3. Ensure that any support provided to an IGAD or other regional force is consistent with and does notundermine UNMISS’ ability to carry out its mandated tasks, particularly its protection of civiliansresponsibilities.To UNMISS:
4. Communicate more effectively to all parties the parameters of its refocused mandate, including itsChapter VII protection of civilians responsibility, and respond consistently to increasing restrictions andviolations of its status of forces agreement with the government of South Sudan that undermine its ability tocarry out the tasks assigned by the Security Council.To armed actors:
5. Enable impartial humanitarian access to civilians in need and do not link this access to the cessation ofhostilities or any other agreement.6. Comply with international humanitarian law, specifically:a) halt the targeting of civilians, including by stopping combat operations in areas where civilians cannot bedistinguished from combatants and avoiding combat in areas around UN bases where those seekingprotection are sheltered; andb) end the looting and destruction of humanitarian facilities.To promote inclusive political dialogue, ensure accountability for war crimes and atrocities and preventfurther regionalisation of the conflictTo South Sudanese actors, IGAD, the AU and other international partners:
7. Establish three separate negotiation tracks – focused on the SPLM, armed groups and communal conflict– that are appropriately sequenced and contribute to the broader process of national political dialogue.8. Discuss and plan interim political and military arrangements that go beyond simple power sharingbetween the elites driving the conflict to bring in an inclusive group of South Sudanese who reflect thecountry’s political and ethnic diversity, as well as regional figures.9. Include in the peace process South Sudanese civil society representatives, such as religious leaders,community-based organisations, youth leaders, women’s associations and others.