Transportudvalget 2013-14
TRU Alm.del Bilag 260
Newsletter 2014 - 3NewsSwedenThe Swedish governmentagency Trafikverket declaredearlier this month that they havestudied the possibility to makethe track in “Ostlänken”(Stockholm-Linköping) raisedup over the landscape insteadof cutting into the landscape.This method will lessenenvironmental impact and resultin construction speedadvantages.With a maglev inspired raisedtrack, it will have some but notall, of the advantages of aregular maglev option.Trafikverket is still notcommenting on maglevtechnology.
Magnetic-train Scandinaviacircular track section, and in 1987a northern high speed circulartrack, so the train could runcontinuously.options on how a route would look.Calculations are made with the sameprogram as the official investigation.Total distance: 180-190kmEstimated cost: 50-65 billion krStations: 5Population city: 1,7 M centralTotal population: aprox. 2.5 M metroDirect travel documents: ~550k/monthFurther connecting: ~680k/monthKm cost directly: 120-165öre/km+ Connecting Göteborg: 95-133öre/km+ Connection Oslo: 90-125öre/km
Welcome to the only inter-Nordicnewsletter about magnetic-trains.
Above: Transrapid TR09 on Transrapid testtrack
DenmarkOn 2014-04-24, the DanishParliament's Transport Committee,received this magnet train group foran audience in which a new seriesof OH's (link) were shown, and anumber of developmentopportunities presented. are goingto be shown, and a number ofdevelopment opportunities will bepresented.
The Nordic "8 Million City" group hasorganized their 2014 final seminar.We have initiated a dialogue withthe group on possibly cooperatingwith them on certain developmentand future issues.Ole Rasmussen (DK) from thismagnetic train group attended theseminar.
The first train tested on the track wasthe Transrapid TR06, it topped outjust over 400km/h. A lot of data wascollected from TR06 and in 1989 aradical new train, the TR07 withimproved aerodynamics, suspensionand lifting mechanism. The masswas also lowered considerately. Anew cheaper track segment was alsodeveloped, significantly decreasingthe cost of track construction. Ahandful of segments was installed fordurability testing.After 15 years of testing in 1999 theTR07 was updated in a TR08 pre-production, ready for regular service.A new concrete hybrid track sectionwas also developed to decreasetrack installation cost more. Thissystem is almost identical to the onelater installed in Shanghai.In 2007 after years of experience inregular service a TR09 wasdeveloped with a high number ofimprovements over the TR08. Witheverything from increasing comfort,to reducing maintenance costs. Theold thyristor was also replaced bymodern transistors reducing energyconsumption.
Transrapid TestTrackSeries – Magnetic trains around the globe
Copenhagen toAarhusPart 3: DenmarkSeries – Scandinavian parts
In early 1980 it was obvious thatTransrapid needed a full scale testtrack. The first part was finished in1984. In 1985 the track wascomplemented with a southern
Continuing from the newsletter inMarch in the series on Scandinavianroutes.This is not a professionalinvestigation, only a few different
(estimated using the same model Themodel is not optimized for this routeand the results will therefore deviatesomewhat from the expected realworld results). In our model we havecalculated with a direct land routefrom Aarhus to KBH. The model mayunderestimate the increase inpassenger volume because itconnects over Kategat.See map overleafTrack can use a new south exit fromCopenhagen with extensive tunnel-work, or a north exit following thesame route as Goteborg toCopenhagen line, reducing cost, butalso reducing capacity.Following a somewhat straight lineacross Sjaelland there is a possibilityof a stop near Roskilde andKalundborg reducing the strain onexisting commuter service.Over Kategat to Samsø a tunnel isneeded to allow for large ships topass unhindered. Using Samsø as astaging platform the tunnel can exit,and the route continue using amedium sized bridge allowing smalland medium sized ships to pass.At Samsø a new city can be builtwithin mere minutes from both centralAarhus and Copenhagen.Over to Aarhus a direct bridging lowcost Transrapid track can be built.After reaching Aarhus a station canbe built just south of the city to reducecosts and building time, or near thecity center using a tunnel for centralaccess.Future expansions can be built rightthrough Aarhus and then split into twosingle track lines to connect to bothAalborg and Esbjerg at a reasonablecost.Continue 2nd page
Göteborg (5 stops): 56 minutesOslo (8 stops): 102 minutesOslo (1 stop gbg): 75 minutesStockholm (13 stops): 132minutesStockholm (nonstop): 90 minutes
Steel guideLinear motorInduction power transferThe picture shows one of the twosymmetrical sides of a TR09 Transrapidtrack. The component viable, Steel guide,Linear motor and Induction power transfer isthe only component needed on the TR09track.
Continue from page 1. Copenhagen toAarhus
Over: Copenhagen to Aarhus via SamsøBelow: Aarhus to Hedensted and BillundAirport continuing to Esbjerg
The guide-way is made almostexclusively of concrete, the onlyexposed steel is the steel guide,reducing both up front cost andmaintenanceThe linear motor is made of rubberand aluminum and is completelyshielded from the sun by the track.All transformers and power-supplyequipment is situated in secureareas every 50km with only smallrelays situated every 4 km next tothe track.
The Transrapid TR09 is arguably themost modern magnetic-levitationtransport-system available on themarket today, and there is still roomfor improvement of the systemSamsø in year 2040? This could be true forSamsø, with Aarhus C only 7 minutes awayand Kbh 25 minutes, it becomes veryattractive to live on the island.

Modular system

Technology ExplainedHow does the Transrapid TR09 work
.Traveling time from Copenhagen:Roskilde: 7 minutesRingsted (1 stop): 13 minutesKalundborg (2 stops): 21 minutesSamsø (3 stops): 29 minutesAarhus (non stop): 25 minutesAarhus (4 stops): 42 minutesRanders (1 stop): 33 minutesAalborg (2 stops): 47 minutesHedensted NV(1 stop): 35 min.Billund (2 stops): 45 minutesEsbjerg (3 stops): 57 minutesLandvetter (4 stops): 50 minutes
Transrapid trains are similar toLinimo trains in having liftingmagnets under both sides of the T-shaped track. But while Linimo usesa passive magnetic field Transrapidis lifting in a moving electromagneticfield. That is Transrapid uses thesame magnetic field for bothpropulsion and lifting.The induction power transferee is asystem unique to TR09 reducingmaintenance cost for both vehicleand track to a fraction of othersystems. Transfering power to thetrain cordless, similar to a electrictoothbrush.
A great advantage with theTransrapid transport system is thatits totally modular, making it possibleto upgrade part by part.
A TR09 train on old TR08 track Danmark:Ole RasmussenContact Sverige:Mattias Svederberg