Special Representative
PA President
PA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 30, 2014
This week, there were meetings of the Permanent Council (PC), the Forum for Security Coop-
eration (FSC), the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom), the Advisory Committee on Manage-
ment and Finance (ACMF) as well as a meeting of the Open-Ended Working Group on the
Conflict Cycle and an informal briefing on the outcome of the OSCE PA Annual Session.
The PC took two decisions: One on the Deployment of OSCE Observers to Two Russian
Checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian Border and the other on the Theme, Agenda and Mo-
dalities for the Twenty-Third Economic and Environmental Forum (Water Governance). As
reported, last week the PC had already submitted a decision to extend the mandate of the
Ukraine Special Monitoring Mission by the “Silence Procedure”. Since the silence was not bro-
ken, the decision entered into force on Tuesday. The decision to send observers to only two
Russian checkpoints on the Russian-Ukrainian border (Gukovo and Donetsk), and not to all of
them, was controversial. In the end, it was accepted as a first step and small sign of good will.
In this context, delegations referred to the Joint Berlin Declaration made on July 2, and the
subsequent invitation by Russia, which was seen as a step forward in the implementation of
that declaration.
Despite the consensus reached on both decisions relating to Ukraine, the sharp controversies
over the crisis persisted and continued to include personal attacks between diplomats. The
term “lie” has become a frequently used word in PC meetings these weeks. Another equally
heated debate took place in the context of an item under “Current Issues” raised by Turkey
that addressed Israel’s attacks on Gaza. A third controversy came up when France read out a
statement by the Co-Chairs of the Minsk Group, which Azerbaijan viewed as an example of
their lack of readiness to take Azerbaijan’s position into consideration.
As reported in the News from Copenhagen, I presented an informal briefing on the results of
the Baku Annual Session. I also informed the Working Group on the Conflict Cycle about the
Ukraine-related activities of the PA, which the Conflict Prevention Center promised to list in
their next report. I also had a meeting with the President of the Venice Commission, Gianni
Buquicchio, about possibilities for a closer cooperation with the Commission, in particular - but
not exclusively - through the Council for Democratic Elections. Finally, I had a meeting with
ODIHR Director Link to follow-up on his Copenhagen visit. Among the issues discussed was
the PA’s request that inappropriate conduct by the Head of the ODIHR election department
regarding President Kanerva’s activities during the Ukraine EOM must have consequences.
This was the last regular week of meetings before the OSCE Summer Recess. The next
scheduled PC will be on September 4. However, due to the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, there is
the likelihood that there will be one or more Special PCs. My next regular PC Brief will appear
after the September PC, but I will issue Spot Reports in the event of any special meetings. I
wish everybody a good summer holiday!
Andreas Nothelle
July 28, 2014
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