeker with the Regional
Branch of the Labour Office,
* not receiving an old-age pension,
* the payment of unemployment benefits shall
be postponed for the period for which there is
the legal entitlement to severance pay. (If the
employer did not pay the severance pay, the
Labour Office of the Czech Republic provides
compensation for unpaid severance pay, and
subsequently recovers it from the employer),
* no right to unemployment benefits if the
In case of infringement of the conditions, the
jobseeker is suspended from the regional
labour register. A new registration is possible
after 6 months. No right to be registered as a
jobseeker in case the unemployed person quits
(without any serious reason or on the basis of
agreement with the employer) the suitable
employment mediated by the Regional Branch
of the Labour Office, or if the suitable
employment mediated by the Regional Branch
of the Labour Office was terminated by the
employer due to a breach of obligations arising
from the legal regulation pertinent to his/her
job in an especially gross manner.
Illegally claimed benefits have to be paid back.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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* No working activity;
* No formal educational activity;
* Registered as job seeker and at the disposal
of the employment office;
* Capable of working;
* Available for the labour market;
* Age between 18-65 years;
* Actively seeking employment and co-
operating with the employment office to build
up an individual action plan;
* Residing in Denmark.
Fraud against an unemployment insurance
fund, which leads to incorrect payment of
unemployment benefits, will be sanctioned
with suspension and if the fraud is repeated,
expulsion out of the fund.
Failure to collaborate with the employment
service can lead to suspension of
unemployment benefits for a certain period.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
Unemployment Insurance Benefit
* to be involuntarily unemployed,
* to have no working activity or other
equivalent activity,
* to be registered as unemployed with the
Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Eesti
* to be fit for work and otherwise not
prevented from taking a suitable work,
* to be available for work,
* aged between 16 and pensionable age,
except persons on pre-retirement pension,
Unemployment Insurance Benefit
Payment is discontinued if the person does
not attend the local employment office at least
once every 30 calendar days or refuses an
offer of a suitable work, in these cases
however the person may further receive the
unemployment allowance (töötutoetus).
If a recipient knowingly submits incorrect
information or fails to notify circumstances
which affect his or her entitlement, the
Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund (Eesti
Töötukassa) will reclaim the benefit from the
beneficiary. The Fund can do so in one time or
according to a repayment profile agreed with
the person concerned. If the person does not
repay the sums paid without legal basis, an
official order will be issued. In the case of
failure to comply with the official order, the
Estonian Unemployment Insurance Fund may
issue an official order for compulsory
execution pursuant to the procedure provided
for in the Code of Enforcement Procedure
(Täitemenetluse seadustik).
Unemployment allowance (töötutoetus):
Payment is terminated if the person:
* fails to appear for a visit at the Estonian
Unemployment Insurance Fund for the second
* fails to comply with the individual action
plan or to accept suitable work for the second
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* To be involuntarily unemployed;
* Not working;
* To register as a job seeker and to be at the
disposal of the employment office;
* To be capable for work;
* To be available for full time work;
* Age between 17-64;
* To be actively seeking employment;
* To be resident.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
If the jobseeker refuses a job or declines
training or has been on the labour market for
less than 6 weeks during the last 6 months
without a valid reason he/she is not entitled to
a benefit for 60 days.
The unemployment benefit is not paid for 15
days if the jobseeker fails to attend the
appointment for making a job-seeking plan or
its updating.
Obligation to pay back any undue amount.
Administrative and criminal penalties are
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
Unemployment insurance (assurance
a) not to have left previous employment
voluntary, without good cause;
b) to be effectively and permanently looking
for work;
c) to be registered as jobseeker and to
conform to a personalised back-to-work action
d) to be physically able to work;
e) not to have reached the statutory
retirement age (between 60 and 62).
However, the indemnity is maintained (within
the limit of its maximum duration) until the
person reaches the age for entitlement to full
Possibility of temporary or definitive
suspension of benefits if there is no active
search for a work.
In case of fraud, reimbursement of the sums
unduly received and possibility of penal
sanctions in case of false or dishonest
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
Unemployment insurance
An employed person is considered to be
unemployed if he or she
* is not engaged in an employment
relationship (without work),
* takes an effort to put an end to this situation
(efforts of his or her own) and
* is available for the placement efforts
undertaken by the employment agency
The person's employment, self-employment or
activity as collaborating family member does
not rule out that the person is without work if
the time of the work or activity performed is
less than 15 hours per week.
Under certain circumstances, entitlement to
unemployment benefit (Arbeitslosengeld),
partial unemployment benefit
(Teilarbeitslosengeld), short-time working
allowance (Kurzarbeitergeld) and seasonal
short-time working allowance (Saison-
Kurzarbeitergeld) is suspended during 12
weeks (i.e. unemployment caused by the
person) and for up to 12 weeks in the event of
an unjustified refusal of a suitable job.
Basic security benefits for jobseekers
(Grundsicherung für Arbeitsuchende):
Sanctions possible for capable beneficiaries
who do not make an effort to participate in the
labour market or do not accept a suitable
employment. Reduction of the unemployment
benefit II (Arbeitslosengeld II) by 30% of the
relevant normal requirements (Regelbedarfe)
for three months if the beneficiary fails to
comply with his or her duties for the first time
and by further 30% of the relevant normal
requirements if the beneficiary fails to comply
with his or her duties for a second time. In the
case of repeated failure of the beneficiary
within a 12-month-period the unemployment
benefit II will cease. Additional benefits in kind
can be provided to a reasonable extent.
Stricter sanctions for capable beneficiaries
aged between 16 and 25 years if they fail to
comply with their duties.
Recovery in case of undue receipt of benefits.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* To be unemployed involuntarily;
* not to be working for more than 3 days a
week, or 12 days a month;
* to be registered at an employment exchange
and to be at the disposal of the exchange;
* to be capable of and available for work.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment:
The unemployment benefit is suspended when
the beneficiary does not react after 3 calls
from the employment agency for a job offer or
for a vocational training opportunity.
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* Being a job-seeker (to be voluntarily or
involuntarily unemployed, not being a full-time
* no entitlement for old-age pension,
rehabilitation annuity (rehabilitációs jaradék)
or benefits for persons with changed working
capacity (megváltozott munkaképességű
személyek ellátásai),
* seeking employment (to be available for full
time work and to be registered as a job-
* co-operation with the labour centre.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Payment of Job-seeker Benefit (Álláskeresési
járadék) and Job-seeker Aid Before Pension
(Nyugdíj előtti álláskeresési segély) should be
terminated if the job-seeker:
A. ceases to be registered as a result of:
* non-fulfilment of the conditions for granting
the Job-seeker Benefit (see “Total
unemployment, 1. Conditions, Main
* non-compliance with the obligation to
attend the meetings scheduled by the labour
* failure to accept an appropriate job offer by
the labour centre;
* failure to enrol in a free training course or
to participate in an employment facilitating
labour market programme.
B. fails to report to the labour centre that
(s)he pursues a gainful activity.
Payment of Job-seeker Benefit (Álláskeresési
járadék) and Job-seeker Aid Before Pension
(Nyugdíj előtti álláskeresési segély) is
terminated if the job-seeker:
* so requests,
* becomes entitled to benefits for persons
with changed working capacity (megváltozott
munkaképességű személyek ellátásai),
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* Unemployed (voluntarily or involuntarily);
* not entitled to wages or other remuneration
for working activity;
* capable for ordinary work in general;
* available for the labour market without any
* age between 18 and 69 years;
* registered with the Directorate of Labour
* actively seeking work;
* residence and stay in Iceland.
The following may result in the forfeiture of
benefit rights for a certain period:
* The unemployed does not comply with an
employment search schedule.
* The unemployed does not come to a
scheduled interview at the Directorate of
Labour (Vinnumálastofnun).
* Refusal of an offer of work made through the
Directorate of Labour (Vinnumálastofnun).
* The unemployed gives incorrect or
misleading information or conceals information
concerning his circumstances.
If the beneficiary forfeits his/her benefit rights
after having received benefits for 30 months a
new benefit period can only commence after
24 months, during which there must be 6
months of employment.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Insurance and Assistance:
* Is involuntarily unemployed;
* is not a full-time student;
* is registered as a jobseeker;
* is capable for work;
* is available for full-time work;
* is aged between 18 and 66 or, with certain
limited exceptions in receipt of another welfare
benefit or pension;
* is actively seeking work.
Insurance and Assistance:
Persons who fail to satisfy the main conditions
for payment may have their payment reduced
or withdrawn.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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* To be involuntarily unemployed,
* not engaged in work for more than 5
consecutive days;
* to be capable of work;
* to be available for the employment office;
* not benefiting from any other pension
* no income higher than the personal annual
taxable limit;
* claim to be presented within 2 months (98
days in case of dismissal without notice).
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Suspension of benefits in case of voluntary
unemployment (refusal of an appropriate job)
or in case of refusal to attend recycling
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* Is voluntarily or involuntarily unemployed;
* is not working (is not considered to be an
employee or a self-employed person in
accordance with the Law on State Social
* is not acquiring a basic or secondary
education on a full-time basis;
* is registered as unemployed with the State
Employment Agency (Nodarbinātības valsts
* is able to work and ready to enter into
labour relations immediately;
* has reached 15 years of age but has not
Withholdings of Unemployment Benefit
(Bezdarbnieka pabalsts) in accordance with
decisions of the court and other institutions
(officials). The amount of the benefit which
has been overpaid shall be withheld if:
* it was overpaid due to fault by unemployed
* the unemployed person has provided false or
incomplete information, and
* the unemployed person has not informed the
authorities of any changes in circumstance
affecting his entitlement to a benefit. In this
case monthly withholdings shall not exceed
10% of the payable benefit and any amounts
withheld shall be remitted to the Special
Employment Budget.
If the person fails to cooperate with the
employment services twice (e.g. he/she
refuses suitable job offers twice), the status of
unemployed person and the payment of the
Unemployment benefit shall be terminated.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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The unemployed is entitled to unemployment
benefit (Arbeitslosenentschädigung) if he or
* is totally or partially unemployed,
* has suffered an accreditable loss of work,
* has completed the obligatory education and
is neither of the age to be entitled to a proper
old-age pension under the Old-age and
Survivors' Insurance Act (Gesetz über die
Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung,
AHVG) nor in actual receipt of an old-age
pension under the AHVG,
* registers in person with the Office for
economic affairs on the first day as of which he
or she claims unemployment benefit and as
Cessation of entitlement to unemployment
benefit (Arbeitslosenentschädigung) in case
* voluntary unemployment (i.e. refusing a
decent job),
* insufficient personal efforts,
* unfulfilling the control obligations or non-
respect of the instructions given by the Office
for economic affairs,
* giving false or incomplete information or
infringement of the information and
declaration requests in any other way,
* unjustified receipt or attempted receipt of
daily cash benefits.
The cessation lasts for each violation between
5 and 60 days depending on the type of
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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* to be voluntary or involuntary unemployed;
* no working activity; also implies situation "is
not a full-time (day-time course) student";
* to be capable for work;
* to be available to Employment service;
* to be of working age (from 16 to the age of
old-age pension established by the Law on
State Social Insurance Pensions; i.e. 16-60
years and 4 months for women and 16-62
years and 8 months for men);
* no pension entitlement;
* to register with the local office of Lithuanian
No payment of Unemployment Insurance
Benefit (Nedarbo draudimo išmoka) if a
* rejected an offered job appropriate to
his/her professional competence, health state
and in appropriate distance from home;
* refused to participate in the active labour
market policy measures planned in the
individual action plan without justifiable
* did not visit a local office of Lithuanian
Labour Exchange (Lietuvos darbo birža) in
time defined to him/her to apply the offered
job or to participate in ALMP (active labour
market policies) without justifiable reason;
* refused to pass a health test to define
his/her availability for work.
In case of fraud the sanction is the
termination of entitlement to Unemployment
Insurance Benefit and of the registration in a
local office of Lithuanian Labour Exchange.
Also the person cannot register again for a
period of 6 months.
Sanctions are not taken in case of justifiable
reasons defined by the Law (e.g. natural
disaster, an accident, death of parents,
children or spouse and etc.).
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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* To be involuntarily unemployed,
* work not permitted, unless part-time and
with anti-accumulation rules applying,
* to be registered as jobseeker,
* to be fit to work,
* to be available for work,
* to be aged between 16 and 65,
* to accept suitable employment or an active
measure offered,
* to be resident in Luxembourg when the
redundancy occurs,
* file a claim for the benefit within 2 weeks.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Loss of unemployment allowance during 7
days (30 days in case of repetition) if the
unemployed person fails to report to the
employment office.
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* Registered with the employment office,
* Involuntarily unemployed
* fit and available for work.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Administrative: Benefit is suspended.
Upon criminal conviction the defendant is
liable to:
* a fine of between €46.59 and one and a half
times the amount of benefit unlawfully
received or €1,164.69, whichever is the
* imprisonment for a term of between three
months and twelve months, or
* both a fine and imprisonment.
A person can be struck-off the unemployment
register if he/she fails to cooperate with the
employment services.
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* Suffer loss of income due to voluntary or
involuntary unemployment,
* not be engaged in working activity (persons
in education, training or unpaid work are
normally not eligible),
* register at the Labour and Welfare
Administration (Arbeids- og velferdsetaten) as
a jobseeker,
* have capacity for work,
* be available for any job or labour market
* be under 67 years of age,
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Suspension of the right to benefits for 8 weeks
when a jobseeker refuses to take a job or
participate in labour market qualifying
measures, longer periods of 12 weeks or 6
months in the event of recurrence once or
twice respectively, within a twelve months
Suspension of the right to benefits for 4 weeks
when a jobseeker refuses to meet with the
labour and welfare office (NAV) without
reasonable grounds, longer periods of 8 or 12
weeks in the event of recurrence once or twice
respectively, within a twelve months period.
A jobseeker who has declared incorrect
information or has failed to provide
information about matters that may affect
his/her entitlement to unemployment benefit
can be excluded from the right to
unemployment benefit for up to 12 weeks the
first time and up to 26 weeks in the event of
recurrence within a period of three years.
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* Involuntary unemployed,
* without work or payment,
* registered with the employment agency,
* to be capable for work,
* to be available for full-time work,
* aged at least 18 years of age and less than
60 years (woman) or 65 years (man),
* no entitlement to old-age or invalidity
* Polish or EU or EEA or Swiss citizenship,
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
A person who unduly received any cash
payments shall be obliged to reimburse them
within a period of 14 days from the decision.
The amount of unduly received payments shall
be subject to repayment in accordance with
the administrative execution procedures.
Failure to collaborate with the employment
services results in termination of the right to
unemployment benefit.
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Unemployment insurance:
* To be involuntarily unemployed;
* not working;
* to be registered as job seeker with the job
* to be fully capable of working;
* to be available for work;
* not to be in receipt of an invalidity or old-
age pension;
* to actively look for work;
* to reside in Portugal.
Unemployed person:
Penalty from €100 up to €700 if the person
does not communicate to the social security
body any fact liable to lead to:
* the suspension or reduction of benefits;
* the reduction of the amount of the
unemployment assistance;
* the judicial decision against the employer in
situations foreseen by law.
Penalty from €250 up to €1,000 if the person
has a simultaneous gainful activity.
The person is cancelled from the register of
the job centre if without any acceptable
* s/he refuses an acceptable job, a socially
useful job, a professional training, the Personal
Work Plan or any other active measure for
employment in force;
* s/he is not actively seeking work for the
second time or does not follow the
recommendations established in the Personal
Work Plan;
* s/he does not appear at the agreed date at
the job centre, or at the entity indicated by
the job centre.
A new registration to the Job Centre can only
be possible 90 days after the exclusion.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* To be involuntarily unemployed,
* not working,
* to be registered as unemployed with the
National Agency for Employment (Agentia
Nationala pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca),
* to be able to work,
* to be available for work,
* to be aged between 16 and the date of
meeting the conditions for the Old-Age
Pension (pensie pentru limita de varsta) (see
Table VI "Old-age”, “Conditions, 1. Qualifying
period” and “3. Legal retirement age/Standard
Termination of Unemployment Indemnity
(indemnizatie de somaj) in case of e.g.:
* unjustified refusal of a job offer,
* unjustified refusal of a vocational
Suspension of Unemployment Indemnity in
case of e.g.:
* Not attending monthly or when requested
the National Agency for Employment (Agentia
Nationala pentru Ocuparea Fortei de Munca).
Fraud entails disciplinary, material, civil, or
criminal liability, as appropriate.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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* to be involuntarily unemployed,
* to register as jobseeker, to be at the
disposal of the Labour Office and to report to it
within 3 days,
* to be capable for work,
* to be available for the labour market without
any restrictions,
* no entitlement for old-age pension,
* to be actively seeking employment.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Rejection from the Jobseekers Register
(Evidencia uchádzačov o zamestnanie) for
those who do not co-operate with the Office of
Labour, Social Affairs and Family (Úrad práce,
sociálnych vecí a rodiny), work abroad or
illegally. Jobseekers can register again after 6
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
To be an unemployed person for the purposes
of unemployment insurance, a jobseeker
should be: able to work; registered with the
Employment Service; actively searching for
work; willing to accept appropriate or suitable
employment; and not belong to one of the
following categories:
* a person in an employment relationship,
* a person carrying out a self-employed
* an executive of a partnership,
* a farmer,
* a pensioner,
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Reasons for termination of the entitlement to
benefits are defined by law, and mainly relate
to: not being available for work; not searching
for work; unjustifiably declining employment,
temporary work, measures of training and
education or other measures for
reemployment; and working illegally
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
* involuntarily unemployed as legally defined;
* register as job seeker and to be at the
disposal of the employment office with an
obligation to actively seek employment;
* capable and willing to work;
* to be over 16 years of age and under
ordinary retirement age for the purpose of
receiving such pension, except in cases where
the worker does not credit sufficient
* affiliated to a social security scheme that
covers this risk and to be an active contributor
or in a situation treated as such on the date
Misconducts that are regarded as infractions
under the scope of unemployment protection,
their corresponding sanctions and the
sanctioning procedure are all established by
The law distinguishes between minor, serious
and very serious infractions. Minor infractions,
such as not attending appointments at the
employment office, may be sanctioned with
suspension of the benefit during one month.
Very serious infractions, such as pursuing
work while drawing unemployment benefit,
may result in loss of the benefit.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Applicants are entitled to benefit in the event
of unemployment if they:
* are registered as jobseekers at the public
employment office as prescribed by the
Government or an authority designated by the
* are capable of working and there is nothing
to prevent them from undertaking work on
behalf of an employer for at least 3 hours each
working day and an average of at least 17
hours per week,
* are prepared to accept an offer of suitable
work during a period for which they have not
given notice of an impediment that can be
accepted by the unemployment fund,
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Suspension from entitlement to benefit for 45
days if the applicant has left work without
valid cause. Suspension from entitlement to
benefit for 60 days if the applicant has been
suspended from work owing to improper
Reduction by 25% of the unemployment
benefit for 40 days if the applicant has refused
a suitable job offer. Reduction by 50% the
second time and suspension the third time.
The law on benefit fraud (bidragsbrottslagen
(2007:612)) is applicable to unemployment
benefits. The law states in its section 2 that a
person who gives wrongful information or fails
to report changed circumstances which he or
she is obliged to report according to laws or
regulations, and therefore risks the wrongful
payment of a benefit or the payment of a too
high amount, is convicted of benefit fraud.
Actions mentioned in section 2 which are
committed out of gross neglicence are an
offence. The penalty can be a fine or
imprisonment. A person who, before the
payment of a benefit, voluntarily takes action
so that a correct decision can be taken, is not
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
The insured person must:
* be unemployed;
* be subject to a job loss of at least 2
consecutive days, together with a loss of
* be available for recruitment;
* have completed compulsory schooling, have
not yet reached the age giving entitlement to
a 1st pillar old-age pension and not receive
such a pension;
* comply with the control requirements;
* be domiciled in Switzerland.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment and partial/temporary
unemployment (a):
Suspension of entitlement to benefits if the
insured person:
* is without work through his own fault;
* has renounced, at the expense of the
insurance, exercising his salary claims towards
his last employer;
* does not do all that can be reasonably
expected to find a suitable job;
* does not observe the unemployment control
prescriptions or the instructions of the
relevant authority, in particular, refuses a
suitable job, does not take part in an active
labour market programme, interrupts it
without any legitimate motivation, jeopardises
or prevents the course of the programme or
the realisation of its goal;
* has given false or incomplete information or
has infringed the obligation to provide
information spontaneously or on request and
notify this;
* has unduly obtained or attempted to obtain
the benefit;
* has received daily allowances during the
working-out stage of a project but does not
start the self-employed activity after the
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The Netherlands
* To be involuntary unemployed,
* loss of at least 5 or half of the working hours
per week,
* timely registration with the Institute for
Employee Benefit Schemes (UWV)
Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV)],
* to be capable for work,
* to be available for work,
* below the legal retirement age (AOW-
gerechtigde leeftijd),
* seeking employment,
If the beneficiary does not comply with the
regulations, the social security agency is in
principle obliged to impose an administrative
measure (entire or partial refusal of the
benefit) or a fine.
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
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Missoc comparative tables: 1 July 2013.
United Kingdom
Contribution-based Jobseekers' Allowance:
* to be involuntarily unemployed,
* is not engaged in work for 16 or more hours
a week;
* to be capable of work;
* to be available for work;
* is under pensionable age;
* has entered into a Jobseekers' agreement;
* to be actively seeking employment;
* is in Great Britain;
X. Unemployment
Total unemployment
1. Conditions
Main conditions
X. Unemployment
Contribution-based Jobseekers' Allowance and
Income-based Jobseekers' Allowance will not
be paid for various periods of time if:
* the jobseeker fails to show they had just
cause for leaving a job voluntarily;
* the jobseeker has refused or failed to
comply with a reasonable 'Jobseekers'
direction' (see below);
* they lost their last job because of
* the jobseeker has, without good cause,
refused or failed to apply for a vacancy notified
by an employment officer, or failed to accept it
when it was offered;
* the jobseeker lose their place on a
compulsory training scheme or employment
programme because of misconduct;
* the jobseeker refuses or fails to apply or
even gives up a place or fails to attend a place
on a compulsory training scheme or
employment programme without good cause;
* the jobseeker has neglected to avail
themselves of a reasonable opportunity of
* the jobseeker has been dismissed or
discharged from the Armed Forces.The