Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 88
STATEMENTON THE CURRENT EVENTS IN UKRAINE23 January 2014 No XII-768VilniusSeimas of the Republic of Lithuania,being deeply shockedby the recent news from Ukraine about continuing violent clashes thathave already claimed human lives;extendingits sincere condolences to the families and relatives of the victims;being deeply movedby the Ukrainian people's determination and resilliance in seeking tofirmly link their country's future to the European Union, and calling on the Ukrainianauthorities to finally hear the voice of the people of their own country,strongly condemnsthe use of violence and force, and urges to refrain from further acts ofnviolence;emphasizesthat provocative actions by some individuals and their groups aimed at turningpeaceful demonstrations into riots may not be regarded as a pretext for the use of force andviolence against peaceful protesters;emphasizesthe responsibility of the Ukrainian authorities for a major crisis in the countryoritiesand polarization of society;is of the opinionthat the laws passed by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on 16 January 2014do not comply with Ukraine’s international commitments ensuring human rights andfundamental freedoms, inadmissibly restrict freedom of speech and peaceful assembly as wellas the activity of non-governmental organisations and should thus be urgently repealed;governmentaladdressesMembers of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine urging them to realise their exclusivepolitical responsibility at this particularly difficult period of time for Ukraine and to takeresponsible actions to contain the deepening political crisis in the country;
invitesUkrainian society, opposition forces and authorities to seek, by all means possible, apeaceful political dialogue and resort to this only method to deal with the political crisis inthe country;calls onthe Parliaments of the Member States of the European Union to put a special focuson the assessment of the complicated situation in Ukraine and to promote active actions bytheir governments in response to the events in this strategically important country for theentire European Union;addressesthe institutions of the European Union and asks them to consider all possiblemeasures, including economic sanctions, in response to the events in Ukraine and urges tosearch, together with the Member States of the European Union and the internationalcommunity, solutions to contain the deepening political crisis in the country and to respond tothe aspirations of Ukrainian society regarding the integration in the European Union.