Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 71

Miguel Angel MARTÍNEZ


Othmar KARAS

To the Chair(s) of the political bodies or committee(s) concerned
Dear Chair,As European Parliament Vice-Presidents responsible for relations with national Parliaments,we would like to invite Members of your Parliament to a pertinent and timely event to debatethe role of Parliamentarism in an increasingly interconnected world.Over the past decades governments have set up numerous international organisations andinformal groupings. In many of these bodies the executives give important orientations withlittle or no parliamentary oversight. We believe that global governance must not be left togovernments and diplomats only, but must involve the citizens and their electedrepresentatives. Parliaments should play a strong role in this process.This is why we are organising a one-day Parliamentary Forum with the title "EU Parliamentsin global governance". The event will take place on Tuesday 18 February 2014 at theEP premises in Brussels and will bring together Members of the national Parliaments of theEuropean Union, MEPs and representatives of international organisations. Please find thedraft programme attached. All interested Members of your Parliament are cordially invited toattend. Practical details concerning the event will be forwarded in due course to yourParliament's service for relations with the European Parliament.We are convinced that this meeting can strengthen our interparliamentary dialogue on thisimportant topic. We sincerely hope that you will be able to accept our invitation, and we lookforward to welcoming you to the European Parliament on 18 February 2014.
Yours sincerely,
Miguel Angel MARTÍNEZ
Othmar KARAS
Enclosure: Draft programme