8. september 2014
Invitation fra OECD’s generalsekretariat:
We would like to call your attention to the next meeting of the
OECD Global Parliamentary Network,
which will take
place on
Thursday 2 October
. This seminar will be held the day after the OECD Secretary General’s
annual address to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe
on October 1 in Strasbourg
. These two
events will be held back-to-back to facilitate parliamentary participation in both meetings.
The meeting will be held at the OECD Headquarters, and will offer an opportunity for parliamentarians to exchange
views with their peers and OECD experts on a range of key issues. Topics for discussion include: the global economic
landscape, Education at a Glance, the OECD Employment Outlook, a G20 up-date and briefing and the 2
meeting of
the OECD Parliamentary Group on Tax. A draft programme is attached.
For more information on the OECD Global Parliamentary Network, please refer to