Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 107






Afskriftpåengelsk:THE THREAT FROM A U.S.-EU-NATO BACKED, NAZI COUP IN UKRAINE:EITHER WE FACE EXTINCTION OR WE WIN THE COMMON AIMS OF MANKINDFeb. 12 -- Helga Zepp-LaRouche made the following keynote remarksto a private luncheon in Washington, D.C. arranged by Executive Intelligence Review.HELGA ZEPP-LAROUCHE: Hello, good day. I would like to start witha prognosis of my husband, Mr. LaRouche. And for those of youwho know of him or who know him, I can say that Mr. LaRouche isdifferentiated from other economists and statesmen through thefact that his prognoses have never been wrong, both in terms ofthe prediction of the systemic collapse of the financial system,and many other occasions. And he has recently issued the warningthat if the present policy in Ukraine by the United States, bythe EU, and by NATO, is continued, that we may have athermonuclear war by the end of February or the beginning ofMarch.Now, for some of you, this may sound dramatic, but thesituation {is} dramatic. And just yesterday, two relevantRussian groupings, or in one case a person, and in another one agrouping, confirmed their absolute concern that there {is} Nazicoup in Ukraine under way. One was Gen. Leonid Ivashov, who isnow with the Geopolitical Institute, who basically accused theWest of using Goebbels' propaganda, that, he says that he hopesthe Foreign Ministry of Russia is already aware of the fact thata war has started, and that the first phase of this was is aninformation war by basically lying.Now, there are a lot of lies going on: One lie is that theWest, and in the United States, to my knowledge there has beenone single newspaper article pointing to the fact that theso-called opposition in Ukraine, is made of, largely anddominated in terms of its violent aspects, by Nazi groups,people who openly refer to Stepan Bandera, the Nazi collaboratorin the '40s who helped to prepare the invasion in Ukraine, andsuch people as the Svoboda party and other groupings, right-wingextremist groupings openly follow this tradition.Now, why is it that the West, at least in the United States,is portraying this opposition as something completely different,a freedom-loving people, who want to join democracy, who want tojoin the European Union, and where an evil dictator, Yanukovych,who is sympathetic to an even more evil dictator, Putin, aretrying to prevent these peace-loving people from joiningdemocracy and the West? That is the picture which you hear. Whyare they not telling the truth! That these people have committedviolence, they have thrown molotov cocktails, they have occupieda ministry, they have organized violent takeovers throughout the
whole country, they are wearing openly Nazi symbols, they haveswastikas in their logo; and you know, I wrote recently anarticle, if the same thing would happen, I said, if the samething would happen in Berlin, and the NPD, which is the neo-Naziparty there, would occupy a ministry, would have violentdemonstrations in front of the Chancellor's office, organizemilitant takeovers throughout the whole country, what would thepolice do? They would smash it, and try to calm it down. So whyis there such a lying presentation of this?Now, this has to be seen in the context of the effort tocontinue the NATO East expansion which started immediately afterthe collapse of the Soviet Union. When the Soviet Unioncollapsed, between 1989 and '91, basically, there was anagreement probably between Mr. Gorbachov and Mr. Kohl and Mr.Genscher, that there would be never an eastward expansion ofNATO, and there would be never foreign troops east of the Elbe.Then in 1994, there was another agreement, that basically inthe Budapest Memorandum signed between the United States, GreatBritain, and Russia, that the territory of Ukraine would beguaranteed by these three nations, and that basically, if therewould be a threat to either the security of the country, thatboth would come and protect it, {and} there would be no economiccoercion.Well, all of these have clearly been violated. Now, how wasthis recent development triggered? End of November, when at theEU summit in Vilnius, all of a sudden, Yanukovych in the lastminute refused to sign the EU Association Agreement. Now, it isvery likely, almost certain, that one part of that agreementincluded a military part, whereby in the medium term, NATO wouldhave had access to the territory of Ukraine, and that was one ofthe reasons why it became very clear that for Ukraine to sign theEU Association Agreement would have been practically suicide:First of all, it would have destroyed the Ukraine economy andturned Ukraine very quickly into the new Greece, eastward, westof the Russian border; because contrary to the mythologies, theEU is not in tremendous condition. The EU is disintegrating.There is a very great likelihood that the EU may not outlive thispresent year of 2014.Now, what then happened was a provocation, where theseelements, which according to President Putin had been preparedfor the Presidential election in 2015 were activated. And youknow, this is not just a sudden eruption, but one has to see thatthe whole eastward extension of NATO really started with thecollapse of the Soviet Union, when you had in the United States,existence in power of the neo-cons around Bush Sr.; and theneo-cons had the New American Century doctrine, which was theidea that, instead of using the historic opportunity which thecollapse of communism had represented, because there was no more
enemy and it would have been very easy to establish a peace orderfor the 21st century. Instead, Bush Sr., and Margaret Thatcher,and also Mitterrand decided to go in a different direction, andespecially between Bush Sr. and Margaret Thatcher, they decidedto build a new empire based on the special relationship betweenthe United States and Great Britain, and go for a policy ofregime change, practically against every country which wouldoppose that.Now, in that context, in Ukraine, there developed 2,200NGOs, who built networks of anti-Russian conviction, people whowould in part be activists and just paid, like in Maidan, mostpeople get paid $50 a day plus food for their demonstrations, andothers who are just full of illusion. Naturally, if you haveyoung people who are hedonistic and you promise them freedom,then you can build up networks. So over 22 years, theseanti-Russian networks have been built up, and basically at thesame time, you had the eastward extension of NATO and also theEU, which have become more and more integrated and identical.And you have to see that what is now the danger: You have asituation where Ukraine as a result of this, is almost at civilwar, and there can be a debate if the civil war has alreadyerupted. Now, the Izborsk Club, which is a group of influentialintellectuals just issued yesterday, a memorandum where they saidthat the aim is very clearly, to get rid of Yanukovych, to putTymoshenko or Klitschko into office based on a right-wingextremist coalition, drive out the Russians from Sevastopol, denythem access to the Black Sea, and basically have then acontinuation of that: Destroy the industry in the eastern partsof Ukraine which are linked to the military-industry complex ofRussia, and then carry out the Maidan tactic into Russian cities,and eventually get rid of Putin.Now, it is very clear that this is an unacceptable situationfor Russia, because you have to see that this part of themilitary deployments. The U.S. missile defense system in Poland,in Romania, and two days ago, the deployment of the {USS DonaldCook} Aegis destroyer is part of a missile defense system whereRussia has declared many times that it is {not} acceptable forthem, because the aim is obviously not some missiles in Iran, butthe very position where this missile defense system is, it'saimed to take out the second-strike capability of Russia. Andthey have declared they will not allow that this U.S. missiledefense system is being built beyond a certain point, becauseRussia would become indefensible after that situation.So therefore, we are looking at a situation in the shortterm of a Russian counter-reaction. There are some people inmilitary circles in Western Europe who think that you may look ata replay of what happened in at the end of the Beijing OlympicGames, that after the Sochi Olympic Games are over, that a
Russian reaction could be like in Ossetia in 2008. I would notcount on such timetables, because the situation is -- you know,we are on the verge of World War III, right now, and it couldhappen much, much earlier.In addition to the U.S. missile defense system, is thePrompt Global Strike doctrine, which is a doctrine which isbasically using traditional ICBM missiles, but with non-nuclearweapons, also supposedly to be able to take out the second-strikecapability. And you have to also take into account that the"Asia pivot" policy, the so-called Air-Sea Battle doctrineagainst China, is characterized by the same illusion and utopianidea that you can take out the second-strike capability of China.Now, China has made very clear that they will notcapitulate. In October, on one Monday, all the Chinesepublications published maps where they pointed to the fact thatthey have 70 strategic submarines in the Pacific off the WestCoast of the United States, and they could hit the entire WestCoast with nuclear weapons as a second strike, and they have mapswhere you can see the radioactive fallout going all the way toChicago, and then, how you would have a second line going overthe North Pole, hitting the East Coast.Similarly, the Russian joint chiefs of staff had aconference in Moscow, I think it was almost two years ago, wherethey showed video animations, where they show that the U.S.missile defense system is targetting Russian capabilities and whythey can not accept that. And even the Chief of Staff GeneralMarkarov at that point said that the Russians may be forced to gointo a first strike, when it becomes clear that if they wait anylonger their position becomes indefensible.So therefore, when my husband says that we are looking atthe short-term confrontation and that we must change the agenda,I mean, all the evidence points to the fact that this is underway. And the fortunate publication of the YouTube discussionbetween Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland and theAmbassador Pyatt, there was a big hoopla about it, naturally, andthe Western media immediately tried to play it down and say, "Oh,she's used to this profane language." Now, I'm not interested inthe sexual preferences of Mrs. Nuland, but what I'm veryinterested in, is what it really refers to, namely, that this isa total interference into the internal affairs of Ukraine, itshows that they are managing {by the minute} how this processgoes, and it is a total, total violation of every form ofinternational treaties and diplomacy.And it is not a surprise, because, if you look at the careerof Mrs. Nuland: First of all, she is married to Robert Kagan, whois an arch-neo-con. He was in the Old Bush administration, andone of the authors designing this idea of NATO eastward extensionand encirclement of Russia and China. So that she would then
basically be in Kiev, or wherever this phone call was made, andwas caught, and then, there was a complete cover-up, and thatthere is absolutely {no} mentioning of the true Nazi character ofcoup in Ukraine is really absolutely incredible.Now, I think that the immediate danger is not just in thislong-term preparation, but it has to do with the fact that theWestern trans-Atlantic financial system is about to blow. Ithink that the only reason why, after the collapse of LehmanBrothers in 2008, the system didn't go bankrupt, was because allthe major central banks decided to go for quantitative easing, toprint money, to do what the Reichsbank did between 1919 and 1923,just to print money. And at the same, go for bailouts, and theyrealize this is now not enough, so they have the mechanism of"bail-in," which we have seen in the Cyprus model which means theexpropriation of people who have savings accounts aboveEU100,000, but if it comes to a crash, it would be even worse.Now, all this money printing, naturally, has the danger ofhyperinflation, which is already building up in a giganticbubble. And that is why there has been since a long time, adebate in the Fed and other places, about the need to reversethat. And there was a general recognition that you can notreverse it, because if you start to take the liquidity out ofthis bubble, the danger is that it busts.Now, in the recent period, Mr. Bernanke decided to go forthe so-called "tapering," meaning to reduce the liquidityinjection from $85 billion a month, to first, $75 billion, andnow $65, but, exactly as was to be expected, this has alreadyshown tremendous reactions by the collapse of the currencies ofthe so-called "emerging markets," and capital flight out of thesecountries. And the BIS recently put out a statement that theyare totally against this "tapering" of the Fed, because itinvolves the danger of a catastrophic development, meaning ablowout of the system.Now, we are on the verge of such a blowout and that collapseof the financial system is what decides the speed of thisadventure towards Russia.So, I think what we need to do, is first of all, and one ofthe reasons why we have this luncheon, we have also preparedwritten materials for you, I think it is {extremely} importantthat the character of the coup in Ukraine is made known.Fortunately, there were some papers in Germany by now, the{Guardian}, also {Time} magazine, {Stern} and others, publishedthe Nazi character, even so in much too mild fashion. But it mustbecome known: This is a Nazi coup, and this is the danger toworld peace!Then, in addition to that, we are working very hard, myhusband in particular, to try every possible to get patriots ofthe United States to return the United States back to its
Constitution. And that is for me not to comment on, but there isa big effort by American patriots to do exactly that.But I think internationally, it is extremely clear, if wecontinue on the present course of action, you know, the extremefinancial free-market economy which has led to a situation wherethe gap between rich and poor has become intolerable! Recently areport was published that 85 individuals own as much as 3.5{billion} people! Entire regions of the world are dying; Africais dying, many other places are in a terrible condition. If youtake the entire region from Afghanistan, Pakistan, to Syria, toNorth Africa, to Central Africa, this is a region which is in{total} chaos. The policy of regime-change in Iraq, in Libya, inSyria, has created Hell on Earth: This area is dominated byterrorists, by people who are receiving their money from themoney laundering from the drug production in Afghanistan, whichhas increased by 40 times since NATO has moved into Afghanistan12 years ago, this is what sponsors the terrorism, this was whatwas responsible for the terrorism in Volgograd.So I can give you many more aspects, but one thing is veryclear: If we continue on the present course, the likelihood thathuman civilization will not exist beyond next month is very high.And we must have a dramatic, dramatic change of the paradigm:There is {no reason} why we can not have an internationalsecurity agreement, including Russia, including China, in whichthe United States would cooperate in joint missile defense, withRussia, China, the Europeans, where we would concentrate on thecommon aims of mankind, such as defense of the planet againstasteroids, comets, and other objects.There are many issues where mankind {must work together} ifwe are not going to make ourselves extinct, and it is thequestion, do we have enough people who have the intelligence andthe morality to recognize that in time, so that we can avoid ahuman catastrophe, and possibly the extinction of civilization?end