NATO's Parlamentariske Forsamling 2013-14
NPA Alm.del Bilag 11
Mr. Damon M. Wilson
Damon M. Wilson is executive vice president of the Atlantic Council. From2007 to 2009, Mr. Wilson served as special assistant to the president andsenior director for European affairs at the National Security Council. Hemanaged interagency policy on NATO, the European Union, Georgia,Ukraine, the Balkans, Eurasian energy security, and Turkey, and plannednumerous Presidential visits to Europe, including US-European Union andNATO summits. Mr. Wilson has also served at the US Embassy in Baghdad,Iraq as the executive secretary and chief of staff; at the National SecurityCouncil as the director for Central, Eastern, and Northern Europeanaffairs; and as deputy director in the Private Office of NATO SecretaryGeneral Lord Robertson. Prior to serving in Brussels, Mr. Wilson worked in the US Department ofState in various positions and served in Rwanda with Save the Children. He is a graduate of DukeUniversity and completed his graduate studies at Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson Schoolfor Public and International Affairs. Mr. Wilson also worked with the Unaccompanied Children inExile refugee program in Croatia and Turkey.