OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 12

Special Representative

To:PA PresidentandPA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 49/50, 2013The first of these weeks was devoted to the Kiev Ministerial Council (MC) meeting, during which– in addition to the MC – a high number of meetings of the PC, the FSC and the PC committeestook place. The second week saw the usual meetings of these bodies, and another ambassa-dorial retreat on Helsinki+40, focusing on conflict resolution.Apart from decisions relevant for forwarding documents to the MC, the PC also approved a setof initial confidence building measures on Cyber Security. While the FSC discussed the out-come of the MC, the PC did not do so. Instead, there was a sharp controversy because of aRussian statement at the occasion of Human Rights Day accusing the US and other Westerncountries of numerous human rights violations. A similar exchange of arguments took placeduring a brief discussion about the demonstrations in Kiev. In this context, the Belarusian am-bassador asked the question, which remained unanswered, what would happen in Westerncountries if demonstrators committed acts of a similar nature as in Kiev, for instance occupyingpublic buildings and blocking public institutions and traffic. In addition, the High Commissioneron National Minorities presented her routine report (not mentioning her appearance at the Au-tumn Session in Budva), and the Special Envoy of the Chairmanship on Gender reported abouther activities, announcing that she will cooperate more actively with the OSCE PA, which wassupported by the US ambassador.The general view among ambassadors is that the results of the MC constitute a slight improve-ment over the two previous MCs. The arguments presented are: There is a “balanced” set ofdocuments in all three dimensions, the Cyber Security decision is a novelty, the MC approved aDeclaration on Helsinki+40 and there was agreement, after two years of failure to come to suchan agreement, on two documents in the Human Dimension and an addendum to the ActionPlan on Human Trafficking. Some of them attribute this to a more conciliatory position of Russia,who – in the perception of some Western ambassadors – wanted Ukraine to have a successfulchairmanship. However, at least some also refer to the obvious failures: Again there was nopolitical declaration, and the MC failed to agree on a Declaration on Afghanistan, a decision forthe protection of journalists and one on women, peace and security, as well as on a decision onmatters relevant to the FSC, mainly because of differing viewpoints about how to further dealwith the modernization of the Vienna Document. More importantly, most decisions adopted weremore about procedures than substance and where there was substance, it was often very weak.The discussion during the retreat resulted in a number of interesting considerations and ideas,but not in any debate on concrete measures to come closer to solutions of these conflicts. I re-ferred to the activities and recommendations of the OSCE PA and conflict resolution in generaland suggested to include the PA and its members more in conflict resolution activities. The pre-sent Ukrainian and the incoming Swiss chairmanships supported this, while most ambassadorsof the 23 that spoke, including the new Coordinator on Protracted Conflicts, the Finnish ambas-sador, did not include the PA in the considerations they voiced at this meeting.
Andreas Nothelle, AmbassadorDecember 16, 2013