Socialudvalget 2013-14
SOU Alm.del Bilag 77
We are pleased to announce that the European Parliamentary Week (EPW) will take placefrom 20 to 22 January 2014 at the EP premises in Brussels. The EPW will bring togetherparliamentarians from all over the European Union to discuss economic, budgetary and socialmatters.We are particularly pleased to host within the framework of the EPW the InterparliamentaryConference on Economic Governance of the European Union. Based on Article 13 of theTreaty on Stability, Coordination and Governance (TSCG), the Conference is co-organisedand co-presided by the Hellenic Parliament and the European Parliament. Following on fromthe inaugural Conference in Vilnius, Lithuania, it is aimed at further developing thecooperation of the Parliaments of the European Union in relation to matters covered by theTSCG.We very much hope that your Parliament/Chamber will be represented at the event. Theprogramme and further details about the EPW will follow in due course.

Martin Schulz

President of the European Parliament

Vangelis Meimarakis

Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament