Ligestillingsudvalget 2013-14
LIU Alm.del Bilag 51
Kyrgyz Republic Parliamentary Strengthening ProgramUSAID and DFID supportthe Kyrgyz Republic’stransition to aparliamentary form ofgovernment.The Kyrgyz Republic Parliamentary Strengthening Program(KPSP) is a five-year technical assistance initiative funded bythe United States Agency for International Development(USAID) and the United Kingdom Department for InternationalDevelopment (DFID). An assessment immediately followingparliamentary elections in October 2010 lead to the design for afull-fledged program to support the Kyrgyz Republic’s transitionto its new parliamentary form of government. After two years ofsuccessful work, additional support from DFID has allowed theprogram to respond to new challenges and needs in 2013-2015and significantly contribute to legislative and institutionalparliamentary capacity building.KPSP consists of the following four components:The Jogorku Kenesh Plenary Hall
Component 1: Improved legislative processesComponent 2: Strengthened parliamentary committeesComponent 3: Improved quality information flow onparliamentary activities among the Parliament, civil society,and citizensComponent 4: Improved human resources managementthrough the Parliament’s Administration
For more information contact:USAID/DFID Kyrgyz RepublicParliamentary StrengtheningProgram21 Erkindik Blvd., Office 302Bishkek 720040Kyrgyz RepublicTel: +996 (312) 30 35 60; 30 35 80Fax: +996 (312) 30 35 72Chief of Party: Kregg Halstead[email protected]USAID/Kyrgyz RepublicContracting Officer’sRepresentative: Nazgul Akisheva[email protected]
Over the past three years, KPSP has initiated and assisted inorganizing and conducting (with and through parliamentarypartners) over 180 different programmatic events, including 80training sessions and presentations; 30 public forums; 64 policyseminars and working groups; two video conferences; a Schoolof Parliamentary Journalism; a Training Center for LegislativeDrafting; a Kyrgyz-Russian Dictionary of Legislative Terms; andstudy tours to the United States, United Kingdom, Mongolia,Malaysia, Germany, Hungary, and Turkey. These initiativesaddressed a variety of topics crucial for parliamentarydevelopment and capacity building, across sectors such asgood governance, economic issues, or social problems. Theseevents have been attended in aggregate by 8,600 persons,including over 3,800 women.KPSP is implemented by Development Alternatives,Incorporated (DAI) and will run through September 2015.
USAID website:www.usaid.govDFID