OSCEs Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
OSCE Alm.del Bilag 10

Special Representative

PA PresidentandPA Secretary General
PC Brief Week 48, 2013During this week, there were the usual meetings of the PC, the Forum for SecurityCooperation (FSC) and its subsidiary bodies, as well as the PC Committees andmeetings of other informal bodies. In addition, like during the previous week, therewere a high number of drafting sessions for Ministerial Council declarations anddecisions. In addition to that, I had a meeting with the future (as of January 1, 2014)Special Representative of the incoming Swiss OSCE Chairmanship for South EastEurope, Amb. Gérard Stoudmann.The PC finally decided on the modalities for next week’s Ministerial Council Meet-ing. The decision was followed by a strong interpretative statement of Turkey onbehalf of Turkic speaking countries complaining about the exclusion of their organi-zation from the MC meeting. The report by the Representative on Freedom of theMedia, Dunja Mijatovic, was followed by a long debate, as this year also representsthe 15thanniversary of this institution. In my statement (PA.GAL/11/13), I outlinedhow the OSCE PA had sponsored the creation of this institution before the Ministersdecided to establish it. At the occasion of the report of the OSCE Secretary Generalon the implementation of the Gender Action Plan I briefed the PC (PA.GAL/10/13)about the work of the PA’s Special Representative on Gender Hedy Fry.The likelihood that participating States will agree on substantive texts at the MCmeeting has not increased. There is still opposition from participating States againstreferences to the work of the PA in OSCE documents. In private discussions, somediplomats have again questioned the status and the rights of the PA in the process.In the meeting with Amb. Stoudmann I informed him about the activities of the PA inthe region in general, and the PA’s Special Representative on South East Europe inparticular.
Andreas NothelleAmbassadorNovember 29, 2013
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