Kulturudvalget 2013-14
KUU Alm.del Bilag 51


B, Gutierrez [mailto:[email protected]]


1. december 2013 17:17


URU | Udenrigsudvalget; Jeppe Kofod;[email protected];Folketingets Oplysning


Subject: Boycott PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics
I am extremely distressed about the torture and consumption of animal companions in South Korea.Even though the government has established an Animal Protection Law, dogs are still electrocuted,hanged, and beaten to death by farmers and slaughters. Also, dogs and cats are still being torturedand boiled alive for so-called elixirs, which have no medicinal properties except in the minds ofgullible customers. Until South Korea ends this appalling suffering, the country’s reputation in theinternational community will continue to suffer. Its citizens will face shame and embarrassment.And South Korea will continue to be regarded as “third world,” despite its glittering modernizationand attempts at globalized thinking. There will be worldwide attempts to boycott PyeongChang2018 Winter Olympics unless the abuse of cats and dogs has finally come to an end.Kind regardsBrinezza Gutierrez
--B.GutierrezTel. 0031 71 5766559Mob. 0031 613 9999 59Skype brinezza47Email[email protected]Admiraal de Ruytersingel 1222253va VoorschotenThe Netherlands.