Green Growth in South Korea Experiences fromNational Development, Foreign Diplomacy, andForeign AidTuesday, 3 December 2013, 14.00-17.00Danish Institute for International StudiesMain AuditoriumØstbanegade 117, ground floor, 2100 CopenhagenBackground
In 2008, South Korea’s then President Lee Myung Bak announced Low Carbon, GreenGrowth as the country’s new national development paradigm. The plan was positivelyreceived by the international community and made the president and South Korea asignificant player in international climate change mitigation and adaptation policy circles.At the international level, his launch of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI) and theannouncement of making Green Growth a central part of the country’s foreign aid wereespecially praised and Denmark was one of the first countries to partner with South Koreato promote this new development agenda. However, inside South Korea criticisms againstthe Green Growth National Development Plan quickly mounted and five years later, theGreen Growth policy’s achievements and the president’s legacy has been put intoquestion. This however, has not received much attention in international policy circles.The seminar will present findings from the experiences of Green Growth in South Koreaand in South Korea’s foreign aid and diplomacy with an emphasis on what narrativesabout South Korea’s development are being told through the Green Growth concept.Furthermore, journalist Nina Trige Andersen associated with Dagbladet Information willpresent on her visits to South Korea where she has interviewed scholars, activists, andpoliticians about the largest and most controversial Green Growth project known as theFour Major Rivers Restoration project.Speakers
Anders Riel Müller, PhD Candidate, DIISNina Trige Andersen,Journalist, Dagbladet InformationSusann Schäfer,PhD Candidate, University of BayreuthAki Tonami,Researcher, NIASProgramme
14.00-14.10: Introduction
14.10-14.30: Green Growth in South Korea: Promises, Projects and Pitfalls
Anders Riel Müller, PhD Candidate, DIIS14.30-15.00: The Four Major Rivers Restoration Project: Viewpoints from
Activists, Academics and NGO’s
Nina Trige Andersen,Journalist, Dagbladet Information
15.00-15.15: Coffee Break
15.15-15.45: Green Growth Boosterism
Susann Schäfer,PhD Candidate, University of Bayreuth15.45-16.15: Green Growth in South Korea’s Foreign Aid: A Comparative
Perspective with Japan
Aki Tonami,Researcher, NIAS16.15-17.00: Q&A
Practical Information
The seminar will be held inEnglish.Participation isfree of charge,butregistration is required.Please use our onlineregistration form no later thanMonday, 2 December 2013 at 12.00 noon.