Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2013-14
UUI Alm.del Bilag 42
Constitution Square (Syntagma) 105 64 Athens GreeceTel: 210 3352400 / Fax: 210 3235856e-mail:[email protected]
HOTELBOOKINGFORMThe “N.J.V ATHENS PLAZA“ hotellooks forward to having you as a guest during the“Meeting ofChairpersons of the Committees on Justice and Home Affairs”organized by the“HELLENICPARLIAMENT”,February 16th– 17th, 2014. This reservation form should be used to secure a room.Please make your reservationbefore February 10th, 2014.All reservations received after February 10th,2014, will be accepted subject to availability at the best rate available at that time.Listed below are the special discounted rates for guests of the above mentioned event:Room requirements (please tick room type and single or double occupancy)……………………Superior Room Single (City view)Superior Room Twin (City view)Deluxe Single room (Acropolis or Constitution square view)Deluxe Twin room (Acropolis or Constitution square view)EUREUREUREUR90100130140
Above rates are daily room rates, include all taxes and American Breakfast.Name:Company:__________________________________________Address:Telephone:Arrival & DepartureArrival Date & Time:(Check-In Time 14:00)Cancellation Policy:Reservations should only be made using this form. No reservations will be confirmed nor guaranteed unlesscredit card details are supplied with the booking. Guaranteed non-arrivals will be charged, immediately onenight accommodation, unless cancelled by February 12th, 2014.After this date, for any further alterations, cancellations or non shows, full cancellation fees will apply.Please circle:American Express / Diners Club / Visa / MasterCardCardholder: ….……………………………………………………………………………………………Credit Card Number: ………………………………………..Expiry Date: …………………………..Departure Date & Time:(Check-Out Time 12:00)Fax:E-mail:
Please send this form to the attention of:“N.J.VATHENS PLAZA” HOTEL,Sales DepartmentFax:+30-210-3237185
E-mail:[email protected]
Please note that any changes made to your reservation have to be notified in writing to the hotel.We thank you for your preference towards the “N.J.V ATHENS PLAZA” hotel and look forward to welcomingyou to our hotel.