Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 119
Corinne WoodsDirector, United Nations Millennium CampaignLocation: United StatesLanguage: EnglishTopics:HIV, Post 2015 Development Agenda, MDG Campaigns,Advocacy, Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)Corinne Woods currently serves as Director of the UN Millennium Campaign, which supports citizens’ effortsto hold their governments accountable for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and leads theoutreach to citizens and stakeholders to get their voices and concerns to feed into the Post-2015 globaldevelopment agenda.Previously, she worked at UNICEF as Senior Adviser on the HIV/AIDS Global Campaign Coordination, shehelped create the award winning SHUGA soap opera and harness new innovations around early infantdiagnosis. Prior to that, she was Chief of Advocacy and Partnerships in India where she led the UNICEF’slargest country operation in emergency response communications for the Tsunami and the campaign onmalnutrition. Ms. Woods was Senior Advisor on the United Nations Special Session on Children, a GeneralAssembly meeting focused on gaining new commitments for children from governments. In this role, shedesigned and built a global movement for children through the media and civil society, she also developedand implemented the “Say Yes for Children” campaign, which received 95 million pledges and wasspearheaded by Nelson Mandela and the UN Secretary-General.From 1994-1999, She served as Head of Communication for Save the Children UK. She advocated for arange of policy and behavioral changes in the field of health through her roles at the UK Health EducationAuthority and at Munro and Forster Public Relations.Ms. Woods holds a degree in Philosophy from the University of Leicester, UK.