Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 195
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The Session will be open to all parliamentarians and other participants duly accredited
to the WTO Forum, subject to the limits of the room's seating capacity. Interpretation
into English, French and Spanish will be provided by the WTO Secretariat. A detailed
programme of the Parliamentary Session will be posted on the IPU website at
I would appreciate it if information about the WTO Public Forum 2014 and its
Parliamentary Session could be brought to the attention of those bodies and individual
members of your parliament who specialize in questions of international trade and
follow the activities of the Parliamentary Conference on the WTO.
In conformity with WTO practice, all participants in the Public Forum are responsible
for their own visa, travel arrangements and accommodation in Geneva. Online
registrations for the Public Forum will be open in June. Participants are required to
register, by
21 September 2014
at the latest, using the WTO website
Please note that registration is handled by
the WTO Secretariat
and that no on-the-
spot registration is possible.
I wish to make it very clear that the IPU Secretariat is not dealing with any logistical
matters relating to the WTO Public Forum and is not in a position to help your
delegates with accommodation and other practical arrangements in Geneva, which
remain the sole responsibility of each of the WTO Forum's participant.
Yours sincerely,
Anders B. Johnsson
IPU Secretary General