Retsudvalget 2013-14
REU Alm.del Bilag 163
To the Chair of the Committee concerned
Dear Colleague,
In the framework of the Parliamentary Dimension of the Hellenic Presidency of theCouncil of the European Union we are pleased to inform you that the Committee on CivilLiberties, Justice and Home Affairs (LIBE) of the European Parliament and the Committeeon Public Administration, Public Order and Justice of the Hellenic Parliament areorganising a Joint Committee Meeting on"Future Priorities in the Field of CivilLiberties, Justice and Home Affairs"with the participation of Members from NationalParliaments on Wednesday, 19 March 2014, from 09.00 to 06.30, in the premises of theEuropean Parliament in Brussels.
The period of implementation of "The Stockholm Programme: an open and secure Europeserving and protecting citizens" will end by 2014 and discussions as to the post-Stockholmagenda for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice are currently taking place. Thismeeting, following on the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Committees on Justice andHome Affairs held in Athens in February, is intended to provide a forum for nationalParliaments and the European Parliament to further elaborate on the priorities in the fieldof Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs on the basis of the progress made under theStockholm Programme. As such it should contribute to the definition of parliamentarypriorities ahead of the June 2014 European Council which will provide strategic guidelinesfor legislative and operational planning in the area of freedom, security and justice(pursuant to Article 68 TFEU). In this context it will also offer the occasion to assess thetwo communications - one on home affairs and one on justice affairs - that the Commissionintends to present by spring 2014.
It is thus our pleasure to invite up to four Members from the relevant Committees of yourParliament (two from each chamber for bicameral National Parliaments) to participate inthe Joint Committee Meeting and up to two accompanying civil servants. The Parliamentsof candidate and potential candidate countries and EFTA members are invited to send up totwo members as observers and one accompanying civil servant.
Please find enclosed the draft programme. The final programme and more detailedpractical information about the meeting will be shortly forwarded to your Parliament'sstaff, responsible for relations with the European Parliament.
We sincerely hope that you will accept our invitation and look forward to welcoming youto the European Parliament.
Yours sincerely,
Juan Fernando LÓ
PEZ AGUILARChair of the Committee onCivil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairsof the European Parliament
Kyriakos VIRVIDAKISChair of the Committee on PublicAdministration, Public Order and Justiceof the Hellenic Parliament