Udenrigsudvalget 2013-14, Klima-, Energi- og Bygningsudvalget 2013-14
URU Alm.del Bilag 13, KEB Alm.del Bilag 31
(Unofficial Translation)Footnotes ofAudit Results RequestFinancial Execution on Budget from Korean Government to GGGI(Request by National Assembly)
Translated footnotes added as of 22 October 2013
Unofficial English translation1) ’12. 8. 29.정부가 국회에 제출한 글로벌녹색성장연구소 설1) This is the content of the Instrument of Ratification that wassubmitted to the National Assembly on 29 August 2012, regarding립에 관한 협정 비준 동의안 의 내용임the establishment of the Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI)2) 2010. 5. 28.이후 열린9차례의이사회 중8차례는서울에서2) 8 out of the 9 Board of Directors meeting after 28 May 2010 washeld in Seoul개최3)▷▷▷외교통상부장관대통령실◓◓◓◓기획관,♤♤♤3) ***, Minister of Foreign Affairs , ***, Senior Secretary to thePresident , ***, Professor, *** University♤ ♤♤ ▣▣▣▣대교수 등4) GGGI에서는국제기구로의 전환과 함께2014년까지 168명 4) GGGI plans to increase its staffing to 168 in 2014 aftertransitioning into an international organization으로 인력을 증원할 계획5) 2012년지원금을 받기로 한 계3,136백만원(◒◒◒◒개발은행5) As of July, the GGGI only received KRW 1,414 million of thetotal 2012 funding of KRW 3,136 million (*** Development Bank –1,626백만원,◔◔◔◔재단/▲▲▲▲▲▲네트워크545백만원,◕◕◕KRW 1,626 million, ****Foundation/****** Network –KRW545575백만원,▶▶▶그룹230백만원,◁◁◁◁◁◁◁재단88백 million, *** Group – KRW 230 million, ******* Foundation –KRW 88 million, **** Group KRW 72 million)만 원,▶▶▶▶그룹72백만원)7월까지 1,414백만원 수령주:1.개발도상국가의 녹색성장 계획수립과 관련하여 국내외1. Outsourced to outside of Korea (25 cases after 2010) in relation toestablishing Green Growth planning in developing countries.기관에 위탁수행(2010년 이후 총25건),주요 용역:'10년에티Main outsourcing: 2010 – Green Growth planning in Ethiopia and 3오피아 등3개국녹색성장계획(425만 달러, 미국◉ ◉ ◉ ◉), other countries ($4,250,000, *** of USA), 2010 – EthiopiaHousehold Irrigation Technologies project ($550,000, UK), 2011 –'10년에티오피아 소규모 관개 기술 개발계획(55만 달러, 영Cambodia Green Growth analysis (KRW 200 million, Korea Institute국),'11년캄보디아 녹색성장계획 경제분석(2억 원, 한국 대외for International Economic Policy) etc.2. Entered into MOU’s with OECD, WEF and other international경제정책 연구원),'12년몽골 그린대중교통전략 수립(2.6억 원,organizations, and provided contribution to cooperative activities inrelation to Green Growth한국교통연구원) 등Document drafted by reconstituting documents provided by GGGI2. OECD, WEF(세계경제포럼)등 국제기구와MOU를체결, 녹and others (based on cash execution)색성장 관련 공동 활동을 위한 기여금 공여 자료:GGGI제출자료 재구성(현금 집행기준)6) 2010. 11. 14. GGGI이사회 관련 문건에서는GGGI집행이사의6) In the text from the 14 November 2010 GGGI Board of Directors
Korean footnote
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnoteWEF재직 시 직함을 전무이사로 표기7)연봉 외 수당은 별도로 지급Unofficial English translationmeeting, the GGGI Executive Director’s title is listed as the tile ofWorld Economic Forum (WEF) Managing Director.7) Allowances were provided separately from annual salary
8)재단법인GGGI의정관 제6조 및 제7조에 따라 집행이사8) According to Articles 6 and 7 of the Articles of Incorporation forthe Global Green Grown Institute (Non-Profit Foundation established(Executive Director)는이사회 의결에 의해 선임되고 재임기간under the Korean civil code) “The Board of Directors by resolution동안 이사회의 구성원인 이사의 업무를 수행하며, 이에 따른 고shall appoint the Executive Director. The Executive Director duringtheir term shall serve as a member of the Board of Directors.“ The용계약서에 이사회의 위임에 따라GGGI조직운영 예산 전반을 관Executive Director in addition will manage the funds of the리(통상GGGI소장으로 칭하나 이는 정관상의 정식 명칭은 아organization according to the authority delegated by the Board ofDirectors in the employment/hiring contract (often referred to as님)하도록 되어 있음GGGI “Sohang or Head of Organization” but this is not an officialterm used in the GGGI Articles of Incorporation)9)세계자연보호기금(WorldWildlife Fund)이사장 약37만달러,9) President of World Wildlife Fund earns approx. $370,000,President of Asia Development Bank earns approx. $260,000 –아시아개발은행(AsiaDevelopment Bank)총재 약26만달러로 면including tax exemption approx. $390,000, President of World Bank세효과 감안 시39만달러 수준, 세계은행(WorldBank)총재 약earns approx. $270,000 – including tax exemption approx. $420,000,Executive Director of Global CCS Institute earns approx. $400,000 –27만달러로 면세효과 감안 시42만달러 수준, 글로벌CCS $700,000, Board of Director of Climate Works Foundation earns인스티튜트 소장 약40만~70만달러,Climate Works Foundation approx. $400,000 – $580,000, Executive Director of The BrookingsInstitute earns approx. $400,000, President of the Wildlife이사장 약40만~58만달러, 브루킹스 연구소(TheBrookings Conservation Society earns approx. $570,000, and President ofInstitute)소장 약40만달러, 자연보호학회(WildlifeConservation Advancement of Science earns approx. $650,000. (Reference:Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade)Society)회장 약57만달러, 미국과학진흥협회(AdvancementofScience)회장 약65만달러(자료: 외교통상부)10) 고용계약서상의 연봉 수준이며 주택보조금 등 수당은 제외한
10) This amount is as listed in the employment/hiring contract. Thisamount does not include housing allowances and other allowances.금액임. 환율 1달러=1,095원을 적용(2012. 10. 25. 기준)Exchange rate $1 = KRW1,095 (as of October 25 2012)11) 2010. 4. 30. 외교통상부에서 GGGI의 설립을 위한 예비비 신청11) This is based on the document attached to the request for reservefund to establish the GGGI, submitted by the Ministry of Foreign시 첨부된 자료 기준Affairs and Trade12) 이번 감사에서 GGGI 집행이사 **에게 WEF 재직 시 받았던 급12) When requested by the BAI to submit annual salary whileemployed at WEF, GGGI Executive Director **** submitted a
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONUnofficial English translation여 관련 자료를 요청하자 WEF 인사담당(Alois Zwinggi) 명의의 서류document through Mr. Alois Zwinggi, Managing Director, Resourcesand Processes, WEF를 제출
Korean footnote
13)위원회 등 회의 참석자에게30만 ~ 50만원을 지급14) 2011. 3. 4.최종보고서가 제출되었기 때문에 지출원인행위가 발생한 것으로 보고2011년재무제표에 미지급금으로 기재15)위 기관에서는 국회에서 예산집행실적자료를 요구하자 재무제표에 미지급금으로 처리되어 있는 것을 집행된 것으로 보
13) Provided KRW300,000 – KRW500,000 to the Board of Directorsand participants to the Board14) The final report was submitted on 4 March 2011, which wasconsidered as a causative acts of expenditure and was listed asaccounts payable in the financial report for 201115) When the aforementioned organization was requested the budgetexecution performance report, they listed their accounts payable asexecuted.
16)세계경제포럼(WorldEconomics Forum:세계 기업인․경제학16) World Economic Forum: An independent internationalorganization situated in Geneva, Switzerland, committed to자․언론인 등이 모여 세계 경제에 대해 토론․연구하는 국제민improving the state of the world by engaging business, political,academic and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and간회의, 비영리재단으로 본부는 스위스 제네바에 위치)industry agendas.17) 2011. 3. 13.고용계약을 체결하기 위해 국내 입국하였다가17) Reported as entering Korea on 13 March 2011 to signemployment/hiring contract and leaving 19 March 2011.같은 해3. 19.출국으로 보고and 18) According to the employment/hiring contract of aforementionedperson, housing allowance is categorized as Family and ExpatriateExpatriate Benefits(가족및 국외거주자 복지) 항목에서 규정Benefits19)위 기관에서는 집행이사 채용 과정에서 보수 관련 협의를19) In the process of employing/hiring the Executive Director, theaforementioned organization clearly states in the proposal that the위해 마련한 협상안에도 주택보조금(housingsupport)은housing support will support the actual rental expense.18)Family실제 임차비용(actualrental expenses)을지원하는 것으로 명시한바 있음사람의고용계약서에주택보조금은
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnote20) UN, ADB와같은 국제기구에서는 직원에 대한 주택보조금지급 시 일정 한도 내에서 임대차계약서를 확인하고 각각 임차료의40%, 65%까지지급하도록 되어 있고, 위 기관에서2010. 5. 10. ●●경제연구소에의뢰하여 받은GGGI인사제도 의내용에 따르면 주택지원 규정 한도 내에서 실비를 지원하며초과분은 본인이 부담하는 것으로 되어 있으며,GGGI해외임차사택관리지침(2011. 6. 17.)에도월 임차료 지급 한도 내에서임차계약서에 표시된 임차료 상당의 주택보조금을 지급하되사무소에 부임한 직원이 현지주택사정으로 주택입주가 불가능할 경우에는 일정기간 임시로 체재한 호텔 등의 임시 숙박시설 숙박비를 증빙자료로 첨부하여 본인의 청구에 의하여 지급할수 있다고 규정21)주택보조금 지급액43,322,580원에서위 사람의 서울체류21) The KRW 43,322,580 housing allowance provided to theaforementioned person does not include KRW 3,841,350 for hotel시 소요된 호텔숙박비3,841,350원을제외한 금액accommodation expenses while residing in Seoul.22)이에 대해 위 사람은 고용계약시 원거주지인 스위스 제네22) The aforementioned person stated while initially discussing thecontract, it was decided that the child education allowance was to be바 수준을 기준으로 자녀학비수당을 반영한 것이었고 서울에revised once the cost for child education allowance in Korea was있는 학교의 실제 학비에 따라 필요한 경우 상향 조정하기로confirmed as required, as the child education allowance rate asmentioned in the hiring/employment contract was based on the논의하였다고 답변하고 있으나 고용계약 서에는 이러한 내용aforementioned person’s child education allowance rates in Geneva,Switzerland where the aforementioned person was situated at that이 명시되지 않음time. However the hiring/employment contract does not state thisfact.23) 1년치학비49,600,000원에세금8,000,000,입학보증금23) 1 year education fee (KRW 49,600,000) plus tax (KRW8,000,000), plus Admission Cost (KRW 6,000,000), plus Entrance6,000,000원,입학 전형료700,000원을추가Screening Fee (KRW 700,000)Unofficial English translation20) When providing housing allowance, other internationalorganizations like UN and ADB will confirm the amount of rentalprovision/contract, within regulation, and will provide 40% and 65%respectively of the housing expense. According to the HR regulationsrequested by the aforementioned organization and provided by the **Economic Research Institute, on 10 May 2010, the housing expenseup to the amount stated in the regulation, was to be provided withadditional expenses covered by the hired employee. Furthermoreaccording to the GGGI Guidelines on Overseas Housing Provisions(17 June 2011), it is stated that additional costs beyond the providedhousing allowance, as listed on the rental provision/contract, must beprovided by the hired employee. However in the case that the hiredemployee cannot find housing due to local housing situations, theemployee can receive reimbursement once he/she submits the receiptof temporary hotel accommodation etc.
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnote24)이에 대해 외교통상부에서GGGI로파견되어GGGI행정실장(CAO)으로 근무했던♡♡♡(현외교통상부◆◆◆◆국▤▤▤▤▤▤관)는집행이사의 자녀학비수당이 고용계약서 지급기준보다 초과 지급되었다는 것을 알고 집행이사에게 문의하“자신이계약서 서명 시 계약내용을 자세히 보지 않았으며, 자녀학비는 전액 지원해 주는 것으로 알고 계약했다”는답변을 받고GGGI인사 회계 실무자에게 문의하여 확인한 후계약서를 수정하는 작업을 하였고 이에 대해 집행이사가 학교에 내는 학비에 대한 지출임을 감안하여 이사회 등의 승인 없GGGI행정실장의 권한으로 수정 계약의 체결이 가능한 것으로 판단하였다고 진술25)위 기관에서는 이에 따라2012. 7. 25.위 사람의 자녀2명 25) In this regard the aforementioned organization provided KRW49,600,000 as child education allowance for the aforementioned에 대한 자녀학비수당으로49,600,000원을지급person’s two dependents (children)26) KRW 1,000,000/month x 12 months26)100만× 12개월27)100만× 20개월27) KRW 1,000,000/month x 20 months28)위 사람(현,♧♧♧개발은행선임연구위원)은2011. 6. 14.부 28) The aforementioned person (currently Senior Researcher of ***Development Bank) put in a leave of absence at the ***2012. 6. 13.까지필리핀 소재♧♧♧개발은행(♧♧♧)에서Development Bank situated in Philippines and worked in GGGI.고용휴직 후GGGI에서근무, 보수는 아시아개발은행과1/2씩 His/her salary was to be covered ½ by *** Development Bank andGGGI but received housing allowance only from GGGI.부담하는 것으로 하였으나 주택보조금은GGGI에서만지급29)위 기관 집행이사재무담당관(CFO)▦▦▦▦29) Seven persons - Executive Director ****, Chief FinancialOfficer (CFO) ***, Director of Finance ***, etc.(4) of the▦▦,재무팀(director)▒▒▒▒ ▒▒7명aforementioned organization.Unofficial English translation24) In regards to this, the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) ***,who was seconded from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade(currently *** Department, ***) to the GGGI, inquired to theExecutive Director regarding the additional costs of the childeducation allowance provided to the Executive Director, and wastold, “I did not read in the contract in detail but signed the contractthinking that the child education fees were fully covered (rough).”,and after asking the related person(s) in the GGGI HumanResource/Finance Department, revised the employment/hiringcontract. And considering the fact that expenses paid by theExecutive Director was expenses paid to the school, the CAOdecided that it was okay to revise the contract in his/her authority ofthe Chief Administrative Officer without approval from the Board ofDirectors.
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONUnofficial English translation30)위 기관 인사팀SPM▩▩▩▩ ▩3명은외국국적 보30) 3 holders of foreign passports (HR Senior Program Manager,etc.) of the aforementioned organization re-located to Korea to work유자이면서 위 기관 근무를 위해 국내로 이주하였으나 명확한for GGGI but did not receive housing allowance without clearlystated reasons.이유 없이 주택보조금 지급대상에서 제외31) 2011. 3. 29.기획재정부에서 고용휴직을 한 후GGGI와31) Entered into contract after putting in a leave of absence at theMinistry of Strategy and Finance to work for GGGI on 29 March용계약을 체결2011.32)이에 대해 위 기관에서는 설립초기 비상임이사의 역할이32) The non-standing director who often represented theaforementioned organization, incurred overly high expenses for기관을 대표하는 경우가 많았는데 이와 관련된 업무가 과도하traveling, so a vehicle was allocated for his use.여 교통비용이 많이 지출되었고 이를 고려하여 차량을 지급하였다고 답변33)위 기관에서는2010년 11월(날짜모름) 법인카드를 발급․33) The aforementioned organization enacted the GGGI CorporateCredit Card Regulation in November 2010 (date unknown) to사용하기 위해GGGI법인카드 관리규정 을 만들었으나 이사issue/use corporate credit cards but failed to enforce it due to it not회의 승인을 거치지 않아 시행되지 않은 규정인 것으로 답변being approved by the Board of Directors.34)위 사용액 중6,275,750원은위 기관의 업무상 출장이 아34) KRW 6,275,750 of the aforementioned amount was used forother organization’s business trips instead of the aforementioned닌 다른 기관의 해외출장에서 사용한 것임organization.35) Contracted amount of KRW 7,512 million35)계약금액7,512백만원 상당36)계약금액2,109백만원 상당36) Contracted amount of KRW 2,109 millionKorean footnote
37) 2012. 9. 17.감사착수일 당시 외환은행 최종 고시 매매기준37) Applied exchange rate for Korea Exchange Bank, which was thehighest exchange rate at the time of the BAI Audit on 17 September율(1달러1,117.50원, 1파운드 1,813.48원)적용2012.(applied rate: $ 1 = KRW 1,117.50,£1 = KRW 1,813.48 )38)우리나라 지원예산이 투입되어 수행된 사업을 대상으로38) Projects using contributions from Korea (this excludes projectscarried out with foreign contributions such as Danish contributions )함(덴마크 등 외국의 기여금으로 수행된 사업은 제외)
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnote39) GGGI는 2010. 12. 23.경제 인문사회연구회와 저탄소 녹색성장 분야에서의 협력을 위한MOU([별표 3] “GGGI와경제인문사회연구회MOU주요 내용” 참조)를 체결하였기 때문에경제 인문사회연구회 소속26개정부출연 연구기관과는 수의계약이 가능하다고 주장(경제 인문사회연구회: 정부출연연구기관 등의 설립 운영 및 육성에 관한 법률 에 따라 경제 인문사회 분야의 정부출연 연구기관을 지원¶육성하기 위해 설립된국무총리실 산하 기타공공기관)40) 2010년 5월설립후 정부지원예산을 통해 추진한 용역사업으로 위 기관이 제출한 자료에 근거41)이에 대해 위 기관에서는 사업수행자로부터 최종보고서를받았으나 이에 대한 검토와 보완이 지속되고 있다고 답변42) 2010. 11. 27.****가제출한 제안서의 내용에 따르면B단계과업인 두 번의 추가 현장방문 및 최종보고서 작성 등이250,000달러의예산내역에 포함되어 작성43) **에서제출한 제안서의 내용에도 계약을 체결하기 위해43) According to the proposal submitted by ***, in order to enter intoan agreement, the approval of the Board of Directors of the서는 위 기관 이사회의 승인이 필요하다는 것이 언급되어 있aforementioned organization is required as stated in the proposalUnofficial English translation39) The GGGI signed a MOU ([Annex 3] Main Objectives ofPartnership) with the National Research Council for Economics,Humanities and Social Sciences (NRCS) in the field of low emissionsand Green Growth in 23 December 2010. On grounds of this MOU,the GGGI claimed that it could conclude into an optional agreementwith 26 of government funded research institutes affiliated with theNRCS.(NRCS: A public institution under the Prime Minister and wasestablished to assist in the performance of the affairs of the state. Itsmain activities are the support, fostering and systematicallyadministration affiliated research institutes under the areas ofeconomics, humanities and social sciences).40) Based on the documentation submitted in regards to theoutsourcing projects funded by the Korean government to theaforementioned organization after its establishment in May 2010.41) Stated that the aforementioned organization received a finalreport from the entity in charge of the project and that the report wasgoing through ongoing review and supplementation42) According to the proposal submitted by *** on 27 November2010, phase B which included the task of two additional field visitsand a final report was included in the budget of $ 250,000.
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnote44)위 사업은 대통령실❀❀❀❀❀❀비서관실 행정관★★★(현**비서관)이 2010년 1월경다보스 포럼에 참석하여**재단***관계자로부터에티오피아 관개시설 사업에 대해 들었고2011년 11월부터 12월계약 체결 직전까지***로부터제안서와 계약서 초안 등을 받아 전달하는 등 위 사업추진에 관여하였고, 위 기관 임시 재무담당관♣♣♣(현환경부▥▥▥▥관)은2010. 12. 24.위 사업 계약서에 서명하였음45)계약시점(2010.12.24.)에착수금으로계약금액의30%Unofficial English translation44) The aforementioned project was initiated by ***, AssistantSecretary to the President (Current Senior Secretary to the President)when participating in the Davos Forum (World Economic Forum) onJanuary 2010 after hearing about the Ethiopia Household IrrigationTechnologies project from ***, who was affiliated to the **Foundation, and was involved in the business process fromNovember to December 2011 by ways of receiving and relaying thedraft agreement, etc., until the agreement entered into effect. Then thetemporary person in charge of Finances (Currently in the Ministry ofEnvironment) signed the aforementioned project agreement on 24December 2010.45) The agreement stated that 30% of the total contracted amount($166,500) was to be disbursed as a deposit upon entering into theagreement (24 December 2010), 30% of the total contracted amount($166,500) of was to be disbursed upon receiving the midway report,and the remaining 40% of the total contracted amount ($222,000)was to be disbursed upon the receipt of the final report and financialreport.
(166,500달러)를,중간보고서 수령시점(2011.1. 30.)에중도 금으로 계약금액의30%(166,500달러)를,최종보고서와 재정보고서 수령시점(2011.2. 28.까지)에나머지 잔금40%(222,000달러)를 각각 지급하기로 계약
46)위 기관에서는***에서착수금 지급을 요청하거나 중간보46) The aforementioned organization stated that *** did not request adeposit or submit a midway report but the aforementioned고서를 제출하지는 않았으나 현지에 위 기관의 직원을 파견하organization managed the project by dispatching a staff from theaforementioned organization to the field.여 사업에 대한 관리는 하였다고 답변47)위 기관에서는 이에 대해 계약서에 명시된 성과물의 제출47) The aforementioned organization stated that due to insufficientresults submitted as stipulated on the agreement, the aforementioned이 미비하여 계약금을 지급하지 않고 있다가 이후가 보organization did not disburse the contracted amount. However when완된 최종보고서를 제출하자2012. 6. 22.착수금과 중도금으로*** submitted a supplemented final report, the amount of approx.$333,000 was disbursed as a deposit and midway disbursement with33만 3천달러를 지급하면서 잔금은 제출된 보고서를 다시a notice that the final disbursement was to be disbursed upon further한번 보완한 후 지급하기로 하고2012. 10. 31.현재 이에 대한supplementation to the submitted report. The supplementation to thesubmitted report has been completed as of now and the final보완작업이 완료되어 잔금(22만2천달러)을지급할 예정이라disbursement of ($222,000) is scheduled to be disbursed.고 답변
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONUnofficial English translation48) GGGI에서는 **(Research Director), **대에서는 BB(교수)48) Discussed by Research Director *** from GGGI, and Professor** from ** University협의49)전력 철강 시멘트 등6개부문의 에너지 소비량과 이산화49) Excel program calculating the cost of energy expenditure andreduction of carbon dioxide emissions in 6 areas (electric, cement,탄소 배출 감축량을 계산하고 서로 다른 기술들의 한계 저감steel, etc.) and compare the Marginal Abatement Cost Estimation of비용 비교를 위한 엑셀 프로그램(Toolfor Marginal Abatement different technologies (comprised of Tool for Marginal Abatementcost and Manual of Tool for MAC)Cost)과매뉴얼(Manualof Tool for MAC)로구성50)운영위원회는GGGI내부 팀장(Director)급 이상이 참여하50) Management Committee is a GGGI organ, comprised of GGGIemployees above Director level, to discuss detailed operations of theGGGI의구체적인 운영을 논의하는 기구GGGI51)위 용역사업 계약서에 따르면 사업 종료와 함께 경비 집51) According to the aforementioned agreement, financial report wasto be received from ** university in order to check the proper행의 적정성을 확인하기 위한 재정보고서를**대로부터받기execution of expenses after the termination of the project.로 되어 있음52)3인은각각“GGGI의녹색성장 지원 프로젝트 수행을52) The aforementioned three people each performed “Research onclimate change adaptation related to national strategy to support the지원하기 위한 기후변화 대응 관련 정보 및 국가정책에 대한GGGI’s implementing projects supporting Green Growth (A)”,연구(갑)”,“GGGI의녹색성장 지원프로젝트 수행을 지원하기“Research on policy and issues related to developing and promotingrenewable energy to support the GGGI’s implementing projects위한 신재생에너지 개발 및 진흥에 관련된 사항 및 정책에 대supporting Green Growth (B)”, “Research on Green Growth Planning한 연구(을)”,“GGGI의녹색성장 지원 프로젝트 수행을 지원and Implementation to support the GGGI’s implementing projectssupporting Green Growth (C)”하기 위한 녹색성장 계획 수립등에 관한 제반 사항에 대한 연구(병)”를 수행함53)위 사업의 계약서는 일반적인 연구용역(servicecontract)53) The term “outsourcing agreement” is used as the aforementionedagreement is not a standard “service contract” but an “agreement”,태가 아니라 합의서(agreement) 형태로 되어 있으나 합의 내용with grants having to be given for the report to be submitted.은 대금지불(grant)을 하고 보고서를 받는 형식으로 되어 있어이하“용역계약”으로표현54)위 기관에서는2011. 3. 31.에야 GGGI조달규정 을 제정54) The aforementioned organization the GGGI ProcurementKorean footnote
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnoteUnofficial English translationRegulation as of 31 March 2011
55)위 기관에서는 당시 이사회에 구성원이었던♤♤♤♤ ♤55) The aforementioned organization stated that ** and *** alongwith other foreign Board members involved in the founding of the♤,***등위 기관 설립작업에 참여했던 외부인사들이 위 기관aforementioned organization, stated their suggestion that to have초기 실적 창출과 다른 공여국의 참여를 확보하기 위해서는initial results and expand contributing members, it was advantageousto initially leverage the experience of XX and ***. This suggestions초기에◉◉와***의경험을 활용하는 것이 유리하다는 의견을was then approved by the Board of Directors이사회에서 개진하여 위 사업 추진을 이사회가 승인한 것으로답변56)당시GGGI의재무책임자였던♣♣♣(현환경부▥▥▥▥관)56) *** (currently in the Ministry of Environment), who was at thetime in charge of the finances in GGGI, decided not to sign the은 계약 조건으로서 브라질 정부의 공식적인 사업 요청이 없agreement, due to lack of text in the agreement that, there was indeed었고 위 사업의 실제 수행자인***에비용과 관련된 증빙을an official request for a project from the Brazilian Government, andthat the proper documents for the expenses for **, who was at that요구하지 않는다는 표현이 포함되어 있어 불합리한 규정이라time the actual manager of the aforementioned project, was required.판단하여 계약서에 서명을 하지 않은 것이라고 확인함57)이에 대하여 위 기관에서는◉◉가수원국(브라질)의 공식사57) In this regard, the aforementioned organization stated that, when** requested to the Board of Directors to request to the recipient업요청서를 조속히 제출할 것이며 착수금을 지급해줄 것을 요country (Brazil) to submit an official letter requesting a project and청하자“2010년 10월미국 뉴욕,2011년 1월멕시코 칸쿤에서support the deposit of the project. “The Board of Directors during theBoard of Directors meeting in New York, USA on October 2010 and개최된 주요 이사진 미팅(⃟의장, 이사***등 참석)에서Cancun, Mexico on January 2011 decided to proceed disbursementwithout signature (participated by Chair and Board of Directors ***,서명과 관계없이 대금을 지급하기로 하였다”고 답변etc.)”58)◒◒◒◒개발은행(이하“◒◒◒◒”라한다)에서 발주하여 위 기관58) According to agreement of the Kazakhstan National GreenGrowth Plan project (1 January 2011- 1 July 2012) provided by ****이 수행하고 있는 사업(2011.6. 8. Kazakhstan National Green Development Bank (hereinafter “****”) and carried out by theGrowth Plan, 2011. 1. 1. ~ 2012. 7. 1.)의 경우 계약서상에 명기된aforementioned organization, prior approval is required to replaceconsultants, along with use of designated accounts to track the컨설턴트 교체 시 문서로서 사전승인을 받도록 함은 물론 용contracted amount, in order to submit detailed transactional역대금의 사용내역을 확인할 수 있도록 사업진행시 지정된 계information.좌로만 거래하며 세부 거래내역을 제출하도록 되어 있음
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONUnofficial English translation59)◉◉가위 기관에 제출한 재정보고서의 내용에 따르면 인도59) According to the financial report submitted to the aforementionedorganization by **, in regards to Indonesia Project Team expenses,네시아 사업팀의 경비사용 내역을 보면, 계약서에 명시 된 연the 113 of 156 flight expenses are disbursed for Samad Iskandar and구자가 아닌Samad Iskandar, Chai Rea Gan에게지급된 항공료Chai Rea Gan, who are not the researcher(s) as stated in theagreement.가 전체156건113건을차지60)◒◒◒◒에서GGGI에발주한 사업에서는 항공료의 경우 탑승60) The agreement on the project given to GGGI by ***, states thatthe flight ticket stubs is to be provided as supplementary권까지 증빙으로 제출하도록 명시documentation.61)◉◉는위 연구용역과 별도로2011. 9. 30. GGGI와 MOU를 61) *** entered into a MOU with the GGGI on 30 September 2011separately, to contribute over $3,000,000 worth of resources in order체결, 신생 조직인GGGI의설립을 지원하기 위해3,000,000달 to support the establishment of GGGI as a newly formed러 이상의 자원을 제공하는 것으로 하였는데,◉◉에서는이의organization. As part of this activity, *** claimed the expenses usedfor the activities of 3 professionals (C,D,E) who were working on the일환으로 활동한 전문가3인(C, D, E)의 활동에 소요된 경비said project, as outsourcing agreement project expenses.를 위 연구용역 프로젝트 비용으로 청구62) GGGI에서제출한 자료에 따르면 위 사업과“에티오피아 62) According to the document submitted by the GGGI, theaforementioned “Ethiopia Household Irrigation Technologies”소규모 관개기술 개발계획” 이외에***를통해 수행하였거나project and other projects carried out or currently being carried out by수행하고 있는 사업은“Low-carbon, green growth program work *** such as “Low-carbon, green growth program work in Ethiopiaand Indonesia (16 Feb 2011- 30 June 2011, $3,375,000)", “Ethiopiain Ethipia and Indonesia(2011.2. 16. ~ 2011. 6. 30., 3,375,000달러)",Country Program, Phase(1 June 2011- 15May 2012, EURO“Ethiopia Country Program, PhaseⅡ(2011.6. 1. ~ 2012. 5. 15., 900,000), “Indonesia Country Program”, Phase(1 June 2011 –900,000유로), “Indonesia Country Program”, PhaseⅡ(2011.6. 1. ~ 30 June 2012, $1,080,000), “Brazil Country Program, PhaseⅡ(15October 2011 – 21 December 2011, $450,000)” but do not fall under2012. 6. 30. 1,080,000달러),“Brazil Country Program, PhaseKorean contributions but instead Danish or other foreign(2011. 10. 15. ~ 2011. 12. 21., 450,000달러)”등이 있으나 위 사업contributions.은 우리나라 정부지원예산이 아니라 덴마크 등 타국 기여금에서 집행하는 것으로 답변Korean footnote
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONKorean footnote63)위 기관에서는 인테리어, 증축 및 녹색테마 공사와 관련하여 당초 업체들로부터 받기로 한 기부금10억원을 받지 못해 배정받은 예산보다 초과 지출하게 되었다고 답변64) 2011년수립한 전략계획서에 따르면2014년전체 인력은168명으로사무실 면적이 협소하다는 사유 등으로 녹색성장위원회에서2012. 10. 2.국무회의에 위 기관 이전계획을 보고65)한국국제협력단 회계규정 시행세칙 제108조 제1항의 규정에 따르면 계약담당자 등은 수의계약을 하고자 할 때에는2명이상의 견적서를 받도록 규정Unofficial English translation63) The aforementioned organization stated that the costs went overbudget due to the donor organizations not providing their promisedcontributions of KRW 100 billion in regards to the interiorrenovation, extension of the building and the “green themed”construction.64) According to the 2011 strategic plan, as the total staff by 2014was forecasted to be 168 people, the Presidential Committee forGreen Growth reported to the Cabinet Meeting on 2 October 2012, aplan to re-locate the office of the aforementioned organization as thepremise was too confined.65) According to the Korea International Cooperation Agency(KOICA) Financial Rules Article 108, clause 1, when entering aoptional agreement, one must receive cost estimates from more thantwo people.
66) 2010. 6. 21.과같은 해8. 25.각각 사업자 등록 및 실내건66) 21 June 2010 and 25 August 2010, the GGGI registered for acorporate registration number and interior renovation registration but축공사업 등록을 하였는바, 녹색테마 공사를 추진하기 시작한when the construction started for the “green themed” construction in2010년 5월경(날짜모름)에는 실체가 없었고 시공실적도 없었May 2010 (date unknown), there is no record of it.67) 1. Chair Room창틀 뒤틀림,2.자동환기시스템 테스트 필요,67)1. Chair’s twisted window3. Chair Room전동스크린 문제,4.전동스크린과 다른 시스템2. Testing required for automatic ventilation system의 연동 문제,5.전열교환 환기시스템 테스트 필요,6.연못의3. Malfunctioning electric screen in Chair’s room4. Malfunctioning electric screen with other systems방수와 물 흐름에 대한 시험,7.Chair Room창호와 벽의 틈 문5. Testing required for heat recovery ventilation system6. Testing required for sealed eco-pond and flow of water제,8.연못의 파이프 노출 등7. Trouble with gap between Chair’s room and window8. Exposure of eco-pond pipe
UNOFFICIAL TRANSLATIONUnofficial English translation68)위 기관에서는2010년 8월경최초 사무실 가구 구매시68) When purchasing furniture for the office, the aforementionedorganization only received one cost estimate from **** business on❏❏❏❏1개업체로부터만 견적서를 받았으나2011년 1월August 2010. However when purchasing additional furniture for무실 확장을 위해 추가 구매시3개업체로부터 견적서를 제출office expansion on January 2011, the aforementioned organizationreceived cost estimates from 3 different businesses.받음69)에너지 절약공사(이중외피시스템, 전동스크린, 전열교환69) Energy efficient construction (Double skin facade system,electronic screen, heat recovery ventilation system, replacement to환기 시스템,LED전등 교체, 태양열 발전패널, 광덕트 설치)LED lighting, solar thermal powered panel and installation of와 그린이미지 향상 공사(하이브리드 가로등, 생태연못, 옥상daylight duct) and “green themed” construction (hybrid lightinggenerator system, eco-pond, rooftop landscaping, utilization system조경, 우수활용시스템 설치 공사)로 구성etc. )70)하이브리드 가로등은 태양광 및 풍력으로 생산된 전력을70) Hybrid lighting generator system uses the solar thermal energyand wind energy to produce electricity but it was not connected, and이용하는 것인데 전력이 연결되지 않았을 뿐만 아니라 가로등the light was not installed.에 등도 설치되지 않았음Korean footnote