Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2013-14
SUU Alm.del Bilag 643
Kære Pia,
Tak fordi du engagerer dig - det er det politik handler om.
T. Gondii problemet er reelt og virkeligt - også selv om det kan fremprovokere lidt frygt i de fleste.
Vi (som er et uformelt internationalt research kollektiv) har arbejdet meget intensivt med sagen i
lang tid og har løbende informeret myndighederne, patientforeningerne og industrien i takt med at
billedet foldede sig ud.
Vores oprindelige vinkel var Diabetes (som der er særdeles god grund til at antage at TG er
væsentlig faktor i) men vi indså ret tidligt i processen at TG er et problem som er større og noget
som ingen havde set før.
Vi opdagede også, at hvis man er inficeret er denne sag meget svær at tilnærme sig intellektuelt, i
det T. Gondii - lidt populært sagt - ikke er meget for at blive opdaget.
Personligt har jeg arbejdet næsten fuld tid med sagen i over et år og startede med at informere
myndighederne i Danmark i februar (Sundhedsministeriet, Statens Serum Institut og
Sundhedsstyrelsen mv.).
Al information er også tilsendt Folketingets Sundhedsudvalg og er nu "on record" i Folketinget.
Vi har naturligvis også informeret medicinal industrien - se venligst nedenfor seneste herom til
Som det fremgår er der en meget lang række måder at løse problemet på - og mange af dem er
nemme, billige og tilgængelige.
Med venlig hilsen
Bo Hembæk Svensson
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Bo Svensson
<[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Sep 23, 2014 at 11:24 AM
Subject: New evidence support causality between T. Gondii and Diabetes, Schizoprenia,
Alzheimers/Parkinson etc
[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: Henrik Nedergaard <[email protected]>, Nis Peter Nissen <[email protected]>, Bente Friborg
<[email protected]>
To: The Management of Novo Nordisk and Lundbeck
Dear Sirs,
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We have consistently been alerting you to the fact that a significant number of scientists, doctors
and scholars is warning us about T. Gondii's
effect on humans.
We have also conveyed facts and documentation that places the phenomenon of T. Gondii as part of
a bigger picture.
We have conveyed several scientific papers suggesting a direct causal connection between diabetes
and T. Gondii infections and an even greater number of papers suggesting causality related to
Alzheimer, Schizophrenia, Parkinson, Depression, Obesity, various forms of cancer and so forth.
Several science teams describes T. Gondii as a "Global Threat", and authorities from UN, US,
Iceland, Sweden, Holland and others have recently issued warnings and has been alerting policy
makers and the health-care sector.
Recently Professor Rima McLoud and her team of scientists from USA, France, England and
Canada stepped out and informed us about their findings - directly warning against "the
diseases this parasite causes."
From the work of Professor McLoud (
we learn that an even newer
connection has been made, that gives deep meaning and correlates perfectly to what we have learnt
so far concerning T. Gondii and its causality:
"We just published a paper on
in the journal Infection and Immunity. We are early in the
process of studying all the genes, but the results so far are fascinating. We have used a candidate
gene approach. The first two genes we examined, one from either end of Toxo1 region, had
variations that correlate at a high level with either susceptibility or resistance. Earlier, we had found
this in the gene at the bottom of the region, known as caterpillar at the time. In this current paper,
we found it in a gene at the top of the region, called ALOX12. This is a cell-death gene.
Technically, it is a lipoxygenase that adds a toxic, unstable oxygen to the 12th carbon of
arachidonic acid—creating a biologically harmful molecule.
Others had found evidence of
ALOX12 influencing outcomes in
diabetes, neurodegenerative disease
there was nothing known about its role in infectious diseases.
"When we reducedALOX12, the inflammatory and cell-death activities that protect against
toxoplasmosis decreased. It became likely that certain variants of this gene were more effective than
others at triggering inflammation and killing infected and nearby cells and parasites (...) Without the
product of this gene the same cells were unable to constrain the infection. When we tested these
cells with the ALOX12 gene rendered inactive, the parasites proliferated rapidly."
We also learn that:
"Toxoplasma infects nerve cells. Certain versions of ALOX12 and NALP1 can help an infected
person mount a strong, early, protective, immune response, killing parasites, infected cells as well
as nearby cells. But we also know that ALOX12 is
associated with diseases related to aging and
memory loss.
When we utilized our findings about ALOX12 with systems-biology programs, used
to map out pathways, we realized that many of these pathways were also in play in various
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diseases, such as
and even
Some may contribute
When this powerful immune response remains on the job it can have
effects that might be harmful."
(...) More effective medicines or a vaccine could protect against the devastating diseases this
parasite causes."
On behalf of the 1.5 million infected in Denmark we ask you:
How much more evidence does the pharmaceutical industry need to engage ?
How many lives should be devastated by Toxoplasma Gondii before we all step in and solve
the problem ?
Especially Novo Nordisk and Lundbeck plays a crucial role in solving this problem that is
recognized, documented
and has a very strong
For the last year we have been collecting information concerning how to deal with Toxoplasma
Gondii - and we have a long list of remedies from pharmaceuticals and natural remedies to
sound/frequency and nano-tech.
The list of
remedies are surprisingly long - so we actually already have a host of options and
tools to use to solve this problem ..... all we need is to get the
As you might be aware of we have been activating the danish (and foreign) authorities, and we start
seeing the effect of this. The process has been very slow, but we now have traction at the political
level in Denmark .
It is safe to say that we have not been confronted with a problem like this before and therefore only
cooperation and out-of-the-box thinking will bring us towards a solution.
We will convey all of our findings, insights, documentation and so forth to anyone wishing to
participate in addressing the issue.
Sincerely yours
Bo Hembæk Svensson et al.