OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 35

Special Representative

To:PA PresidentandPA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 12, 2014These two weeks saw many meetings of the Permanent Council (PC), the Forum for Secu-rity Cooperation (FSC), the Preparatory Committee (PrepCom) and the Advisory Committeeon Management and Finance (ACMF) that were primarily occupied with the crisis inUkraine. There were other meetings as well, such as that of the Human Dimension Commit-tee, but delegations were mostly busy with efforts to reach an agreement on the deploy-ment of an OSCE monitoring mission. During this time, I spent five days on the electionobservation mission in Serbia, Marc Carillet spent most of the second week on a pre-assessment mission for the election observation in Hungary, and Roberto Montella accom-panied the PA President on a visit to and conference in Sarajevo. The last Friday was anOSCE holiday.On that Friday of the second week, a Special PC finally approved the decision on sending amonitoring mission to Ukraine. Previously, delegations had managed to get a quick con-sensus on most aspects of a possible monitoring mission to Ukraine. However, Russia re-quested to have both the size of the mission and its geographical scope outlined in con-crete terms in the agreement. The size of the mission is now 100 civilian monitors, but “asnecessary and according to the situation, the mission may expand by a total of up to 400additional monitors”. While Ukraine and some others dropped their request to have it fo-cused specifically on Eastern Ukraine, Russia insisted that all the areas of deployment belisted. In the end, the decision says that monitors will be deployed “initially” to Kherson,Odessa, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kharkiv, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Chernivtsi, andLuhansk. Any change in deployment will have to be decided by consensus in the Perma-nent Council. The head office will be in Kyiv.The recruitment of monitors has already begun. The Director of the Conflict PreventionCenter (CPC), Amb. Kobieracki, will act as Chief Monitor until further notice. In the “Hourwith the Secretary General”, Amb. Zannier called for a swift adoption of the 2014 draftBudget, as the absence of a budget will soon have severe consequences for the activitiesof the OSCE.The second week’s preceding regular PC was addressed by the acting Foreign Minister ofUkraine, followed by a debate on Ukraine. I delivered a brief statement on the issue, asrequested by PA President Krivokapic. The PC also took decisions on the dates of the Hu-man Dimension Implementation Meeting, on the topics for the second part of the HumanDimension Implementation Meeting, on the topic and dates of the Human Dimension Semi-nar in Warsaw, and on the Agenda, Timetable and Modalities for the Third Annual Discus-sion on the Implementation of the Code of Conduct on Politico-Military Aspects of Security,as well as a declaration on the upcoming elections in Afghanistan.
Andreas NothelleAmbassadorMarch 24, 20141 of 1