Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14, Finansudvalget 2013-14, Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 42, FIU Alm.del Bilag 26, KEB Alm.del Bilag 74
GGGI CREDIT CARD USAGE POLICYFor internal use by GGGI personnel only
VERSION CONTROLFirst Approved:Current Version:Past Revisions:Review Cycle:Effective Date:(Currently underReview)01N/AAnnualDate of Approval____________________________Howard BamseyDirector-General
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 General Guidelines........................................................................................... 2Article 1 (Objective)...................................................................................................... 2Article 2 (Card Administration) .................................................................................... 2Chapter 2 Card Issuance and Usage ................................................................................. 3Article 3 (Card Issuance and Distribution) ................................................................... 3Article 4 (Card Usage) .................................................................................................. 4Article 5 (Limitation on Usage) .................................................................................... 4Chapter 3 Card Payment ................................................................................................... 5Article 6 (Payment) ....................................................................................................... 5Article 7 (Operating Costs) ........................................................................................... 5Article 8 (Internal Audit)............................................................................................... 6Article 9 (Misuse).......................................................................................................... 6Supplementary Provisions ................................................................................................ 7Article 1 (Date of Implementation) ............................................................................... 7Article 2 (Interim measures) ......................................................................................... 7
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)

GGGI Credit Card Usage Policy

Chapter 1 General Guidelines
Article 1 (Objective)
The objective of this document is to establish guidelines for the administration and usage ofGlobal Green Growth Institute’s (hereinafter “GGGI”) Credit Cards (hereinafter “Card” or“Cards”) to enhance budgeting transparency and accounting efficiency by ensuringappropriate Card usage.
Article 2 (Card Administration)
1) The Chief Financial Officer (“CFO”) shall oversee the general administration of theCards. The CFO shall be responsible for issuing Cards, setting guidelines, policies andprocedures on Card distribution, overall management of Cards, and other mattersregarding Card administration and usage, etc., and shall obtain ManagementCommittee (“MCM”) review and Director-General approval prior to implementation ofthese guidelines.2) Employees who have received a Card from GGGI shall become the “Cardholder”responsible for Card administration. Each Card shall be issued in the Cardholder’sname but remains the property of GGGI.3) The Cardholder shall comply with policies on Card storage, management, usage, thathave been decided on by the CFO and approved by the Director-General.4) Following steps shall be taken by the Cardholder to safeguard against fraud:a)b)c)Sign the Card immediately upon receipt;Keep the Card in a safe place;Only disclose the Card details to an establishment when making a definitiveorder or after the goods and services have received;Ensure that incorrect imprints of the Card are destroyed in their presence;Shall not allow any establishment to keep the Card for any protracted length oftime;2
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)
Ensure that only registered, protected internet sites are used when makingtransactions on the internet.
Chapter 2 Card Issuance and Usage
Article 3 (Card Issuance and Distribution)
1) Cards shall be categorized as GGGI Admin Usage Card and Individual Official Card.The Cards shall be distributed in accordance with the following standards:a) Admin Usage Cards: Issuance of Admin Usage Cards shall be restricted toone card per location, and the accountability for usage of the Admin UsageCard shall be with the Director responsible for Administration in theHeadquarters as well as for each Satellite Office.b) Individual Official Cards: Issued on the recommendation of the CFO andapproval of the Director-General to Senior GGGI Personnel.2) Cardholders who have received Individual Official Cards shall submit an identicalpersonal signature to the Finance Team, as the one on the Card.3) The Cardholder shall be the only person entitled to use the Card for official purposesand it is not for personal use. The Card and its pin numbers and expiry date shall not begiven to others. The Cardholder shall be fully accountable for any misuse of the Card.The Card shall not be used to withdraw cash. For each transaction an official receiptshall be obtained to be submitted to Finance while reconciling card usage.4) The limit assigned to each level of card-holder shall be agreed with the Director-General, based on recommendation by the CFO. If the card-holder feels that theassigned credit limit is insufficient, a request for an increased credit limit may besubmitted to the CFO.5) Individual Official Cardholders must immediately return the Card in cases where oneis no longer allowed to possess the Card, i.e., change of jobs, dismissal, or termination.6) In the event of lost Cards, the Cardholder shall immediately notify the Card Companyand Finance team, and submit a written notification containing details on the loss to theCFO. If charges appear on the statement that result from fraudulent use of a lost orstolen Card that is not reported, these charges shall be recovered from the Cardholder’ssalary.
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)
7) The CFO may re-issue Cards upon a request from Cardholder.
Article 4 (Card Usage)
1) Cards shall be used in accordance with the objective of the budgetary appropriationand by following the procedures outlined in the Procurement Rules, Finance Rules andthese Credit Card Guidelines. Cards shall not be seen as a substitute for normalprocurement and payment approval procedures as determined by the Finance andProcurement Rules, Policies and Procedures.2) Official Individual Cards shall be used only for official meetings and related officialexpenses - official events, official travel (including railways), and other businessrelated purposes.3) Admin Usage Cards shall be used for purchases that can be made only via an onlinepayment, and for GGGI events and meetings, when an employee who does not hold anIndividual Official Card incurs expenditures in regards to Article 4 Clause 2.4) Personnel holding Cards shall not attempt to circumvent transaction limits imposed byGGGI Procurement Rules, Policies and Procedures, by making multiple payments witha Card by artificially fragmenting the total expenditure, for the same expenses withinan unreasonably short time period, except where adequate justification exists, say, incases where it is evident that multiple meetings are held in the same businessestablishment, at the same time period.5) When using a Card, one must sign the Card invoice with their real name, or personalsignature.
Article 5 (Limitation on Usage)
1) Cards shall be used for business-related expenditures only and shall not be used forpersonal entertainment purposes that are unrelated to business purposes.2) Cards shall not be used for personal usage.3) Cards shall not be lent to others, including family members.4) To ensure effectiveness of Articles 1 to 4 and in consideration of budget conditions andaudit, the CFO can take appropriate measures, including denial of usage of Cards.
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)
Chapter 3 Card Payment
Article 6 (Payment)
1) Users of Cards shall submit receipts and relevant documents to the Finance team by theend of every month.2) Finance Team shall conduct review procedures including:a) review of relevant documentation submitted by the Cardholder;b) review of standard and purpose of usage; andc) check for violations of usage limitations;After the review process, payment procedures shall be performed.3) In events where review and payment procedures in accordance with Article 2 cannot becarried out, the CFO shall immediately request for complementary measures.4) If the Card payment to the Credit Card Company cannot be made on time due to latesubmission of receipts and supporting documents by the Cardholder, the late paymentcharges shall be deducted from the Cardholder’s salary at the subsequent paymentcycle.5) Transactions in dispute shall be resolved directly by the Cardholder with the supplierand/or the Credit Card Company. In such cases, the Cardholder shall be responsible forensuring that credits appear on subsequent statements as agreed with the supplierand/or Credit Card Company. In case a disputed transaction cannot be resolved withthe supplier and/or Credit Card Company directly, the Cardholder shall contact theFinance Team for assistance.
Article 7 (Operating Costs)
For general operating costs, aside from operating costs that are provided in accordance withGGGI’s Rules on Compensation, evidence documentation which entails detailed content ofexpenditure, i.e., purpose of expenditure, date, place, participants (affiliation and number ofparticipants) shall be submitted.
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)
Article 8 (Internal Audit)
Card Usage by GGGI Staff shall be subject to independent Internal Audits for check againstappropriate usage as per Credit Card Guidelines and Finance and Procurement Policies andProcedures.
Article 9 (Misuse)
1) In events of Card misuse, including breach of GGGI’s policies, the CFO shall notifythe event to the Director-General and General Internal Auditor.2) General Internal Auditor shall review the notified contents and, when necessary, takemeasures such as, but not limited to, requesting for reimbursement of the Cardexpenditure.
GGGI Policy Ver. 01Credit Card Usage Policy(Under Review)
Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 1 (Date of Implementation)
This policy shall take effect from January 1, 2013.
Article 2 (Transitional Process)
1) Card usage from the establishment of GGGI and before the implementation of thispolicy shall be reviewed by the CFO and requisite action shall be taken on anyviolations.2) All Cards not compliant as per these Guidelines shall be recalled and replaced asnecessary.3) Instances of Card usage, which might have been compliant with previous Credit CardUsage Policies, but not compliant as per this Guidelines document, shall be highlightedto the Cardholders. Cardholders shall ensure appropriate usage from date ofimplementation as per Article 1 of the Supplementary Provisions.