Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 32
AN OPEN WORLDP ROG RA MM E: WED NESDAY 4 DECEMB ER08:00 - 09:00 Registration & Coffee at the Ceremonial Hall09:00 - 09:45 Opening CeremonyRalf HemmingsenIrina Bokova, DirectorGeneral of UNESCOOle WæverCrown Prince Frederik ofDenmark09:45 - 10:30 Keynote - Setting the stageRichard RhodesCoffee break11:00 - 11.30Yukiya AmanoNiels Bohr and Atoms for PeaceBohr and the Open WorldWelcomeOpening remarksIntroducing the ProgrammeAttending
11:30 - 12:30 Plenary 1: Military Technologies of TomorrowDaniel DeudneyJürgen AltmannRonald J. DeibertDong-Pil MinLunch14:00 - 15:30 Parallel Sessions - Chairs and ThemesEric Hersman*Dennis MeadowsMohamed HassanFernando de Souza BarrosTomas Bohr*Coffee break16:00 - 17:30 Plenary 2: New Global Threats and PossibilitiesArild Underdal*Abdallah S. DaarJonathan MorenoWang Delu18:30Reception at the City HallWelcome by the City HallBo LidegaardClosing RemarksCoping with Climate Change: Strategies and InstitutionsFrom Neglect to Grand Opportunities in Global Health:The Open World DividendPandemics, Bioterror and Dangerous ResearchChairPolitics and Economics with New TechnologiesNew Global Threats and PosibilitiesScientists and PoliticsMilitary Technologies and TomorrowThe Internet: A Global Infrastructure of Openness?Missile Defence and Space RaceRobots, Drones and Future WarsThe Confluence of Cyber War, Cyber Crime and CyberTerrorismChair
AN OPEN WORLDP ROG RA MM E: TH URS DAY 5 DE CE MBER09:00 - 10:30 Award of the UNESCO Niel Bohr Gold MedalPrincess Marie of DenmarkIrina Bokova, DirectorGeneral of UNESCOChristine Antorini, DanishMinister of EducationJimmy WalesRolf-Dieter HeuerAlain AspectRanga YogeschwarCoffee break11:00 - 12:30 Plenary 3: The Internet - A Global Infrastructure of Openness?Jimmy WalesSir Nigel ShadboltSusan P. CrawfordCaspar BowdenAlan Rusbridger*Lunch14:00 - 15:30 Plenary 3 Continued: Plenary discussion and Q & A of recipientsCoffee break16:00 - 17:30 Plenary 4: Politics and Economics with New TechnologyEric Von HippelEleni Gabre Madhin*Carne RossZeynep TufekciBrian Nosek*Protecting Individuels Rights to Innovate: “TheInnovation Wetlands”Impact of Open Markets: Lessons from EthiopiaDiplomacy and WikileaksTransnational information Flows - Revolutions andRepression in the Era of Social MediaOpen Science, Infrastructure and reproduceabillity ofresearchDinner SpeechMusical GuestWikipedia, Democracy and the InternetDefending and Extending Openness on the WebThe Battle for Internet OpennessIntelligence Agencies and the Power Politics of theInternetChairPresenting the medals
Medal RecipientsInterview of recipients
19:00 - 22:00 Dinner Banquet at the National MuseumTor NørretrandersFrederikke Bohr
AN OPEN WORLDP ROG RA MM E: FR IDAY 6 DE CE MBE R09:00 - 10:30 Plenary 5: Scientists and PoliticsJohn NaughtonKatherine RichardsonNaomi OreskesSpencer R. WeartFernando QuevedoCoffee break11:00 - 11:45 Closing SessionParallel Session Chairs &Co-ChairsOrganizing CommitteeMorten Østergaard,Minister for Research,Innovation and HigherEducation11:45 - 12:30 Plenary and Press Q & AOle Wæver, Chairman ofthe Organizing CommitteeRichard RhodesLunch14:00 - 16:00 Roundtable DiscussionLykk FriisDennis MeadowsSusan P. CrawfordRolf-Dieter HeuerCarlos AragãoModeratorPaolo Cotta-RamusinoGetachew Engida, Deputy Director-GeneralSir Nigel ShadboltClosing CommentsReport from Parallel SessionsPresentation of the Open Letter adressed to the UnitedNationChairPublic Intellectuals and the Natural SciencesPlanetary Boundaries - Scientists specifying the ‘SafeOperating Space for Humanity’IPCC: Science, Politics and Anti-ScienceNuclear and Climate Imagery: Science and SocietyChair
AN OPEN WORLDS PEA KER BIOAltmann, Jürgen:University of Dortmund. One of thefounders of the International Committee for Robot ArmsControl and director of the project “Unmanned ArmedSystems - Trends, Dangers and Preventive Arms Control”.Amano, Yukiya:Director-General of the IAEA. As adiplomat and civil servant for the UN, he has worked ondisarmament and non-proliferation. Amano has lecturedin International Politics at several Japanese universities.Antorini, Christine:The Danish Minister of Education.Aragão, Carlos:Professor and Director-General of theNational Center for Research in Energy and Materials(CNPEM), Brazil.Aspect, Alain:French physicist noted for hisexperimental work on quantum entanglement. Recipientof the UNESCO Bohr Medal.Bohr, Frederikke:Danish pop/soul singer, performer,and songwriter. Student at Berklee College of Music,Boston, and great-granddaughter of Niels Bohr.Bohr, Tomas*:Professor of Physics and Head of theSection “Biophysics and Complex Systems” at TechnicalUniversity of Denmark. Tomas Bohr is grandson of NielsBohr.Bokova, Irina:Director-General of UNESCO. She hasbeen the Bulgarian foreign minister and formerambassador to France, Monaco and UNESCO. In herwork she has been focusing on e.g. women and humanrights. Bokova founded and was chairman of theEuropean Policy Forum.Bowden, Caspar:Microsoft’s former Chief PrivacyAdvisor and is now working as an independent internetresearch. He is known as a firm critic of NSA’ survelliancepolices, and is one of the main authors of the EU-initiatedstudy on cloud computing and internet privacy.Cotta-Ramusino, Paolo:Secretary-General of the NobelPeace Prize-winning Pugwash Conferences on Scienceand World Affairs and professor of Mathematical Physicsat the University of Milan. He also is Senior Researcher atthe Italian National Institute of Nuclear Physics.Crawford, Susan P.:Susan P. Crawford is a professor atthe Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law. She has servedas President Barack Obama's Special Assistant forScience, Technology, and Innovation Policy and is acolumnist for Bloomberg View.Daar, Abdallah S.:Professor of Public Health Sciencesand of Surgery at the University of Toronto. He is Directorof Ethics and Commercialization at the McLaughlin-Rotman Centre for Global Health, UHN and University ofToronto. He is also the Chief Science and Ethics Officer,and Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board, of GrandChallenges Canada.Deibert, Ronald J.:Professor of Political Science, andDirector of the Canada Centre for Global Security Studiesand the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto. He is aco-founder and a principal investigator of the OpenNetInitiative and Information Warfare Monitor projects.Deibert was one of the founders and VP of global policyand outreach for Psiphon.Delu, Wang:Founder and director of Great WallEnterprise Institute, a consulting institute focusing oninnovative research. He is Vice-President of the ScientificResearch Society and advisor for the municipalgovernment in Beijing. An expert in physics and nuclearweapons.Deudney, Daniel:Johns Hopkins University. He isAssociate Professor and specialized in InternationalRelations, Political Theory and Geopolitics.Engida, Getachew:Has worked for the InternationalFund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) as AssistantComptroller. He joined UNESCO in his current position in2004.Friis, Lykke:Prorector of the University of Copenhagen.Former MP and Minister for Climate and Energy(2009-2011), Minister for Gender Equality (2010-2011).PhD in international politics from the University ofCopenhagen.Hassan, Mohamed:Co-Chair of IAP, the global networkof science academies, and Chairman of the Council ofthe United Nations University. Mr. Hassan was foundingExecutive Director of TWAS, the academy of sciences forthe developing world. He was formerly Dean of theSchool of Mathematical Sciences, University of Khartoum.Specialist in plasma physics and fusion energy.Hemmingsen, Ralf:The 258thrector of University ofCopenhagen (2005-). He is the former Dean of theFaculty of Health and Professor of psychiatry.Hersman, Eric:Co-Founder of Ushahidi, acrowdsourcing open source application designed to mapincidents of violence. He specializes in how technologyimpact society throughout Africa.Heuer, Rolf-Dieter:President of CERN in Geneva. Thelaboratory is built on the ideas of openness and scientificcooperation without borders. Heuer is former Professor atUniversity of Hamburg and Research Director at DESY.Recipient of the UNESCO Bohr Medal.Hippel, Eric von:Economist and professor at the MITSloan School of Management, specializing in the natureand economics of distributed and open innovation.Kadir, Mohd Zainal Abidin Ab:Chair of IEEE Power &Energy Society (PES) Malaysia, Working Group Memberof IEEE PES Lightning Performance on Overhead Lines andthe Director of Scientific Committee at the Centre forElectromagnetic and Lightning Protection ResearchMadhi, Eleni Gabre*:Ethiopian economist and a formerChief Executive Officer of the Ethiopia CommodityExchange. She has a PhD in Applied Economics fromStanford University, and Bachelors and Masters degreesin Economics from Cornell University and Michigan StateUniversity respectively.Meadows, Dennis:Professor Emeritus from University ofNew Hampshire. Professor of Systems Management and
AN OPEN WORLDS PEA KER BIOco-author of the 1972 book ”The Limits to Growth”. Heis former Director at MIT and Dartmouth and member ofThe Club of Rome, a think tank focusing on internationalpolicy issues.Moreno, Jonathan:Professor of Medical Ethics and theHistory and Sociology of Science at University ofPennsylvania. He is a Senior Fellow at Center forAmerican Progress and has served as an advisor forseveral US administrations and foundations on bioethics.Naughton, John:Professor John Naughton is a SeniorResearch Fellow at CRASSH in Cambridge University. Heis also Vice-President of Wolfson College, Cambridge,Emeritus Professor of the Public Understanding ofTechnology at the Open University and the Technologycolumnist of the London Observer.Nosek, Brian:Co-Founder and director of The CenterFor Open Science (COS) wich seek to increase opennessand reproduceabillity of scientific research. He is anassociate Professor at the University of VirginiaNørretranders, Tor:Danish author of popular science.Honorary Professor at the Department of Management,Politics and Philosophy at Copenhagen Business School.Nørretranders’ books and lectures have primarily beenfocused on science and its role in society and theintegration of new findings in science.Opeke, Funke*:Chief Executive Officer and Founder ofMain Street Technologies: a company launched to buildand operate the Main One submarine cable systemlinking countries in West and Central Africa with eachother and connecting in Europe with other existing cablesystems linking the Americas and Asia.Oreskes, Naomi:Professor of History and ScienceStudies at the University of California, San Diego, AdjunctProfessor of Geosciences at the Scripps Institution ofOceanography, and an internationally renowned historianof science. She has a long-standing interest inunderstanding the establishment of scientific consensusand the role and character of scientific dissent.Quevedo, Fernando:Director of the InternationalCentre for Theoretical Physics and Professor ofTheoretical Physics at University of Cambridge. Hespecializes in theoretical particle physics.Rhodes, Richard:Historian, author and journalist; anaffiliate at Center for International Security andCooperation at Stanford Universiy. He is a well-knownhistorian who has written several books on the creationof the atomic bomb, nuclear power and nuclear history ingeneral, among them is the Pulitzer Prize-winning book“The Making of the Atomic Bomb”.Richardson, Katherine:Professor in BiologicalOceanography at University of Copenhagen and Leaderof Sustainability Science Centre: A centre focused onClimate control of marine ecological processes. She waschair of the Danish Commission on Climate ChangePolicy and co-author of the 2009 article in Nature,outlining the concept of Planetary Boundaries.Ross, Carne:Founder and director of IndependentDiplomat, a diplomatic advisory group. He served in theBritish foreign service in 1989-2004.Rusbridger, Alan*: Editor of The Guardian since 1995. Heis editor-in-chief of Guardian News & Media, a memberof the GNM and GMG Boards and a member of the ScottTrust, which owns the Guardian and the Observer.Shadbolt, Sir Nigel:Professor of Artificial Intelligenceand co-founder of the Open Data Institute with Sir TimBerners-Lee. The Institute seeks to promote an OpenData culture, creating knowledge which addresses localand global issues. His research focusses on Web Scienceand Semantic Technologies.Souza Barros, Fernando de:He is professor emeritus atthe Federal University of Rio de Janeiro and a member ofthe Brazilian Academy of Ciências.Tufekci, Zeynep:Technosociologist with experience inthe area of the Arab Spring, the Gezi Park protests, andsocial media. assistant professor at the University of NorthCarolina, Chapel Hill at the School of Information andLibrary Science (SILS).Underdal, Arild:Political Scientist and Professor at theUniversity of Oslo, specialized in international decision-making processes and environmental governance.Wales, Jimmy:Founder and spokesman of Wikipedia, afree open content encyclopedia. In 2006 he was on TimesMagazine’s list of the world’s most influential people.Recipient of the UNESCO Bohr Medal.Weart, R. Spencer:He is a trained physicist and notedhistorian specialized in the history of modern science. Hehas both served as Director of the Center for History ofPhysics from 1974-2009 and the AIP Niels Bohr Library.He has published original works on both the images ofnuclear fear and the scientific discovery of climatechange.Wæver, Ole:Chairman of the Organizing Committeebehind An Open World and Professor of InternationalRelations at the University of Copenhagen. He establishedthe Centre for Advanced Security Theory and led thedevelopment of “securitization theory”, known as theCopenhagen School in security studies.Yogeshwar, Ranga:An Indian-Luxembourgian physicistand science journalist. He has been a part of several TV-programs on science and holds a degree in particlephysics from Aachen University.Østergaard, Morten:Danish Minister for Research,Innovation and Higher Education and MP. He holds amaster's degree in political science from the University ofAarhus.
* To be confirmed