Socialudvalget 2013-14
SOU Alm.del Bilag 314
Dear Colleague,
We are pleased to invite representatives of your Parliament to take part in the meeting of
Chairpersons of Committees specialised in Fundamental Rights, to be held at the Chamber of
Deputies in Rome on 13-14 October 2014, within the framework of the parliamentary
dimension of the Italian Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
We kindly ask you to forward the attached letter from the Chairpersons of the
Committees on Constitutional Affairs and Justice of the Senate of the Republic, Anna
Finocchiaro and Francesco Nitto Palma, and of the Chamber of Deputies, Francesco Paolo
Sisto and Donatella Ferranti, to the Chairpersons of the appropriate Committees of your
Please accept the assurances of our highest consideration.
Pietro Grasso
President of the Senate of the Republic
Laura Boldrini
President of the Chamber of Deputies