Sundheds- og Forebyggelsesudvalget 2013-14
SUU Alm.del Bilag 39
Fra:Alfred Peter Born <[email protected]>Dato:onsdag den 25. september 2013 14.38Til:Mette Kenfelt <[email protected]>Cc:Louise Schouborg Brinth <[email protected]>, Claus Werner-Jensen <[email protected]>, Jørgen Kenfelt <[email protected]>Emne:SV: Eksperthjælp i udlandet - FW: About my daughter, Simone Kenfelt´sserious and debilitating sideeffects after the HPV vaccination GardasilHej,Du må gerne send det til mig så kan jeg sende videre til Anja, som tager sig afudredning af vaccinationsbivirkninger.Vi kan jo desværre ikke fremskynde hendes udredning for sygdomme i de smånervefibre meget mere, det er en ret omfattende undersøgelse.Jeg ringer til jer senere på ugen og hører hvordan det gårHilsenPeterPeter BornM.D, ph.d.Pediatric Neurology 5003RigshospitaletBlegdamsvej 92100 Copenhagen ØDenmark+45 35455093Fax +45 35456717Fra:Mette Kenfelt [[email protected]]Sendt:25. september 2013 14:32Til:Alfred Peter BornCc:Louise Schouborg Brinth; Claus Werner-Jensen; Jørgen KenfeltEmne:Eksperthjælp i udlandet - FW: About my daughter, Simone Kenfelt´s seriousand debilitating sideeffects after the HPV vaccination Gardasil
Kære Peter Born,Som du selv har set, forværres Simones tilstand sig hastigt og alvorligt.Udover besvimelserne med efterfølgende lammelser har Simone også megetmarkante og brændende smerter i hele kroppen og hovedet, kombineret med deøvrige symptomer.Det er umenneskeligt, men jeg synes Simone trods alt tackler det flot.I henhold til aftale med Louise Brinth startede Simone i går med at tage Gutron, 5mg, dog kun en 1/4 om dagen til at starte med. Vi håber vi kan undgå hendesbesvimelser. Louise og jeg taler sammen igen på fredag.Vi har som aftalt med dig mandag den 16. 09 taget kontakt til flere eksperter iudlandet, som arbejder med bivirkninger efter HPV vaccinen.Nedenstående finder du den første mail, som jeg har sendt i den forbindelse. Jeg harallerede fået en del viden, som jeg meget gerne vil videregive til den/de rette lægerog eksperter på Rigshopsitalet.Hvem skal jeg sende til?Jeg ser frem til at høre fra dig, snarest muligt.På forhånd tak og fortsat god dagHej fra Mette KenfeltMobil 22 67 41 40Fra:Mette Kenfelt <[email protected]>Dato:fredag den 20. september 2013 10.07Til:"Prof. Shoenfeld Yehuda" <[email protected]>, EleonoraLuka <[email protected]>, "O. Beckord" <[email protected]>, "O.Spielmann" <[email protected]>, Vera Stejskal <[email protected]>,<[email protected]>, 'Claus Muss' <[email protected]>,<[email protected]>Cc:Fam Viborg <[email protected]>, Claus Werner-Jensen<[email protected]>, Louise Schouborg Brinth<[email protected]>, Karen-Marie Dahlmoes <Karen-[email protected]>,Per Andersen<[email protected]>, Jørgen Kenfelt <[email protected]>, Mette Kenfelt<[email protected]>
Emne:About my daughter, Simone Kenfelt´s serious and debilitating sideeffectsafter the HPV vaccination GardasilDear all,My daughter Simone's condition is very serious and debilitating after HPV vaccineGardasil.Simone passed out 2 times a week with subsequent paralysis in the legs and arms.Both before and after her fainting sheep Simone sharp and burning pain throughoutthe body and the head. She is without diagnosis and treatment. There is no painmedication that can help my daughter. Denmark's leading hospital Rigshospitalethas informed us that they have no idea how Simone to be treated. Rigshopitalet areinterested in being contacted by experts from abroad.I have yesterday sent an email (read the bottom) with content similar to thefollowing 4 different doctors around the world. I have attached 7 files.If you have suggestions or comments submitted hear, I want from you.We ( Karsten Viborg and Mette Kenfelt) also work 24/7 to stop the HPV vaccine inDenmark and have set up an expert committee of scientists and physicians fromhome and abroad. We hope you will participate with your knowledge in Denmark.Here and now turn my focus on Simone health if condition worsens significantly.I have contacted the following four doctors:Dr. FoleyDear Mette,Thank you for reaching out to us about your daughter, Simone. We can certainlyunderstand your concerns about the severe and debilitating side effects Simonehas experienced after getting the Gardasil vaccine.Dr. Foley will review the information that you have forwarded to us and we willget back to you soon.Best Regards,Janet McDonaldPractice Manager
2013 Crompond RoadYorktown Heights, NY 10598Tel: 914-962-0101www.BodyCures.comAlso to Dr. Christof Plothe to Dr. Thomas Raw to Dr. Dawning very much look forward to hearing from you and further dialogue.Best regardsMette KenfeltMobile 45 22 67 41 40[email protected]Fra:Mette Kenfelt <[email protected]>Dato:torsdag den 19. september 2013 14.54Til:<[email protected]>Cc:<[email protected]>, Mette Kenfelt <[email protected]>, Jørgen Kenfelt<[email protected]>Emne:Att. Dr. Downing - About my daughter, Simone Kenfelt´s sideeffects after theHPV vaccination GardasilDear Dr. Downing.I’m writing to you, recommended by Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic. She tells me that youare one of the most experienced doctors in the field of side effects after Gardasilvaccines.
My daughter Simone has very serious and debilitating side effects following HPVvaccine Gardasil.Simones HPV history:I have attached Simones story that I wrote on Facebook on 4 August 2013. Sincethen, Simone passed out 2 times a week with subsequent paralysis in the legs andarms. Both before and after her fainting sheep Simone sharp and burning painthroughout the body and the head. She is without diagnosis and treatment. There isno pain medication that can help my daughter.After my write on Facebook, I have contact with 115 adverse event affected girlsand women. It is a serious problem.We are a small group of parents that the last 3 months have worked hard 24/7 withHPV vaccine. Today we have so much valuable and serious knowledge aboutGardasil and its side effects, that we feel a great responsibility to share. We are nowin dialogue with the responsible politicians in Denmark.We focus on that will set up an expert group of leading scientists and physiciansfrom home and abroad.It is vital that we find a treatment that can help all of our adverse hit girl andwomen.Denmark's leading hospital Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen is responsible for Simone.Rigshospitalet has just announced that they have no idea how Simone to be treated.Simone is unfortunately very hard hit.I sincerely hope you can help us and will assess Simone? What are our options andhow you can best help us?Initially, I am forwarding the various blood tests - and urine tests there have beenconducted and an overview from Simone's doctor Claus Werner Jensen.I very much look forward to hearing from you and further dialogue.Best regardsMette KenfeltMobile 45 22 67 41 40[email protected]