Ligestillingsudvalget 2013-14
LIU Alm.del Bilag 28
Support Iranian Women’s struggle for Freedom and Gender EqualityUrgent call for the security of 1000 women in Camp Libertyand the release of the 7 abducted Ashraf residents including 6 womenFor the past 35 years since Iran Spring was hijacked by the mullahs in February 1979, women of Iran have been theforemost victims of a religious and misogynous dictatorship ruling Iran. They are totally deprived of their most basicrights in every field. 30% of the 120,000 political opponents who have been executed by this regime were women.Amongst the 450 executed under Rouhani, the current president of the regime, 19 were women. Iran is amongst thevery few countries that have not signed the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of discriminations againstwomen thus allowing systematic violation of women's rights by its constitutional law and other laws.Under these circumstances, Iranian women have had a prominent presence in the Resistance movement. In thisstruggle, which has been going on for 35 years, tens of thousands of brave Iranian women have lost their lives forfreedom. 52 percent of the members of the NCRI are women. The PMOI is led by women and Ashraf City, home tomembers of the main Iranian opposition in Iraq, was administered by women through its harshest times. Mrs.Maryam Rajavi, President of the Iranian Resistance, has brought together thousands of women as the vanguards ofthe resistance against religious fundamentalism side by side the freedom-loving men. Her 10-point platform for afuture Iran includes complete gender equality and abolishment of all forms of discrimination against women.As a humanitarian crisis, the dissidents in Camp Ashraf, including nearly a thousand women, have been repeatedlyattacked in recent years by Iraqi forces at the behest of the Iranian regime. Last year, they were forcibly moved toCamp Liberty near Baghdad Airport. The latest attack on Camp Ashraf came on September 1, leaving 52 refugeesdead, including six women. Seven were also abducted during this massacre, six of whom were women. AmnestyInternational has confirmed that they are now confined in a secret prison and are facing the risk of being extraditedto Iran and in December 2013, Spanish Investigative Court, with universal jurisdiction, indicted National SecurityAdvisor to Iraqi Prime Minister, for crimes against international community in the several massacres in Camp Ashraf.In view of the above facts:1. We call on the UN, US and the EU to take immediate action for the release of the 7 abducted residents, including6 women, and for the security of the 3000 Camp Liberty residents including 1000 women;2. We call on the United Nations Security Council to examine Iran's systematic and appalling situation of humanrights particularly women's rights and take punitive action;3. We support the 10-point platform of Mrs. Rajavi as apracticalstep to the establishment of peace, democracy andwomen's rights in Iran.First NameLast NameSignaturePolitical Party
Maryam Rajavi's Ten Point Plan for Future Iran
January 8, 2013
1.From our point of view, the ballot box is the only criterion for legitimacy.Accordingly, we seek a republic based on universal suffrage.2.We seek a pluralist system, freedom of parties and freedom of assembly.In the Iran of tomorrow, we will respect all individual freedoms. Weunderscore complete freedom of expression and of the media andunconditional access by all to the Internet.3.In the free Iran of tomorrow, we support and are committed to theabolition of the death penalty.4.The Iranian Resistance is committed to the separation of religion and theState. Any form of discrimination against the followers of any religion anddenomination will be prohibited.5.We believe in complete gender equality with respect to all political, socialand economic rights. We are also committed to equal participation of womenin political leadership. Any form of discrimination against women will beabolished. They will enjoy the right to freely choose their clothing. They arefree in marriage, divorce, education and employment.6.The future Iran will be the land of law and justice. We seek to set up a modern judicial system based on theprinciples of presumption of innocence, the right to defense, and the right to be tried in a public court. Wealso seek the total independence of judges. The mullahs’ Sharia law and cruel and degrading punishmentswill have no place in future Iran.7.The future Iran will respect human rights. We are committed to the Universal Declaration of HumansRights, and international covenants and conventions, including the International Covenant on Civil andPolitical Rights, the Convention against Torture, and the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms ofDiscrimination against Women.8.We recognize private property, private investment and the market economy. In our view, the chief principleis that all Iranian people must enjoy equal opportunity in employment and free enterprise. In our view, theIran of tomorrow will be a country that protects and revitalizes the environment.9.Our foreign policy will be based on peaceful coexistence, international and regional peace and cooperation,as well as respect for the United Nations Charter.10. The free Iran of tomorrow will be free of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.