Transportudvalget 2013-14
TRU Alm.del Bilag 410
IDA Energi, TINV and DTU Transport Arranges a Thematic Day Thursday October 9. 2014 09:00
Building 101 at the Technical University of Denmark i Lyngby:
Future Truck and Public Transport in an Energy P
A view to optimal economical energy sources/technologies with the lowest ”Carbon Footprint” is presented
Come, listen, look and try out some of the technologies
Green Transport - An overview (Danish Energy Agency)
Sustainable Transport – where are we today (DTU Transport)
What is the DSV view to the future development? (DSV)
Sweden’s best bus line – multilink BRT and Light Rail Perspectives (
(Malmö Stad)
Will electric charging of busses, trucks and cars from build in charging devices in roads be a realistic alternative
to trams and conventional diesel trucks for long haul traffic? Lund University
Platooned traffic integrated with other road us on conventional highways can lead to energy savings of 20%.
Siemens visions for energy optimized tran
transport systems (Siemens)
VDL Full Electric busses and the Phileas “driverless” hybrid BRT Advanced Public Transport System (VDL)
VOLVO’s New Clean and Efficient Bus Technologies (Volvo Bus)
High Efficient HT PEM fuel cells as APU and Range Extender in Electric Vehicles (Serenergy)
Frederiksberg Kommunes experiences with optimized electrical heavy duty vehicles. (Frederiksberg)
DEMONSTRATION of new technologies. Biogas Hybrid multilink BRT. Full electric trucks and busses