OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 9

Special Representative

PA PresidentandPA Secretary GeneralPC Brief Week 47, 2013During this week, in addition to the usual meetings of the PC, including a “Reinforced PC” (withsome higher level participants from the capitals, the Forum for Security Cooperation (FSC) andits subsidiary bodies, as well as the PC Committees and meetings of other informal bodies, therewere a high number of drafting sessions for Ministerial Council declarations and decisions and afirst meeting with the Helsinki+40 Coordinator for issues of Efficiency and Effectiveness of theOSCE.The PC took decisions on the agenda for the Twentieth Meeting of the OSCE Ministerial Council(though, as of yet, there is still no consensus on its modalities – one week before the meeting!),and on the extension of the mandates of the OSCE Centre in Astana, the OSCE Mission to Mol-dova, the OSCE Centre in Bishkek and the OSCE Project Coordinator in Ukraine. The ReinforcedPC consisted of a series of statements in which participating States expressed their expectationswith regard to the upcoming Kyiv Ministerial Council, without any surprises. At the end of theweek, it became known that the US Secretary of State Kerry has cancelled his participation in theMinisterial Council.All in all, discussions, especially at the occasion of the Chairmanship’s Helsinki+40 report, re-vealed not only the usual East-West divide on a high number of issues in all three dimensions,but increasingly also a split between Western countries as to whether the OSCE should strictly bea forum for diplomatic dialogue or if explicit critical statements on Human Dimension issuesshould be the main working method. Only one country, Turkey, explicitly called for close coopera-tion with the Parliamentary Assembly during this debate. Under “Current Issues”, Mongolia spokeabout its first year as a participating State, with extensive references to visits it had received fromPA representatives throughout the year.The drafting has now gained momentum. However, there is still little likelihood that participatingStates will agree on a political declaration. Two points continue to make this impossible becauseof fundamental disagreements between the West and some CIS countries: concrete referencesto several of the "frozen" conflicts and specific language in the human dimension. In general, (im-proved) text proposals on the Parliamentary Assembly have been supported by individual delega-tions. Due to opposition from Russia, Canada and other participating States, however, it is unlike-ly that references to concrete PA recommendations will be possible, even in the – usually lesscontroversial – drafts on economic issues. Although several EU member States in the Economicand Environmental Committee had signaled to be supportive of proposed language, the repre-sentative of the EU took the same negative stance on PA proposals as Canada had done before.Three members of Parliament from the OSCE Partner Country Japan visited the office.
Andreas NothelleAmbassadorNovember 25, 20131 of 1