OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 34
1. OpeningThe meeting was opened at 9.12 am with the President, Mr. Ranko KRIVOKAPIC(Montenegro), in the Chair.
2. Adoption of the Draft AgendaThe draft Agenda was adopted.
3. Report by the President of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyMr. Ranko KRIVOKAPIC addressed the Committee.Speakers:Mr. Artashes GEGHAMYAN (Armenia), Lord BOWNESS (UnitedKingdom).Mr. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General) responded.Speaker:Mr. Azay GULIYEV (Azerbaijan).The PRESIDENT responded.Speaker:Mr. Alain NERI (France).The PRESIDENT responded.Speaker:Mr. Sofoclis FITTIS (Cyprus).The PRESIDENT responded.Speakers:Ms. Doris BARNETT (Germany), Mr. Ghislain MALTAIS (Canada).
4. Report of the Treasurer of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyMr. Roberto BATTELLI (Treasurer) presented the audited accounts of the Assembly for thefinancial year 2012–2013 to the Standing Committee.Speaker:Mr. Alain NERI (France).Mr. BATTELLI responded.
5. Report of the Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyMr. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General) made his report to the Committee.Speaker:Lord BOWNESS (United Kingdom).The PRESIDENT responded.
6. Approval of the Appointment by the Secretary General of the NewDeputy Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary AssemblyMr. Spencer OLIVER (Secretary General) addressed the Standing Committee.Speaker:Lord BOWNESS (United Kingdom).Mr. OLIVER responded.Speaker:Ms. Walburga HABSBURG DOUGLAS (Sweden).Mr. OLIVER responded.Speakers:Mr. Peter Juel JENSEN (Denmark); Mr. Oleg ZARUBINSKYI (Ukraine); Ms.Rosa AKNAZAROVA (Kyrgyzstan); Mr. Azay GULIYEV (Azerbaijan); Mr.Luigi COMPAGNA (Italy); Mr. Sofoclis FITTIS (Cyprus); Mr. Emin ONEN(Turkey).
The Standing Committee overwhelmingly confirmed the appointment of Semyon Dzakhaevas Deputy Secretary General of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, with no negative votesand three abstentions.
7. Other Reportsa. Reports on Election Observation ActivitiesTajikistan, 6 November 2013: Ms. Gordana COMIC (Serbia), Special Co-ordinator, Leaderof the short term OSCE observer mission, addressed the Committee.Turkmenistan, 15 December 2013: Mr. Adao SILVA (Portugal) addressed the Committee.2
The PRESIDENT informed the Committee that he had decided to deploy observationmissions to the elections in Serbia on 16 March and in Hungary on 6 April.Ms. Ana PAVOLSKA-DANEVA (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) invited theAssembly to observe the forthcoming presidential elections in FYROM.b. Reports on the Activities of the Ad Hoc CommitteesAd Hoc Committee on Transparency and Reform of the OSCE: Mr. Fran§ois-Xavier deDONNEA (Belgium) addressed the Committee.Parliamentary Team on Moldova: Ms. Walburga HABSBURG DOUGLAS (Sweden)addressed the Committee.Speaker:Mr. Nikolay KOVALEV (Russian Federation).
c. Reports on the Activities of the Special RepresentativesSpecial Representative on Border Cooperation: Mr. Ignacio SANCHEZ-AMOR (Spain)addressed the Committee.Speakers:Mr. George TSERETELI (Georgia); Ms. Dijana VUKOMANOVIC (Serbia).
Special Representative on Afghanistan: Mr. Michel VOISIN (France) addressed theCommittee.Special Representative on South East Europe: Mr. Roberto BATELLI (Slovenia) addressedthe Committee.Special Representative on Central Asia: Mr. Thierry MARIANI (France) addressed theCommittee.Special Representative on the OSCE Budget: Mr. Petur BLONDAL (Iceland) addressed theCommittee.Speaker:Mr. Alain NERI (France).The PRESIDENT responded.
8. Reports on Preparations for Future OSCE PA MeetingsTwenty-third Annual Session, Baku, Azerbaijan:Mr. Azay GULIYEV (Azerbaijan) addressed the Committee.Speaker:Mr. Artashes GEGHAMYAN (Armenia).
The PRESIDENT responded.3
Mr. Azay GULIYEV (Azerbaijan); Mr. Nikolay KOVALEV (RussianFederation); Ms. Doris BARNETT (Germany).
Autumn Meeting, 3–5 October 2014, Geneva, Switzerland:Mr. Andreas AEBI (Switzerland) addressed the Committee.Autumn Meeting 2015:Ms. Migeddorj BATCHIMEG (Mongolia) addressed the Committee and invited theAssembly to hold the 2015 Autumn Meeting in Mongolia.9. Any Other BusinessMs. Isabel POZUELO (Spain) addressed the Committee.The Chair adjourned the meeting at 12.01 pm.