Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 130


Elisa Rodríguez [mailto:[email protected]]


10. marts 2014 10:33


Folketingets Oplysning


25 more people signed: Irene Perez, Aitzbea Ramos…
25 people recently add their names to Venezuelan resident citizens in Denmark's petition "TheDanish Parliament: To prevent the government of Nicolás Maduro from killing more Venezuelancitizens as much as protecting Human Rights in the country.".That means more than 500 peoplehave signed on.There are now 850 signatures on this petition. Read reasons why people are signing, and respond toVenezuelan resident citizens in Denmark by clicking here:http://www.change.org/petitions/the-danish-parliament-to-prevent-the-government-of-nicolás-maduro-from-killing-more-venezuelan-citizens-as-much-as-protecting-human-rights-in-the-country/responses/new?response=bbf54cd03a57Dear The Danish Parliament,Honorable Danish Parliament, We, Venezuelan citizens living in Denmark, deem necessary torequest help from the Danish parliament, as well as from the international community, to protecthuman rights and the inalienable fundamental freedoms in our nation. At this moment in time,Venezuelan citizens are recurring to their last resource: a massive and generalized protest against anoppressive, authoritarian and incompetent government; a government which is violating the rule oflaw and our fundamental human rights. The following are the petitions of Venezuelansdemonstrating on the streets of our country and subscribed by of those of us supporting them inmany parts of the world. We request, 1. The disarmament of all paramilitary or militarized civilorganizations euphemistically self-called and called by the Venezuelan government "colectivos". 2.Freedom for long-held and recently incarcerated political prisoners, among them Comissioner IvánSimonovis, General Raúl Isaías Baduel and political leader Leopoldo López. Likewise, we requestputting a halt to unfair trials against dozens of Venezuelans, including judge María Lourdes AfiuniMora and hundreds of other Venezuelan citizens forced into exile. 3. Freedom to and cessation ofany accusation, or persecution to hundreds of students who have been unjustly punished andoppressed for participating in peaceful demonstrations during the last few weeks in Venezuela. 4.That the government of Venezuela complies with the declaration of rights established in theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights, to which everyone is entitled "without distinction of anykind, such as race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin,property, birth or other status" (Article 2). These rights include: “Everyone has the right to life,liberty and security of person" (Article 3); "No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumanor degrading treatment or punishment" (Article 5); "All are equal before the law and are entitledwithout any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection againstany discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to suchdiscrimination" (Article 7); "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile"(Article 9); "Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent andimpartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal chargeagainst him" (Article 10); "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this rightincludes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart informationand ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers" (Article 19); "Everyone has the right tofreedom of peaceful assembly and association" (Article 20); "Everyone is entitled to a social andinternational order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully
realized" (Article 28). . All individuals have the right to medical and psychological counseling as aconsequence of police abuse, as does their family. Every individual has the right to be correctlyinformed about the ongoing events in Venezuela. 5. Guaranteed freedom of speech. During severalmonths, the Venezuelan government has deceived its citizens about the actual facts of the social andpolitical situation of the country. It has shut down radio and television channels. More recently, itbanned foreign cable news channels NTN24 and El Tiempo TV, while also revoking presscredentials to and expelling CNN journalists from the country. Dozens of local and foreignjournalists have been violently attacked, detained, intimidated and have had their equipmentconfiscated. Honorable gentlemen, We, Venezuelans living in Denmark—generously hosted by thisgreat country, where freedom and democracy are well respected—respectfully express to theGovernment and the Parliament our deepest concerns regarding the situation in Venezuela. Ourintention with this petition is to inform the Danish Government and Parliament of the situation, andto kindly request that the Kingdom of Denmark unites its voice to the international community inorder to make a formal request to the Venezuelan government to ensure the safety and guarantee therights of all its citizens.Sincerely,849. Irene Perez Groningen, Netherlands847. Aitzbea Ramos , Spain845. Flavia Caponi , Spain844. Oscar Alvarez , Spain843. Rafael Muci-Mendoza caracas,842. Blanca Cecilia Franco Nunez , Italy841. Juan Luis Vasquez Copenhagen, Denmark836. veronica hernandez Jupiter, Florida835. BETTY CAMERO Barquisimeto, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of834. Steve Bocaranda Miami, Florida832. Mariangela Rangel austin, Texas831. Rolando Felizola Miami, Florida830. Maria Cordero Austin, Texas829. Indira Leal Sunrise, Florida828. Ricardo Vaca Sierralta GLASGOW, United Kingdom827. Emperatriz Sierralta Barquisimeto, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of826. Yuritzadela Pedraza Toronto, Canada824. Clara Giordana Caracas, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of824. Luis Huizi Cordova, Tennessee822. sabrina monagas EE.UU, Texas822. Julio Garcia Coppell, Texas821. Natalia Fossi Austin, Texas819. Addy Miro Hutto, Texas818. giuseppe sulsenti , Italy817. Zaida Castro Barquisimeto, Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of