Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2013-14
UUI Alm.del Bilag 42
Athens, January 8, 2014
Dear colleague,
I have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the Conference of the Chairpersons ofJustice and Home Affairs Committees of the European Union Parliaments, which will beorganized in Athens, in the framework of the Parliamentary Dimension of the GreekPresidency of the EU Council.The Conference will take place in the Hellenic Parliament on Monday, February 17th, 2014preceded by a dinner held in the Acropolis Museum, on Sunday, February 16th, 2014.Please find enclosed the preliminary draft Agenda of the Conference. All practicalarrangements, including information on hotel reservation, can be found in the generalinformation note, also enclosed. We kindly ask you to register on line at the websitewww.gr2014parliament.euand return the hotel reservation form directly to the hotel of yourchoice before February 10, 2014.Looking forward to welcoming you in Greece, please accept, dear Colleague, the expressionof my high consideration and my warmest wishes for the New Year.
Yours Sincerely,
Kyriakos Virvidakis
Chairman of the Committeeon Public Administration, Public Order and Justice