Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 71
2009 - 2014
Parliamentary ForumHosted by Miguel Angel Martínez and Othmar Karas,European Parliament Vice-Presidents responsible for relations with national Parliaments
PRELIMINARY DRAFT PROGRAMMEEU Parliaments in global governanceTuesday, 18 February 2014, 10.00 - 17.30European ParliamentPaul-Henri Spaak Building,room 3C50Brussels9.00 - 10.00Registration of participants from national ParliamentsEuropean Parliament, Altiero Spinelli Building, Espace Simone Weil entranceat the Esplanade de la Solidarité
10.00 - 12.30 Opening plenary sessionOpening remarks byMiguel Angel MartínezandOthmar Karas,EuropeanParliament Vice-Presidents responsible for relations with national ParliamentsKeynote address:Parliaments and democracy in the age of "global domestic politics"Anders B. Johnsson,Secretary General, Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)Debate with Members of national Parliaments and MEPsKey questions for the debate:What is the role of Parliamentarism in an increasingly connected world? Arethe current forms of political representation adequate to address today'sinternational challenges? Is the development of democracy keeping pace withglobalisation?12.30 - 14.00 Lunch (by invitation only)European Parliament, Salon in the Members restaurant, Altiero SpinelliBuilding, ground floor
14.00 - 15.40Session 1: Europe's Parliaments in multinational organisations andinternational fora: From back seat to front row?Moderated byOthmar Karas,European Parliament Vice-PresidentN.N,UN representativeElmar Brok,Chair, Committee on Foreign Affairs, European ParliamentVital Moreira,Chair, Committee on International Trade, European ParliamentN.N.,Member of the Hellenic ParliamentDebate with Members of national Parliaments and MEPsKey questions for the debate:Over the past decades governments have set up numerous internationalorganisations and informal groupings which take important decisions or giveimportant political orientations. What role do Parliaments play in theseemerging mechanisms of global governance? How can these bodies be held toaccount? How can Europe's Parliaments strengthen their cooperation in theseorganisations and fora?
15.40 - 17.20Session 2: Connecting Parliamentarians: Global Parliamentary InitiativesModerated byMiguel Angel Martínez,European Parliament Vice-PresidentSilvana Koch-Mehrin,Member of the European Parliament; Women inParliaments Global ForumArnaud Leroy,Member of the Assemblée Nationale, France; Vice-President,GLOBE Europe, the Global Legislators Organisation (tbc)N.N.,Member of a national Parliament; Parliamentarians for Global ActionDebate with Members of national Parliaments and MEPsKey questions for the debate:How can Parliamentarians from across the world work together effectively onconcrete issues? What organisations, networks and initiatives do exist? Howcan online communication, social networks and videoconferencing strengthenthese networks? What role do the Parliaments of Europe play in thesenetworks?Parliamentarians participating in this session are welcome to present anyglobal network of Parliamentarians in which they are active.
17.20 - 17.30 Concluding remarks byOthmar Karas,European Parliament Vice-President