Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 112
Vitrenko: USA And EU, With Ukrainian
Terrorists, Establish Nazi Regime
February 24, 2014 • 9:58AMStatement of Chairman of the ProgressiveSocialist Party of Ukraine,PSPU, NataliaVitrenkoFebruary 23, 2014The entire world is disturbed by theevents in Ukraine. The heart of thematter must be understood. TheProgressive Socialist Party of Ukraine,as a left opposition party that hasfought and continues to fight against thedomestic and foreign policy conductedboth by the Orange forces underYushchenko and by the alliance of theParty of Regions and the Communist Partyof Ukraine, under Yanukovych, finds itnecessary to present our evaluation.On February 22, under the automatic-weapons barrels of the Euromaidanguerrillas and terrorists, the Parliamentcarried out a neo-Nazi coup d'etat.Flouting all the provisions of theConstitution of Ukraine and ofinternational law, and trampling onEuropean values, the Parliament exceededits authority and committed acts that aresubject to criminal punishment.Washington and Brussels, who have beentelling all the world that the Euromaidanis a peaceful action by the Ukrainianpeople, who have made their choice forEurope and are defending democracy andEuropean values, must admit that none ofthis is the case. They have supported aNazi putsch, carried out by theguerrillas, terrorists, and politiciansof the Euromaidan in the geopoliticalinterests of the West.There are indisputable proofs that thisis the case:1) changing the state system in anunconstitutional manner. This violatesthe European principle of the rule oflaw. In violation of Section XIII of theConstitution of Ukraine (which describesin detail the procedure for changing theConstitution) and without any1
participation by the ConstitutionalCourt, the state system of our countryhas been changed by a Resolution of theSupreme Rada of Ukraine;2) exceeding its authority and floutingArticle 19 of the Constitution, theParliament has appointed supervisors for- the Ministry of Internal Affairs,- the Security Service of Ukraine,- the Prosecutor General's office.These supervisors have been appointed forthe purpose of the Euromaidan's coercingthe Constitutional institutions of thestate, in order to satisfy the interestsof the West in an unconstitutionalmanner;3) President of Ukraine Yanukovych (whosepolicies our party has openly opposed forhis entire four years in office) has beenstripped of his Constitutional authority,in gross violation of the Constitution ofUkraine. The Constitution does not endowthe Supreme Rada of Ukraine with theright to strip the President of hisauthority on the invented pretext of hishaving removed himself from office. TheConstitution prescribes a procedure forimpeachment. Again, however, guided notby the rule of law but by revolutionaryexpediency, and flouting the Europeanprinciple of the presumption ofinnocence, Yanukovych has been removedfrom office and new Presidentialelections scheduled, in violation of theConstitution of Ukraine;4) the Parliament, protecting theEuromaidan guerrillas and terrorists, hasamnestied and declared to be heroes allof its participants, initiating a processof giving them high positions in thegovernment. This means that those whotook up arms and killed innocent citizensand members of law enforcement who wereguilty of no crime, those who seized anddestroyed administrative buildings andweapons depots, and those who organizedsummary justice and committed blackmailand kidnapping, will escape anyresponsibility for their actions. Thus,the basis for the formation of a neo-
Nazi, repressive state machine is beingcreated.Washington and Brussels should heed ourwarnings. We charge them, and thepolitical forces they have brought topower, with full responsibility for theestablishment of a totalitarian, Naziregime in Ukraine, with the inevitablegross violation of the rights andfreedoms of millions of our fellowcitizens.The USA and the EU should know, that thepolitical parties and movements that haveseized power, among which are neo-Naziforces (such as Svoboda and RightSector), announced as they did so, thatthey were carrying out a nationalrevolution under the slogans ``Ukrainefor Ukrainians,'' ``Glory to the Nation -- Death to the Enemies!'', ``Knife theMuscovites and Hang the Communists!'',and so forth.As of February 22, those now in powerbear complete responsibility for allUkraine and for violations of the rightsand freedoms of citizens.The Euromaidan guerrillas and terroristscontinue to seize administrative andgovernment buildings in southeastUkraine. Voters are being stripped byterrorist methods of the right to havethe representatives they elected functionin local councils. Civilians attemptingto defend their elected officials arebeing mercilessly shot from Kalashnikovsas well as non-lethal weapons, ashappened February 22 in Luhansk.The guerrillas, without possessing anygovernment authority and in the absenceof a state of emergency, have arrogatedto themselves to block major highwayswith axes and cudgels, to runcheckpoints, and to inspect vehicles andthe documents of their passengers,barring those they disapprove of fromleaving Kiev. They are blockading theaccess roads to airports, thereby grosslyviolating the European Convention onHuman Rights and Basic Freedoms, whichguarantees the inviolability of theindividual, freedom of movement, the2
presumption of innocence, and the rightto security and life. They are abasingthe dignity and rights of the entirepeople of Ukraine.On February 23, representatives of thosenow in power announced the formation of aUkrainian ethnic community: everyone whouses the Russian language is to bestripped of the status of member of thetitular Ukrainian ethnic community andsubject to discrimination in civil andpolitical rights.The intention to ban the transmission ofRussian Federation television channels inUkraine, as being mouthpieces of ahostile state, has been announced. Thisis how the new authorities are defendingEuropean values like freedom of speechand opinion.Lists for ``lustration'' [the disclosureof personal information] have begun to bedrawn up. This mechanism will be used tostrip the civil and political rights ofthose who do not share the neo-Nazi viewsof the new Ukrainian authorities.Sickening vigilante justice continuesthroughout the country. Deputies of theSupreme Rada of Ukraine who aredisapproved of are beaten (including hitwith stones), and there is massintimidation of elected local councilmembers that their families will bedestroyed (especially their children) ifthey fail to carry out the political aimsof those now in power. The offices ofpolitical parties that are disapproved ofare being burned on a mass scale, whilepolitical parties and publicorganizations that do not share theideology and goals of the new Ukrainianauthorities are receiving public threatsof persecution and banning.A Euromaidan guerrilla takeover of theKiev-Pechora Monastery, an Orthodox holyplace, and its transfer to the schismaticFilaret [Ukrainian Orthodox Church/KievPatriarchate], has begun. This wouldproceed to the seizure of all UkrainianOrthodox Church/Moscow Patriarchatechurches, with the goal of subordinatingthem to the Vatican.
On behalf of the Progressive SocialistParty of Ukraine, I declare: We do notrecognize as legal the coup d'etat thathas been carried out, and we do notrecognize as lawful the activity of thenew Ukrainian authorities. We condemntheir total violation of the rights andfreedoms of the citizens of Ukraine onthe basis of ethnic, cultural, religious,or political factors.We appeal to the European Parliament andthe UN Security Council, demandingimmediate intervention in what istranspiring in Ukraine, to defend therights and freedoms of citizens, and toprevent the new Ukrainian authoritiesfrom unleashing a Third World War on theEurasian continent.Chairman of the PSPU Natalia Vitrenko