Retsudvalget 2013-14
REU Alm.del Bilag 163
DRAFT AGENDAJOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGEuropean Parliament - National Parliaments
Future Priorities in the field of Civil Liberties, Justiceand Home AffairsWednesday 19 March 2014, 9.00 – 18.30European Parliament, BrusselsRoom: József Antall (JAN) 2Q2
Organised with the support of the Directorate for Relations withNational Parliaments
PE529.793v02-00United in diversity
1. General introduction
The period of implementation of "The Stockholm Programme - an open and secureEurope serving and protecting citizens" will end by 2014 and discussions as to the post-Stockholm agenda for the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice are currently takingplace.Following the Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Committees on Justice and HomeAffairs of EU Parliaments, which was held in Athens on February 17, 2014 this jointcommittee meeting is intended to provide a forum for the exchange of views on thefuture priorities on the basis of the progress made under the Stockholm Programme. Assuch it should contribute to the definition of parliamentary priorities ahead of the June2014 European Council which plans to define strategic guidelines for legislative andoperational planning in the area of freedom, security and justice (pursuant to Article 68TFEU). In this context it will also provide the occasion to assess the two communications- one on home affairs and one on justice affairs - that the Commission intends to presentby spring 2014.The Lisbon Treaty offers enhanced possibilities of involving national Parliaments in thelegislative and other work undertaken in the field of civil liberties, justice and homeaffairs, notably by reference to Articles 69, 70, 71 and 85 TFEU, as well as the ProtocolNo 1 on the role of national Parliaments in the European Union.2. Background documentsAll relevant background documents are available on theJCM dedicated webpage.
Order of businessWednesday, 19 March 2014
09.00 - 09.10
Opening by Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR,Chair of theCommittee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs of theEuropean Parliament
Opening by Kyriakos VIRVIDAKIS,Chair of the StandingCommittee on Public Administration, Public Order and Justice ofthe Hellenic Parliament09.10- 11.00SESSION I - Developing an EU Internal Security Strategy andenhancing police cooperationWhat future for Europol?The fight against cross-border serious and organised crime can only be carried outeffectively in the EU through close cooperation between national law enforcementauthorities. Amongst the different cooperation and information exchange mechanisms,Europol plays a central role as an information hub. In March 2013, the Commissionproposed a new legal framework for Europol1, making the agency more flexible inprocessing information, with more rigorous data protection requirements, and placed itunder the clear parliamentary scrutiny of the European Parliament together with nationalParliaments. In February 2014, the European Parliament adopted its position on theproposed Europol Regulation2, strengthening the data protection safeguards, spelling outin greater detail the joint parliamentary scrutiny by the European Parliament and thenational Parliaments, rejecting the proposed merger between Europol and CEPOL, andclarifying the cooperation and exchange of information between Member States, thirdcountries and Europol.Moderator:Speakers:Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR,Chair of the Committee on CivilLiberties, Justice and Home Affairs of the European ParliamentAgustín DÍAZ DE MERA GARCÍA-CONSUEGRA,MEP, Rapporteuron the Europol draft RegulationNational MemberRob WAINWRIGHT,Director of Europol
09.10 - 09.2009.20 - 09.3009.30 - 09.401
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Union Agency forLaw Enforcement Cooperation and Training (Europol) and repealing Decisions 2009/371/JHA and2005/681/JHA, COM (2013)0173 final2A7- 0096/2014
09.40- 11.0011.00 - 12.30
Debate with national Parliamentarians and MEPsSESSION II - Developing the EU's immigration and asylumpolicyHow to deal with the on-going crisis in the Mediterranean?
Following the tragic events off Lampedusa, a Task Force Mediterranean has been set up,which, according to the relevant Commission Communication aims at an integratedapproach regarding migratory flows in the Mediterranean, focusing on cooperation withthird countries, regional protection, resettlement and reinforced legal avenues to Europe,fighting against trafficking, smuggling and organised crime, reinforced bordersurveillance, and finally assistance and solidarity with Member States dealing with highmigration pressure. The European Parliament in a Resolution adopted in October 20131welcomed the intention to establish the Task Force. In legislative terms an important stepwas the agreement reached on the draft Regulation establishing rules for the surveillanceof the external sea borders in the context of operational cooperation coordinated byFrontex at the External Borders of the Members States.Moderator:Speakers:Kyriakos VIRVIDAKIS,Chair of the Standing Committee on PublicAdministration, Public Order and Justice of the Hellenic Parliament
11.00 - 11.1011.10 - 11.2011.20 - 11.3011.30 - 12.3012.30
Introductory remarks byMiltiadis VARVITSIOTIS,Minister ofMercantile Marine, Hellenic RepublicCarlos COEHLO,MEP, Rapporteur on the draft Regulationestablishing rules for the surveillance of the external sea borders inthe context of operational cooperation coordinated by Frontex atthe External Borders of the Members StatesEugenioAMBROSI,International Organisation for MigrationDebate with national Parliamentarians and MEPsSeated lunch reception (by invitation only)
European Parliament resolution of 23 October 2013 on migratory flows in the Mediterranean, with particularattention to the tragic events off Lampedusa (2013/2827(RSP))
The European Commission plans to adopt on 25 February two communications on futurepriorities in the home affairs and justice field.Moderator:15.00 - 15.1515.15 - 15.4515.45 - 16.0016.00- 16.30Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILARandKyriakos VIRVIDAKISQ&A sessionQ&A sessionEuropean Commission proposals for the post-Stockholm period inthe area of justice:Viviane REDING, Vice-President of theCommission(confirmed)European Commission proposals for the post-Stockholm period inthe area of home affairs:Cecilia MALMSTRÖM, Commissioner incharge of Home Affairs(confirmed)
16.30 - 17.30
SESSION III - Fundamental rights for EU citizens in the digitaleraReinforcing data protection and shielding EU citizens againstelectronic mass surveillance
At the beginning of 2012 the Commission had presented the proposals of the dataprotection package consisting of a draft Regulation1and a draft Directive2. The LIBEcommittee voted its position and a mandate to enter into negotiations with the Council inview of a first reading agreement on 21 October 20133. Negotiations could, however, notyet start as Member States in Council could not yet agree on a position.The European Parliament resolution of 4 July 2013 on the US National Security Agencysurveillance programme, surveillance bodies in various Member States and their impact onEU citizens' privacy mandated the LIBE Committee to conduct an in-depth inquiry into thematter also in collaboration with national parliaments. The work of the inquiry led to anumber of recommendations and the session could serve to discuss parliamentarypriorities of the coming years in this field.Moderator:Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR/ Kyriakos VIRVIDAKIS
Proposal for a Regulation on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and onthe free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation), COM(2012)00112Proposal for a Directive on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data bycompetent authorities for the purposes of prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offencesor the execution of criminal penalties, and the free movement of such data, COM(2012)00103A7- 0402/2013, A7- 0403/2013.
16.30 - 16.4516.45 - 16.5516.55 - 17.3017.30 - 18.25
Jan ALBRECHTMEP, Rapporteur on the draft data protectionRegulationClaude MORAES,Rapporteur of the LIBE Inquiry on "Electronicmass surveillance of EU citizens"National MemberDebate with national Parliamentarians and MEPsSESSION IV - Developing a criminal justice area under theLisbon Treaty with regard to the European Public Prosecutor'sOfficeJudicial cooperation in criminal matters
In July 2013 the Commission presented a new draft Regulation on the European PublicProsecutor's Office (EPPO)1, and a draft Regulation on Eurojust2, the two being closelylinked. According to the Commission, the creation of EPPO aims at an enhanced fightagainst crime affecting the EU budget, and thus savings millions of euros at times of fiscalconsolidation. National Parliaments have, through their reasoned opinions, raised a'yellow card' to this Commission proposal at the end of 2013, the Commission has, however,decided not to withdraw the proposal. Since Art. 86 TFEU, the legal basis for the EPPORegulation, provides for a special legislative procedure with the consent of the EuropeanParliament only at the end of the negotiations in the Council, the Parliament has decided todraw up an interim report containing recommendations for modification of the proposalwhich is currently under way. As to the draft Eurojust Regulation, it aims to make thefunctioning of Eurojust more efficient and apt to its important mission, including byclarifying its competences and structure, powers of national members, relations with theEPPO, as well as its democratic oversight.Moderator:Speakers:Juan Fernando LÓPEZ AGUILAR/ Kyriakos VIRVIDAKISSalvatore IACOLINOMEP, Rapporteur on the draft EPPORegulationNational MemberDebate with national Parliamentarians and MEPsSummary of the conclusions of the meeting by Juan FernandoLÓPEZ AGUILAR and Kyriakos VIRVIDAKIS
17.30 - 17.4017.40 - 17.5017.50 - 18.2518.25 - 18.30
Proposal for a Council Regulation on the establishment of the European Public Prosecutor's Office, COM(2013)0534 final2Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the European Union Agency forCriminal Justice Cooperation (Eurojust), COM (2013)0535 final
All participants from national Parliaments (Members, officials and Brussels-based representatives)need tocomplete the online registration form for the event at the following web address: meeting is open to the public. However, for security reasons, participants who do not have a EuropeanParliament access badge must obtain a pass in advance. Those wishing to obtain such a pass should contact thesecretariat ([email protected])before 13 March 2014 at noon.It is essential to provide us withyourLAST NAME, First name, date of birth, nationality, type of ID (passport, identity card, driving licence, etc.),number of ID, address and company/institution/organisation.Without this information, the Security Service willnot provide entry passes.1PRACTICAL GUIDELINES FOR THE DEBATEIMPORTANT NOTICE FOR THOSE WISHING TO ATTEND THE MEETINGDuring the discussion, so as to make it possible for the highest number of parliamentarians to intervene, speaking timeof speakers will be limited to

ten minutes

and speaking time of other participants to

two minutes

per contribution orquestion.Members are kindly asked to fill in the sheet requesting speaking time (indicating their name and parliament) whichwill be distributed in the meeting room.Speakers wishing to supplement their speeches may do so in writing by submitting a document (preferably in English orFrench) in advance to the secretariat (email:[email protected]).These documents will be circulatedduring the meeting.Meeting documents will be progressively added to the dedicated webpage of the event at the Events section of the LIBE Committee pagesTHE MEETING IS BROADCASTED LIVE AND RECORDEDLIBE Committee pages:
ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONLIBE SecretariatKatrin HUBERAdministratorOffice: RMD 04J006Phone: +32(2)28 44692[email protected]Danai PAPADOPOULOUAdministratorOffice: RMD 04J048Phone: +32(2)28 42413[email protected]Eva PICKMANNAssistantOffice: ATR 1L024Phone: +32(2)28 42094[email protected]Directorate for Relations with NationalParliamentsDiane CIUCHEAdministratorOffice: WIE 05U46Phone: +32(2)28 41197[email protected]Jeanette BELLAssistantOffice: WIE 05U27Phone: +32(2)28 42269[email protected]Hellenic ParliamentEleni Vasiliki ZERVOUPermanent Representative of the HellenicParliamentOffice: WIE 06U017Phone: +32(2)284 44564[email protected]Despina FOLADeputy Permanent Representative of the HellenicParliamentOffice: WIE 05U29Phone: +32(2)28 32246[email protected]
Kelly MATHIOUDAKI-KOTSOMYTIAssistantOffice: ATR 4J032Phone: +32(2)28 44357[email protected]1
The processing of personal data is subject to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001of 18 December 2001 (OJ.L 812.1.2001, p. 1)