Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 264
18 - 20 NOVEMBER 2014
Following the 2008 financial crisis, the world’s economies are recovering. With recovery comes potential
for an acceleration in growth in many emerging economies. CPA UK in collaboration with UNDP, will
deliver an International Parliamentary Conference on Growth for Development 18-20 November 2014 in
London. The Conference will focus on the role of parliamentarians in ensuring sustainable economic growth
and equitable development outcomes.
This will be supported by a one-day workshop, delivered in
extractive industries and the role of
partnership with the Natural Resources Governance Institute on
parliamentarians in providing effective legislative scrutiny and oversight of the natural resources sector.
During the UK’s Presidency of the G8 in 2013, world leaders pledged to promote global prosperity by
focusing on three crucial areas - trade, taxation and transparency. They agreed on the need to strengthen
multilateral trade agreements, create a new global standard on tax and empower people to hold governments
and companies to account, in order to achieve a worldwide economic recovery.
In a world where 1.6 billion people live in “multidimensional poverty”, governments and parliaments must
encourage responsible and sustainable economic growth to the benefit of all citizens. By harnessing natural
resources, securing fair and beneficial trade agreements, strengthening tax systems and diversifying
economies, states can mitigate the effects of the global downturn and secure a more prosperous future for
their people.
This exciting conference will emphasise the crucial role parliamentarians have to play in shaping and
monitoring these vital economic processes.
It will highlight the important oversight function that
Parliaments must perform, checking government performance and expenditure and curbing corruption. It
will also outline Parliament’s key legislative functions, such as ratifying international trade agreements,
approving national budgets and passing legislation to ensure greater transparency.
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It is essential that parliamentarians have access to clear and concise evidence to inform their understanding
of key issues relating to trade, tax and transparency. In developing countries where natural resources will
have a transformative impact on a country’s economic potential, the role of parliamentarians in ensuring
responsible management and equitable distribution of those resources will define the future of the
The programme will include a mixture of plenary sessions and practical workshop sessions focusing on the 3
key functions of parliamentarians; Legislation, Oversight and Representation and will introduce innovative
and sustainable approaches to scrutinizing and influencing economic policies.
The Conference will take place in the Houses of Parliament, London. The official Conference language will
be English, with simultaneous translation for the main part of the programme available in French, Spanish
and Arabic.
We are delighted to invite your legislature to nominate two parliamentarians to participate in the
Conference. The conference programme will last three days and will bring together an audience of
international parliamentarians and high profile experts from international and non-governmental
organisations, civil society groups and academia from Commonwealth and non-Commonwealth
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National Legislatures may apply for a maximum of two places for parliamentarians. To apply for places at
the conference, please complete the enclosed Participant Nomination Form and return it to CPA UK as soon
as possible and by no later than
1800 GMT
Friday 3 October 2014.
Nomination Criteria
When selecting parliamentarians for nomination, you are requested to consider that:
• It is CPA UK policy to encourage broad participation in its events. Where possible please nominate
Members from both government/majority parties and opposition/minority parties, and consider gender
balance and youth representation when nominating
• While previous experience is not a prerequisite for attendance at this Conference, CPA UK does expect
participants to actively participate and share views, and therefore selection of participants with an interest in
the subject is encouraged
• Participants should have a reasonable expectation of continuing in their parliamentary careers so that their
participation in the conference is worthwhile both to themselves and to their parliament
• Participants are expected to arrive for the start of the programme and to participate fully to its conclusion.
Legislatures should nominate only participants who will attend the entire programme.
Acceptance of Participant Places
CPA UK will confirm whether a place has been held for your legislature once we have reviewed your
application. If successful we will send out the acceptance documentation during week commencing 22
September. For those countries that require visas to enter the UK, it is advisable to apply for them as soon as
possible after receiving confirmation of participant places. Please note, CPA UK cannot assist in the visa
application process.
Parliamentary participants have the first opportunity to register for this Conference, and space is
limited. Registration for observers and non-parliamentary participants opens at the beginning of
October 2014, therefore if your legislature wishes to be represented at this Conference you are advised
to respond by Friday 3 October to secure your places.
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The Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) is an active network of over 17,000 parliamentarians
from Commonwealth Parliaments and Legislatures. Through dialogue, it seeks to foster cooperation and
understanding between Parliaments, promote good parliamentary practice and advance parliamentary
democracy. Each Commonwealth legislature that joins the CPA is invited to form an autonomous CPA
branch be it a national, state, provincial or territorial legislature. A truly global body, the CPA currently
comprises 175 branches throughout six continents and 53 countries across the world.
CPA UK is one of the largest and most
active branches in the CPA community
and delivers a unique annual programme both in Westminster and overseas. Governed by an Executive
Committee of parliamentarians from all main parties, CPA UK works to encourage parliamentary diplomacy
and parliamentary strengthening on behalf of the UK Parliament and the wider CPA.
Through activities including conferences, seminars and delegations, CPA provides members with a practical,
current and first-hand perspective on international issues facing fellow parliamentarians across the
Commonwealth. This equips them to better
scrutinise Government action on foreign
issues, and can inform debates in the
House. Our activities often serve as a
launch-pad for coordinated international
action between parliamentarians, laying the
foundations for long-lasting positive relationships between individuals, committees and All-Party
Parliamentary Groups.
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To build the capacity of parliamentarians to hold the government and the private sector to account on
financial governance during economic growth, and consider the issues in delivering equitable and sustainable
economic and social development outcomes.
A set of supporting and interlocking objectives designed to:
1. Support the role of parliamentarians in their key responsibility to hold their governments to account.
2. Advocate for the continued engagement of parliamentarians on the post-2015 development agenda,
particularly on inclusive growth and poverty alleviation.
3. Encourage discussion between parliamentarians on a national, regional and international basis on the key
development challenges in responding to rapid economic growth.
4. Consider governance issues as a factor to the impact of development outcomes; ensuring growth benefits
the poorest and most vulnerable.
5. Explore the mechanisms that parliamentarians may use to hold governments to account to ensure that
international commitments to development are implemented at a local, national and regional level.
6. Consider examples of progressive and innovative taxation policies and explore the benefits and risks of
these approaches.
7. Explore transparent and accountable approaches to negotiating trade relationships with regional,
Commonwealth and international partners.
8. Consider how natural resources and development of extractive industry can transform a country’s
economy, and explore the role of parliamentarians in responsible management of resources.
9. Focus on access to reliable data and evidence to inform the work of parliamentarians on transparency
and governance issues.
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10. Examine the relationship between governments, parliaments, civil society, the private sector and
international donors on responsible economic management and curbing corruption.
To produce:
1. An Outcome Document highlighting recommendations for parliamentary best practice to support
economic growth for sustainable and equitable development.
2. A Conference Communiqué.
3. A series of case studies and best practice guides as a future resource for parliamentarians.
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Please note that from September 2014 CPA UK will register participants for Conferences and
Seminars via an online registration system, hosted on our new website.
The process will be as follows:
1. Nominations will be submitted using the attached form to CPA UK as usual by Friday 3 October 2014.
2. Acceptance of participant nominations will be confirmed by CPA UK by email, which will provide a link
to the website.
3. Nominating legislatures will be required to set up an online profile to allow them to register participants
online, access programme information and select options from the Conference programme.
4. Participants will also be required to set up an online profile which will allow them to access all
Conference documentation and resource materials online.
Please note that from September 2014 CPA UK nominating legislatures will be expected to reserve
accommodation on behalf of their participants directly with the hotels. The current funding
arrangements will remain in place (for further information please see below). A booking code to be
referenced when booking accommodation direct with the hotel(s) will be provided by CPA UK on
acceptance of nominations.
Nominating legislatures will be able to book accommodation without charge for the official dates of the
programme directly with the hotel. CPA UK will meet the cost of single occupancy accommodation for
Participants attending the Conference programme from Monday 17 – Friday 21 November.
Nominating legislatures will be able to book, and pay for accommodation at a specially negotiated rate
directly with the hotel. CPA UK will charge a participant fee to cover the cost of meals and materials within
the programme.