Udvalget for Udlændinge- og Integrationspolitik 2013-14
UUI Alm.del Bilag 42
Courtesy translation
Athens, January 7, 2014
Dear Colleague,
In my capacity as Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament, I have the pleasure to invite adelegation of your Parliament to participate in the Conference of the Chairpersons of Justiceand Home Affairs Committees of the European Union Parliaments, which will take place inAthens, on February 17, 2014. The meeting is being organized in the framework of theParliamentary Dimension of the Greek Presidency of the Council of the European Union,during the first half of 2014.
I kindly ask you to forward the enclosed invitation letter of the Chairman of the Committeeon Public Administration, Public Order and Justice, Mr. Kyriakos Virvidakis, to thecompetent Committees’ Chairpersons in your Parliament.
Please accept, dear Colleague, the assurance of my high esteem and my warmest wishes forthe New Year.