Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 155
Resource Governance in African Mining - Natural ResourceInvestments in AfricaTuesday 29 April 2014, 9.30-11.40DIIS, Danish Institute for International StudiesMain auditoriumGl. Kalkbrænderi Vej 51A2100 Copenhagen
BackgroundThe DIIS seminar series on the Political Economy of Natural Resource Investments explores the impact ofnatural resources on economics, politics, development, foreign aid, conflict, and geopolitics in Africa. Theseminars seek to highlight the global-local dimension of natural resource extraction and governance inAfrica. They also consider how new resource-rich countries, particularly in East Africa, can harness thiswealth towards broad economic development and poverty reduction to avoid the negative economic andpolitical consequences of the “resource curse” experienced elsewhere on the continent.Increased investment in the mining sector in Africa is often presented as a key strategy to leveragegrowth, development and poverty reduction on the continent. Massive investment has taken place. Thisseminar sheds light on the actual outcomes. Two scholars present their recent publications on resourcegovernance and African mining.Bonnie Campbell, in her new edited book,Modes of Governance and Revenue Flows in African Miningfocuses on the disappointing results of investment in crucial areas such as sustainable economic andsocial development. These outcomes are most frequently attributed to dysfunctional internal governanceprocesses, mismanagement and corruption. Much attention has been given in recent years to the issue of"the poor resource governance" in mineral rich countries. In her presentation Bonnie Campbell aims toachieve a better understanding of these issues by proposing a renewal of approaches.France Bourgouin,is the co-editor of the new book,Resource Governance and Developmental States inthe Global South,which explores the mining reforms of the last three decades across Africa, Asia, andLatin America. The book challenges the long held views about the ways natural resources shape politicaland economic outcomes. Through an examination of the specific features of the resource sector and itsparticular dynamics of policy change, the book’s authors point to the range of development options forthe Global South that move beyond adopting unregulated, open extractive markets.
SpeakersBonnie Campbell,Professor, University of QuebecFrance Bourgouin,Advisory Services Manager, BSRLars Buur,Associate Professor, ISG/RUC and affiliated Senior Researcher, DIIS
IntroductionLars Buur,Associate Professor, ISG/RUC and affiliated Senior Researcher, DIISModes of Governance and Revenue Flows in African MiningBonnie Campbell,Professor, University of Quebec
Coffee breakFrom 'Good Governance' to the Contextual Politics of Extractive RegimeChangeFrance Bourgouin,Advisory Services Manager, BSRDiscussion
Lars Buur,Associate Professor, ISG/RUC and affiliated Senior Researcher, DIIS
Practical informationThe seminar will be in English.Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use our online registration form no laterthan Monday, 28 April 2014 at 12.00 noon.Sign up