OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 14
Special Representative
To:PA PresidentandPA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 4, 2014This week, there were meetings of the Permanent Council (PC) (Presentations by theChairs of the Economic and Environmental Committee and the Human DimensionCommittee), the Forum for Security Cooperation, all three thematic committees (Secu-rity Committee, Human Dimension Committee, Economic and Environmental Commit-tee), the Advisory Committee for Management and Finance (Presentation on the En-hancement of the Secondment System, Presentation on the OSCE Training Strategyfor 2014-2016) and of the Asian Contact Points, as well as other informal gatherings.Marc Carillet, together with the ODIHR, spent most of the week participating in theNeeds Assessment Mission for the Hungarian elections.The PC debated the reports by the Chairs of the second and third committee. All threeChairpersons will brief parliamentarians at our Winter Meeting, a point which has beenannounced in some of the above mentioned meetings. In addition, the PC debatedseven issues under the “Current Issues” agenda item. Apart from a commemoration ofHolocaust Day, with an impressive statement from the ambassador of Israel, the mostrelevant current issue was the events in Ukraine. I briefly referred to the pertinent PAPress releases and presidential statements. I also announced the Winter Meeting, giv-ing some indications about the program of that meeting.The FSC held its opening session under the new Maltese Chairmanship, which wasaddressed by the Maltese Foreign Minister Dr. Vella. The Maltese Chairmanship willput a particular emphasis on security issues in and linked to the Southern Mediterra-nean. The Arab Partner Countries, whose ambassadors were (almost) all present, ex-pressed their satisfaction with this.There is still no consensus on the 2014 OSCE budget.The interest in the upcoming Winter Meeting is very high, not only in the context of thecooperation between the committees, but also with reference to the Helsinki+40 Pro-cess. I had a number of meetings with ambassadors in preparation for the WinterMeeting, and more will follow next week.
Andreas NothelleAmbassadorJanuary 27, 20141 of 1